Colludium's Forum Posts

  • Arima / stefanos - gents, that wasn't aimed at you! Arima, I thought your responses were particularly well balanced and reflected my own views, especially page 2 - I don't think I would have been quite so polite or eloquent if I had tried to say the same!

    This is my second go at writing this post because the stupid editor logged me out and deleted my text (wft? twice in one day!) .

    I re-read the thread and I don't think I can support my assertion that anyone appeared to show a lack of appreciation. Neck - winding in.... Perhaps I suffer from having too much empathy with Ashley because we were all out to criticize his baby and his business decisions.

    However, I really do think it's important to talk about C2's shortcomings. Especially those areas where the Scirra website front page assertions differ somewhat from C2's true capabilities. I just hope to avoid being slain by accusations that it's my coding technique that is the only thing between me now and me making a bad piggies android clone...

  • spongehammer - LOL - couldn't agree more!

  • This ‘help’ thing will work as long as it doesn't take the form of a winking paperclip....

    I had a massive diatribe written earlier but it got deleted by the editor (aarrgghh!!). Here’s the short version of my thoughts, it won’t surprise many….

    - I bought C2 because I wanted to make android and iOS games; that’s what it said on the tin…

    - Huge disappointment at discovering that mobile export is really an apparently continuous beta program – cocoonjs, phonegap, intel xdk (now agi?), and now crosswalk (no iOS – really? Pity...).

    - But C2 editor is light years ahead of the competition. I mean, it is really very good. I can still make games (for browser / node) and the process is pleasurable. I have mostly recovered from the poor mobile performance/export problem because the editor is so good.

    I think all of the optimization comments are valid but only to a point. I recall using Corona SDK not even a year ago to make a trial android apk to run on my trusty old Samsung S2 with dozens of physics balls all bouncing around at 60 fps on a complex ground shape while using the accelerometer to 'tilt' gravity – with no collision stuttering (I think it began to slow at well over 100 objects, but that might be my memory selecting a rose tint); that is something that is just not possible using C2 – I would like to be proven wrong and I defy anyone to produce a demo to counter this observation. Code optimization can improve a 'first stab' or beginner event sheet for sure, but the relative slowness of JavaScript when ported to mobiles is, IMO, a fact that I feel is being denied only to quiet those who criticize C2’s mobile performance. This video is a year old but it makes the point about C2’s JavaScript performance when wrapped using (old, admittedly) cocoonjs:

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    . How awful was that old cocoonjs splash? But at least it didn’t flicker…

    I feel kind of sorry for Ashley - unappreciated by some as a one man coding guru and he's probably wearing his fingers out making an awesome browser based game engine. The lack of mobile support made me a little unhappy at first but I've gotten over that now and I recognize that what we get in terms of browser game development massively offsets the mobile limitations. And all of this for one payment - no annual rental plan required!! That doesn’t seem to get much of a mention but it carries a lot of weight for me because at the end of the day I’m still an amateur and my rate of productivity cannot justify an annual subscription.

  • To upload to iTunes Connect you need to use the XCode Application Loader, whether you compile long-hand in XCode, use PhoneGap or CocoonJS. You could do this via a virtual Mac if you're very patient and know your way around OSX well enough to be able to configure it to your needs. Or (as I did after trying option 1) you could buy a cheap old MacBook Pro on eBay instead....

    There is no way to load to iTunes without using the Application Loader, unfortunately - Apple have been very careful to ensure you need to buy one of their products for this purpose. If you do elect to buy one, just make sure you can install XCode 5 - ie you need OSX 10.8 or newer so you can compile for iOS7; there are some hardware limitations with older systems that will prevent you from installing 10.8 (all designed by Apple I cynically suspect to ensure you have to keep upgrading....). I think you can get away with using 10.7 and XCode 4.6 with cocoonjs compiled projects, but I wouldn't bet a couple of hundred dollars on it - get the newest system you can afford.

  • Do you have 'use mouse input' in the touch object set to yes? That can sometimes return 2 separate triggers in my experience...

