Colludium's Forum Posts

  • What error does it report and when - before start, during installation, when you try and open a project?

    If you have uninstalled it and then tried to reinstall it and then found a problem then it might have a corrupted asset that was left behind - some files like your projects are left behind to give you continuity of experience when you uninstall it. After uninstall, did you delete some remaining files using explorer? Try installing it again and then use free version to run the uninstall - but back up the project files! I would start with the normal setting and select delete everything left behind. It should allow you to do a completely clean install.

    If these don't work you could try posting a problem here I can't think of any more to suggest you try... i hope something here works!

  • Are you running the latest version of the XDK? I only ask because I had the same problem with the previous version and the new one fixed it. Having said that, deleting assets that some of the code is going to refer to is not going to end well....

  • Weird - I actually had the opposite experience only yesterday! I wanted to try the xdk export to make another comparison with phonegap. My game worked in the emulator but gave a white screen on android - very disappointing but then I noticed the update icon. That fixed it, i have no idea why. Reasonable performane on my mobile as well...

    How is it broken for you?

  • Have a look at the CB Hash plugin You can save your data alongside a security md5 - if either are tampered with then they won't match and you can choose to reject the saved data.

  • Raiper341 / fundation2000,

    Try this example, it might help:

    I put it together to demonstrate how to position HUD objects for different aspect ratios but the principle will still apply to help you, I think (hope). It uses an object with the scroll-to behavior to put the camera view away from the edge of the layout - in cocoonjs this should make the zoom appear symmetrical about the middle of your screen.

    Edit - just looked at the date of the OP - d'oh!

  • OK - thanks ASHLEY.

  • delgado - that's the one!

    To me it seems that there's quite a lot of CPU effort going into running the Engine event sheet, but it's impossible to identify the culprit without breaking that sheet's events down further. So as to isolate which areas of your code are causing the CPU the most work, you'll need to add Groups to each chunk of code in that sheet. The profile will then show the percentage CPU being used for each Group so you can then see with more detail what's causing the CPU so much work.

    If some of your layout animation / controls are for off screen objects then the next step could be to disable those Groups until the player is nearby and they are needed. It might be that there's a lot of control work going on that doesn't need to be done all the time - you might even find that there's a bug or two in your code that way (that's usually what happens to me!).

  • delgado - how does the Profile view look in the debugger? The areas of code with the biggest demands on your cpu will be shown in the profile and will indicate where you're best trying to streamline your code. If you are using any webgl shader effects in cocoonjs then they will kill your performance as well (I set my project up to use them on a sprite font... a simple color shader reduced performance by 30 fps ).

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  • Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run Layout 1 in Debug using Node Webkit

    2. Select full screen

    3. Note - Debug : Profile : Draw Calls (for me it's approx 74%)

    4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 but in a browser - draw calls show normal (for me < 1%)

    Observed result:

    I had been testing in Chrome with no problems (r163) - the display scales up from 450 to 1080 with smooth 60 fps. When tested on Node Webkit significant stuttering was observed due to poor display refresh rate. A little investigation showed that Node was using up a lot of resource making the draw calls. Is this a Node Webkit bug or is it a bug in C2? I did a search of the forums and couldn't find any other reports of something like this.

    Expected result:

    Node Webkit should perform the same as the Chrome browser - smooth 60 fps when scaled up with such a simple layout.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:Windows 7 family edition

    W7 SP1 x64

    • Post link icon

    Might have to start learning Python....

  • Doc Ai, are you sure? When I went to the account setup it did ask for a password, but I thought that was for the new account....

  • Right click on a sub-condition and add local variable. You can't add them to a top level condition - that would make them a global variable...

  • I've just put a mobile physics game on hold because of this collision slowdown - I was planning to use CJS for android/ios but I found that the game hesitated on a collision for just a few ticks, as if the physics engine couldn't readily cope. I removed all events associated with collision triggers/tests to see the physics engine in action and it continued to happen - I now don't think I will be able to use physics for mobile (desktop was good, though).

    I also found that torque or impulse/force events gave different results depending on the mobile handset I tested on (S2, G1 and toshiba tablet - all different - I remember your previous force problem question). So not only was the game visually disappointing but the game play was different on each device. The same variations were apparent when trying over wifi on android chrome... Sorry - it's a bit of a whinge and not a solution to your problem AnD4D, but I can't think of a way to optimize further. Using the debugger, were any event groups showing a particularly large drain on CPU use - might be worth trying to focus on those..??

  • I don't know why it does it but I can confirm that I see the same effect in the layout editor - the sprite font appears backwards. Take the effect away or run the layout and it appears fine....