CodesMahoney's Forum Posts

  • sorry, i can't resist.

    Animmaniac, your example would have been better as:

    "below is an example of tracking"

    T_h_i_s_ _i_s_ _S_P_A_R_T_A_!_!_!

    it may not be very hard to make a real simple one, but then maintaining it is a pain, its very hacky to add a line or two here and there all over your project to output debug text.

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    I'm going to dropkick all these multiplayer voters. (I'll wear flip-flops, so it doesn't hurt quite as much, but you still get the point)

    Yes it would be great to have multiplayer, but you have to weigh it against what you'd NOT be getting! We might be able to get 2-3-4 of these other features in place of all the time spent on trying to hack together a multiplayer plugin. Please think about that before you vote.

    I love to see this list, because it means Scirra knows exactly what areas I think they should be focusing on.

    Debugger is a must - I hand rolled my own quazi debug window, but a native solution would take the framework to the next level, it should be a priority before pretty much anything else.

    Modularity is key as well, any improvement in this area will be big for construct users and depending on how it's done could really help people working in small teams.

  • I'm going to reply to myself :)

    I did get past the account creation, I was able to get an account setup, a game added, an API key created. I think the issue was chrome was blocking popups so i just wasn't being notified.

  • is having issues? I've been trying to create an account for a while now and keep getting a "maximum request" error.

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