It's possible we're misusing or at least overusing Trigger Once. We have some state variables and we want to trigger actions when the state changes, but not every tick.
For example, a story book where the user can pop back and forth between a page in the book and the main menu where they can choose different books. Our code had been tracking "inStory" as a state variable and when it was equal to 1 we would note the page number and spawn art assets on the page. inStory was set to 0 when the user was on the main menu, and 1 when in any story. We had this controlled with a Trigger Once which was working fine until we decided to better organize our code into Groups and implement a help system that deactivated certain groups while a pop up was generated.
Naturally, we were surprised to discover that after exiting the help pop up and reactivating groups, we now had twice as many assets on our page :)
So, to directly answer your question, I was operating under the assumption that Trigger Once would only allow the actions to be executed when the trigger variable changed, and under no other circumstances. I'm not saying that's necessarily the right way, but that was the reason behind my bug report.
Since the time of my post we have restructured and are hopefully using better practices now. It's been a wild ride these past 8 months coming from total noob status to somewhat decent C2 user, but we're discovering every couple weeks that some of our practices are not the best way to do things!
Thanks for your time as always