clodius666's Forum Posts

  • once again, thats exactly what i was looking for, thanks <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    although, it turned out that apparently i have downloaded that plugin ages ago, i just didnt know (or forgot)how to find the expressions lol

    i guess i was too caught up with the mouse cursor position and stuff.

    im still kinda lost with how to operate with this.. im sure that its just a simple math problem again, but im a little confused how to convert the mouse.X to the player rotation. would i have to make a variable like for example ?mouselastX? to detect and compare that the mouse is moving on X axis?

    also, how would it translate to actual action?

    and i still get blocked by the cursor so the mouse X movement isnt infinite.

    aaaand, that miniplugin isnt really an object, right? just a few expressions?

    im sure im making things more complicated than they should be, but im still pretty much stuck with this hurdle, the rest of the prototype tests ive managed to get working, but the aiming/rotation is still the most difficult task lol.

    funny since i could make the xbox controller work without problems, i think, but i want to prefer the mouse in this case <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • nice to see you again, tulamide! <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    about the .cap..

    actually thats pretty much where i hit the wall myself. well my code was a little more primitive, but it did the same thing pretty much. problem is, that you cannot continuously move the mouse to either side, since the mouse cursor is blocked by the program or the screen borders, thus preventing you from rotating freely to either direction. i guess i wanted to see if theres a way to get the raw moving data from the mouse and completely ignore the mouse cursor since the aiming reticle would be fixed in place and there would be no need for the cursor.

    as it is, i lack the knowledge and skill to go on from that .cap, unfortunately. i have some alternatives in mind though but again, i lack the knowledge. you know like resetting the cursor to the middle of the screen when it hits the screen border or something like that. this got more complicated that i thought it would <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • hi and thanks for replying!

    well my issue is rather simple and straightforward:

    the player sprite is always locked,facing up, so when you rotate the player sprite(by moving mouse either left or right), the whole view rotates, and movement would be the traditional WASD movement,W and S being forward and backwards, A and D for strafing.

    so,assign mouse movement to the "camera" rotation. meaning: when you move mouse right, screen/aim rotates right. and same for left obviously. basically just the same as in any 3d shooters (or anything with mouse controlled camera),just with a top down perspective. i just cant seem to figure out how to do this.

    just to be a little clearer, compared to the ghost shooter demo (and also most top down shooters: in ghost shooter the view is fixed and only the player sprite rotates, i would want the view to rotate as well so that the player sprite is always facing up.

  • sorry about the bump, folks. i just wanted to see if anyone has any good ideas or solutions for this?

    havent been able to solve it by myself yet and after a long break from construct i decided to give this one another shot, because it would really kickstart this little project and ive always kinda wanted to make a fast paced arcade top down shooter with more or less precise mouse aiming(rotation).

    any help is appreciated!

  • hi all.

    ive been trying to make some sideproject,small top down shooter. not like the ghost shooter example, but one where the player is located at the bottom of the screen, always facing up, with a crosshair on top of the screen. my issue is with rotation. i know how to do rotation with key commands, but how about mouse rotation, when you have a fixed crosshair?

    i almost got it working with magicam, but theres an annoying constant rotation even when not moving the always rotates to either left or right,so i guess im missing some kind of a treshold here. is there any good examples on how to make mouse rotation, or could someone have some great ideas?

    EDIT: just to clarify, id like the rotation to be like in traditional 3d shooters, think doom played with a mouse. is this possible?

  • just a few screenies from my "test room". meaning that i just test stuff in a small section before i actually start to make a level. got lots of these rooms lol. maybe i'll include them as secrets or easter eggs, dunno.

    he's not the protagonist by the way. just hanging around.

  • hi!

    sorry im not a great or wise user and frankly, i have never even used any kind of dialog in my games so far. but i checked your .cap and i thought i could atleast give a small hint:

    use event groups. not sure if theres any glaring bugs involved with them, but i havent run into any myself. they help you keep the event list tidy and well organized. also helps with pinpointing problems if / WHEN you encounter one. also, commenting your events is pretty useful too, incase you forget how to do stuff and just helps you keep track of what does what. you can access those when you click right mouse button while you're on event sheet editor.

    sorry if this was pretty vague, but since im not an expert, i see no big issues with that would probs be a ood idea to first make a "messy" game, no matter how broken and buggy. then just start from scratch,when you have some kind of an idea what lies ahead, you could probably make a more clean and more organized game after that. atleast thats how its been for me. every new .cap is cleaner and better performing than the last.

    i could say just download lots of examples and .caps lying around here, there's alot of neat tricks and tips in them. also, this section of the forums is a goldmine, when you eventually run into problems, so use the search function like there's no tomorrow!

    that's my two/three cents. just hang in there and try out stuff.

  • these days i dont have much time to visit here, since im so busy with my ministudio, work and friends, but i still use CC regularly and i intend to finish my most important games, and i also visit the forums nearly daily to see whats up (though briefly,mostly).

    that said, i felt the need to join this thread and pay my respects for tulamide (and for all the helpful, kind individuals around here).

    thank you for helping me on many occasions, directly and indirectly, tulamide! you have left a goldmine of hints, tips, tutorials and .caps

    and im sure people who still want to use CC will find them extremely useful in the future.i know i will.

    i wish you all the best!

