CodesMahoney's Forum Posts

  • What I'm saying is that I see absolutely nothing in Construct 2 when I'm testing, no test boxes where a banner should be, no nothing. Are you saying I should only see something when i export the app to android and build with Intel XDK?

  • Just updated to R184,


      setup my admob account copied in the id's added the admobs object set on start of layout to show banner ad nothing happens

    I then:

      set an interstitial ad preloaded on layout start set to show once the game is over nothing happens.

    I've tried overlap on/off, i've tried test on/off, i've tried w/ ids and w/o ids.

    I can think of nothing more i can do.

    I've tested in chrome and IE 11, i see no console errors, and I see no issues in debug console.

    I do see the admobs object in the debug window, but there's not much info to gleen from it.

    Anyone have any ideas?

  • Jetpack Jimmy — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>A near production ready physics puzzle game meant for Facebook that talks to a backend API, complete with a LEVEL EDITOR, Custom Leaderboard, json levels, zone selection carousel and lots of other great features that make this an awesome project to kick start any game.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Jetpack Jimmy

  • I figured out the issue... it was a browser extension (Lastpass) preventing any sort of cross site activity.

  • I noticed I am getting this same type of error in development mode as well.

  • I've created a game which i host on MS Azure websites. I hooked the app up to facebook and it works... I have a backend API which i send data to and from. That all works well but I went though the appdashboard process on facebook and got denied, it turns out am getting Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors. See pic below.


    I tried sending a web.config file with my construct2 app with the following custom headers but that seems to blow up the app completely.



    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />

    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />

    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" />



    I am running via HTTPS and have a verisign cert on the webserver so i dont think this is a protocol mismatch issue... I'm just lost at what to try next and unfortunately this is a pretty specific error and I'm not sure if anyone is going to be able to help much. If you have any thoughts I'd love to hear them... my forehead is getting pretty flat from beating my head against the wall. TY.

  • it looks like there's some decent info here: ... 81215.aspx

    they give an example of the default.html page being referenced as ms-appx:///default.html

    so maybe that is what could be used as your canvas url in your facebook app page... have not tried this, but I will sometime soonish.

  • I too would like to know. In order to use the facebook plugin you need to create a facebook app and you need to populate the canvas URL, but what url does a packaged windows 8 desktop use behind the scenes.

  • sent you a msg.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I sent over an email friday, just in case you didn't get it. Ty

  • .Net developer, C2 Programmer, C2 Plugin tinkerer, looking for Graphic artist / animator / UI Designer. A tall order perhaps.

    1-2 years ago I started a project that I called Jetpack Jimmy (before jetpack joyride became so famous). I spent 3-4 months on it and it was my first C2 project. I was nearly finished and ready for production, when I had a hard drive issue and the file became corrupt and I had no backups. (a mistake you only make once). The first version was written horribly inefficiently so I took some time off for a while and have recently gotten crazy recharged to get Version 2 finished and out the door (a completel rewrite). I would say I'm probably one third of the way done, I've done all of the programming and a lot of the graphic work msyelf, but I would like to focus soley on the programming and tech side, e.g. cloud Hosting, deployment, Api writing, c2 programming.

    I'm looking for a weekend warrior like myself who is willing to go gangbusters on the art side of things, and would be willing to use skype/dropbox. Hoping to find someone who can match the current comic style but add a more professional look to the UI and animations.

    I have a pretty decent monetization plan for the game and will be going to facebook first, and possibly mobile frameworks thereafter, I have quite a bit of experience with cloud hosting on windows azure so I feel I can make the proper adjustments to handle scale if the game gets enough traffic.

    I do own a "Very" small business and would like to work with someone on a contract basis "keep track of your hours" and setup a payment plan that is contingent upon profitability, We can talk in more detail if you are truly interested.

    Here is a quick vid of what the intial game looked like (V1)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    and here is where V2 currently sits.

  • thought I'd follow that request up with a screencap an example i have from one of the tutorials. This is similar to how i'm doing my level editor too. You can see in the load function it gets a little crazy when creating each object by type. when it would be much cleaner to create the objects by naming conventions. If it's even possible


  • I'm not really a big forum veteran so hopefully I'm not stepping on toes creating this topic, but some very basic searching around and couldn't find a good place to submit enhancement requests. So, in true enhancement request fashion I thought I'd throw one out there.

    I keep hitting a decent use case for some sort of CreateObject by name functionality. I am working on a level editor and have a name property on my objects but I still end up creating a big giant "select" with each line comparing == "name x" then CreateObject.

    Just a thought... might not be possible.

  • ya know, that was a fun little game... hit 143 my first run. That little bird doesnt give up.

  • also experiencing this same problem. Is there a way to setup a local signalling server perhaps using node.js. I've was surfing around and found but not knowledgable enough with WebRTC to really know if that is necessary or not.