codah's Forum Posts

  • I've been getting this forever, don't think I've posted on it before. If I have the SetColor effect on a spritefont object, and turn on effects previewing in the editor, I sometimes get some or all of the text skewed:


    All text should be straight and in line with line 1 (which appears to be ok).

    Is this a known issue? It looks fine when I run the app. Pretty sure it's not just spritefont but other object types too.

    edit: if I scroll-zoom in or out, or sometimes if I click around the layout, I can get it to go away for a while

    also no other effects are on the objects or the layer, etc.

  • >

    > I was going to suggest that except it works for me which is strange.


    Yeah, but in your screenshots, his font looks completely different than yours. So he's probably using some font that you don't have, so yours defaults to a different one that happens to fit in the box.

    hey yeah

    edit: well actually I don't think he had posted his screenie before

  • I'd guess it's the font you're using and the size of your font box. The number is probably just going outside your font box and getting cut off. Try a different font or a bigger box.

    Down with text, up with Spritefont!

    I was going to suggest that except it works for me which is strange.

  • Thats really strange! I've got no number displayed for some reason while it works for you?

    For me it simply just says "Health: "

    Perhaps I need to re-install construct?

    well.. that's kind of extreme but it's up to you. I'd try a new project with a text object, or one of the sample, and see if it works.

    try the one I saved:


  • Here's one I made two years ago:

    Way more parts, but then it was an experiment.

    very nice, even runs fine on my phone with touch <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ok if I find something to use it in? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

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  • well done, a good selection

  • I'm getting AdMob ads so it must be your project. There's no way we can know what's wrong because we can't see your C2 or XDK project. I could only repeat the same old suggestions as you can already find.. sorry :/

  • I did take a peek but I'll have a better look soon

  • no worries neighbour

  • Yes. Picking an object by UID is pretty fundamental and the link I posted above has the details.

    edit: the yes is for the first part of the question. The second part is 'no', but see below for how to do it.

    If you have two different sprite types then you'll need to add them to a Family, then pick Family by UID in the function.

    If I get a sec I'll do a capx.

    edit: hope this helps. You'll see if you select Sprite1, then try and change it's size using ResizeASprite2() function, it won't resize (same with Sprite2 and ResizeASprite1()). If you use the ResizeSpriteByFamily() function you can click either type and it will still work.


    edit: tiny update to capx so you can keep resizing until the cows come home

  • Good job, the hardest thing in any development is just to finish something. I like the look, would be better with the sound files I'm sure. I'd probably like the score to go up faster, i.e. the longer you last rather than for each spawned enemy. Well done.

  • Careful to not breach Google policy on unrelated keywords

  • Store the date in webstorage upon exiting, then check against the date upon starting? Or use the 3rd party plugin that does it Search 'date' in the completed add-ons forum.

  • It does appear your logic could change the state from 0 to 1, then in the same tick change it to 2 then back to 0 again, depending on the value of secondsBreaking.

  • Funny, I had just a what-the moment with windowheight until I realised the debug window was taking up some window space from the reported height. Sorry doesn't help you at all dude! oh BTW I usually 'detach' the debugger window, have you tried that to see if they 'stop' working again?