codah's Forum Posts

  • Search 'openssl warning' in the forums and you'll find several threads talking about it. No point repeating it all here But you should be able to rebuild to get rid of the warning by choosing crosswalk version 'beta' (crosswalk 10).

  • Sample I did some time ago.

  • codah I try mke 2 similiar group of events first is with use 2 slots and second is with use 4 slots. This second with 4 slots cant work if first group of events is enabled but when i toggle disable, works.

    That's getting too complicated. Try this

  • Of course, go for it

  • codah hurray! its working finally i make few tests and working fine!

    Codah if i want make this but for three animations i just must change Slot.PickedCount2 to Slot.PickedCount3 right? and copy subevent condition of course

    hmm if you want the user to select 3 objects to make the final object, then yes.

    To be honest I would probably introduce a variable or two, as needed, and not try and do everything in one big event/subevent group. But if it's working, good. (I removed the Sprite.PickedCount=1 check in my last version because they are probably unnecessary if you cannot have more than 1 of the same object type in different slots).

  • codah you are so kind, I appreciate your review and will accommodate same.

    [quote:2b613x2r]It's a bit hard to see the difference in colour between the 'found' words and the not found words.

    I feel game should have some difficulty to encourage user to play more, if I make it simple then people will loose interest and uninstall after 3-4 play.

    [quote:2b613x2r]a question though, do you generate your puzzles or are they fixed?

    I am using 4 different array randomly to frame all generated words.

    I think the difficulty of finding the words in the puzzle is adequate. I meant the words on the left side that track the found/not found words. But anyway, just my opinion.

    ok thanks for the info.

  • I don't have r194 just yet so I didn't open the file.

    Try this modification. We have to keep checking for overlapping the marker after 'resetting' the picking by 'pick all'.


    edit: I've also made some other 'enhancements'. You can now remove the marker, and re-create it, thus creating more of sprite 'z'

  • You can't possibly expect Ashley to respond to this, it is just your misunderstanding about C2.

    Anyway, after looking at your video I think I might understand what you're trying to do. Have a look at the capx and see if it's 'close' to what you're after. It's not the only solution and probably not the best.


    My understanding is this:

    You have 1 sprite type 'x', with (at least) 2 animations

    You want to create a 3rd sprite 'z', based on these conditions:

    1. User selects sprite instance 'x1' and a marker is placed on it to indicate selection.

    2. User then selects sprite instance 'x2' and a marker is also placed on it to indicate selection.

    IF sprite 'x1' is playing animation 'y1' AND sprite 'x2' is playing animation 'y2' THEN create sprite 'Z'

    You can substitute 'y1' as'sticks', 'y2' as 'flints' and 'z' as fireplace

  • Well done on the downloads. I just gave you another one

    Some points if I may..

    I suggest you make it use up the whole screen. On my 16:9 device I get black bars down the sides. There are some good tutorials on this. (The banner ad is off centre too).

    The initial screen had some confusing words placed over the help text.

    Sometimes duplicate words can be in the list, and it won't let me choose the second one.

    At least once it took me to the next level even though there were some words left.

    It's a bit hard to see the difference in colour between the 'found' words and the not found words.

    The music is kind of loud and sudden.

    Your app store listing shows 3 identical screen shots. I suggest you use a different one for each screen size in your app listing.

    Always look to improve

    edit: a question though, do you generate your puzzles or are they fixed?

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  • You should have a scan of the manual, there is 'persistent' behaviour, plus different options for saving game state, some quite new.

  • There's nothing terribly wrong with that. Depends on how you expect your project to grow, i.e. will you eventually have 100 stars, etc. Perhaps give all stars an ID on creation (or use their IID) and use this ID as an index into an array that has the number of planets for each star. Might be overkill at the moment but as you add more info to your stars you can just add another 'x' value for each star. Also you can load/save as JSON file, etc. and even create the file offline in some editor. I'm not sure if I'd go down the database path just yet (C2 doesn't really have it's own db as such) but it depends on the aims of your project. Welcome to C2.

  • heh. Played it through. Had a bit of trouble with the elevator but eventually got it right

  • I think you're misunderstanding how conditions work

    Do this. And the section on 'picking'. It's essential.

    edit: if you can write some pseudocode, it might help

    e.g. IF this OR this THEN do this ELSE do something

  • I've made a little test with a new project:


    the "inc" variable should stop at 9 but it continues to be incremented by 1.

    What's wrong here ?

    I answered this for you in another thread.

  • If I use a loop:

    for x from 1 to 4

    and I have a subevent below it

    how does the flow go?

    Is it executing the parent's event 4 times, then it goes to the subevent?

    or every x it will execute the parent and the subevent?


    If I use WHILE condition and other condition,

    is it the same if I use WHILE with a subevent?

    Having subevents under a loop doesn't alter the way the subevents work, they are just repeatedly executed as per the loop conditions.