  • I agree - one button to post a game-advertising screen shot is WAY better than just posting a bit of text or even asking the player if they wouldn't mind taking a screen shot, cropping it and then uploading it themselves....

  • The last I read on the forums about this was that the purchase restore only would work providing the app wasn't uninstalled and you save the data in webstorage - ie it didn't work properly. I've seen no other news - maybe someone has more info? I am hoping that the next plugin will fix this.

  • You would probably have to enter into some sort of commercial contract with Ludei to remove that awful flickering logo. I don't know if it's possible (for them commercially yet) or, if it is, how much their fee would be.

    I guess they only tested their wrapper on a Samsung S2 - my old phone which I use for testing - when a cocoonjs wrapped app starts up on that phone the icon never flickers.... Weird.

  • GameThirsty, I agree that Crosswalk will probably become the export option of choice for big games on android, as long as you don't mind the file size! And I share your frustration with Ludei's lack of recent support. After a strong start they became distracted with other markets - hopefully the forthcoming plugin update that they mentioned on facebook a couple of weeks ago will open up more options for us (game center, leaderboards, facebook etc).

    If you're interested in monetizing then I think iOS access is more important than android. Although I do this as a hobby and only have a couple of apps on both stores, their sale rate on iOS is about 5x that of on android (5x not very much, mind!). A couple are made using cocoonjs and a couple using phonegap (screen image quality no so well rendered, but the build process is as easy as it is with cocoonjs).

    My frustrations also lie with the philosophy behind the design of C2. I think it was envisaged to become the most accessible and powerful web game making tool and I think it's well on the way, if not leading the pack, for 2D games. Sadly for me I would like to make app games for mobiles and this has not yet been put as a priority of the team. So, I have to make do - but all is not lost! I'm also keeping an eye on the old app-mobi intel xdk option - as that matures and hand-sets continue to get more powerful it might prove to be the better way onto iOS, and cocoonjs will then become a distant bad relationship memory...

  • The Intel chaps have been very engaged and that’s really great...

    ...but Crosswalk ≠ access to iOS. Aside from the massive file size, that fact really makes it an interesting but inadequate export alternative to cocoonjs in my book. Just my opinion.

  • Problem Description

    Microsoft XBox360 Gamepad.RawAxis(Gamepad, 0 or 1) returns in the range -1 to 1 whereas the manual states -100 to 100. The Gamepad.Axis returns correctly.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    This capx displays on screen the values from Gamepad.RawAxis and Gamepad.Axis for comparison.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1. Run capx in Chrome, press a button on XBox gamepad to register it.
    • Step 2. Make a full deflection input in x or y direction on analog input control.
    • Step 3. Observe the Textbox indications of RawAxis and Axis values for analog input 0 and 1.

    Observed Result

    The RawAxis values range from -1 to 1 and the Axis values range from -100 to 100.

    Expected Result

    The manual states that the RawAxis values should range from -100 to 100.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO - gamepad controller not recognised)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO - gamepad controller not recognised)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    W7 x64 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r163. I tried it on r146 with the same result.

  • OK, here's a quick update: I've uninstalled /reinstalled the xbox360 driver and the error is still present....

  • Hurrah!

  • Dear all,

    Could someone with a Microsoft Gamepad please have a look at this :

    I am integrating a gamepad input control and had everything working as per the manual a week ago (then no testing during the week). Then unexpectedly I found that the controller had stopped working... A little investigation and it appears that the returned RawAxis value (for axis 0 and axis 1) is in the range 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 100. However, the returned Axis value is in the range 0 to 100, even though the only difference between them should be a null zone around the center....

    The only thing I've changed is I bought a genuine Microsoft gamepad to replace the rather shoddy and cheap one I had from ebay previously. On plugging it into my system, Windows updated its drivers... and I suspect that the problem might lie here. Before I go messing with my system, I would really appreciate a second look using r163 to see if it's a bug in C2 (slim chance I know, but I would like to eliminate it first) or to confirm the worst - that I will have to start uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers .


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  • You're checking the X position of the tiled background object but moving it in the Y direction... Just swap those and you'll be away.