    <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • needless to say that im quite embarrassed <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    that lastangle thing was just one big brainfart lol. caused alot of harm though.

    even more embarrassing was that i spent last evening trying to get the circling animations to work, cause they didnt. i stared at my events list, trying to figure out whats wrong. asked myself what is wrong with those frames not playing properly.


    then it hit me. it was the event that determined how fast FRAMES were playing compared to speed,causing conflict when there wasnt enough frames in the circling animations, or atleast something like that. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    so simple, yet completely invisible to me.

    so yeah, you were right, sometimes its better to ask yourself what is wrong. although i would probably be still scratching my head if you didnt help me so, big thanks and gratitude.

    i made a note list a long time ago to give myself hints from past errors and there was "name your problem and search that name(or something related) from the event list to troubleshoot."

    that hint would have been a great help in this case, had i checked that note list lol.

    well i guess i move on to next problems to try and see if i can make something out of them. and yeah, i bookmarked that page you sent, could be really useful.

    anyway, appreciated!

  • hi and thanks for replying!

    and yeah i know i have a habit of blabbering with my posts lol

    i guess its partly just a habit and i also want to be as thorough about what im getting at. also english is not my first language, so im not always sure whats the simplest way of forming understandable sentences, epecially concerning coding and all this "technical" stuff.

    but anyway, the simplest way of making this question i cant get rid of:

    how to detect rotation speed?

    for example:

    -sprite rotates clockwise slower than 5 degrees ,say, every 100 milliseconds.

    --->play animation 1

    -sprite rotates clockwise faster than 5 degrees ,say, every 100 milliseconds.

    --->play animation 2

    and of course, same for the counter clockwise. (which would be animation 3. animation 1 would be in this case skating straight)

    tried to keep it as short as i could <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    anyway, thanks for that piece of code. could always use less private variables, so its useful.

  • so i tried to get that angle/lastangle thing for the circle skating to work, i found some old thread about sort of similar issue here:

    tried to implement the code given there to my own purposes, but i still cant seem to get it right. first of all, the animation does not work. the turning skating animation shows a proper angle(though it randomly starts switching direction rapidly), but it doesnt play the animation, just the first frame. im not sure what the problem is. another thing: i tried to test and see if i could point out whats wrong with it. i put a text showing the angle difference between player sprite and variable "lastangle" BUT it only shows me the angle difference between 0(angle) and var. "lastangle" ?? <img src="smileys/smiley24.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    so, it doesnt update the player's angle at all, but assumes its always 0? do i need some additional maths to calculate the players current angle? or maybe i just dont know how to use anglediff properly.

    anyway heres the updated .cap to help understand my frustration:

    (sorry its kind of a little mess)

    so, any advice or help would be really appreciated <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • hi again!

    been a long while since i last booted up construct, my very own ministudio has kept me too busy. anyway, i decided to take a long break from recording and producing and dig into construct again. i got a great vision of making a sort of, violent, arcadey, top down, permadeath-ish, weird ice hockey, beat em up hybrid. (yes, thats right)

    i started slowly exploring possibilities and decided to first and foremost nail a convincing looking skating system with a small sense of inertia(?) and weight. physics behav is pretty much the way to go, but my issues are surprisingly more cosmetic, yet important,since i want to give myself some kind of vision, inspiration and motivation to keep going:

    1) comparing turning direction:

    what would be the best way to compare turning direction? i want to have a different, proper circling skating animation,when turning(both left or right), with anim(speed) connected to velocity AND with a little treshold, meaning that you dont have to go absolutely straight to switch to basic, non turning skating animation. in short, i would need to have some leeway before circling skate animation is triggered.

    does anyone have any good ideas?

    2) animation frame from 4 to 9 is playing (for example):

    how can i compare animation frames between certain values?

    the reason i need this, is that ive set up a sort of ice decal,pasted onto canvas when the character "kicks" the ice (that only happens during certain frames in the animation).

    and last

    3) detecting when the player adds force to an opposite direction of the curent velocity (again, with some kind of treshold):

    i would need this to make full sudden stops. i really cant use keyboard control presses with this, since im using physics and the movement angles are not absolute.

    basic idea is that if the player goes right and presses left(adding force to left), i would like the player to brake with more strength and change the direction when stopped (instead of starting a circling motion to turn as it is now). this would be rather easy with simple key press comparisons, but i have to take note of the velocity and angles between the basic directions. so it would be better if the comparison was made with the objects velocity in mind.

    thats all for now. im sure ill have a lot more issues with this in the future. im still trying my best to keep this simple, but you never know what ideas spring to mind. this proper skating system is my top priority as of now, though.

    the year is about to change so im sure you all are busy and stuff,so no need to scratch your head right away if you dont want to. i could try and post a simple .cap to illustrate my issues better later.

    EDIT: threw this together with a quick anim rip i made lol. theres also anims for circling skate animation if someone knows how to implement them:

    anyway, thanks for advance and HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

  • well sh*t, it works beautifully!

    finally i get it. at least i think i do <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    now its just a matter of trial and error to get the blur values just right but thats easily and quickly done. i already started thinking that i could make a top layer, scroll 0, stretch a sprite over the layer, make a transparent hole in the center, set position to player, use that blurmask effect someone made here, then apply this code to be used on the blurmask opacity, for example, sprite speed less than 20 px/s ---> set blurmask opacity to 0, and so on.. that could work really well!

    this also raised another question:

    could this be implemented on making 2 layers with different scroll rates communicate with each other, considering the collisions and overlapping? i remember seeing a thread long ago where this was briefly discussed, but couldnt find it.

    another thing: do you have any idea why the built in motion blur is so frigging heavy? its kind of a shame too, since it looks really good.

    the reason i got caught up on this was because i recently bought the new doom 3 bfg edition, and while it may not be as solid as all the mods for the original(i wouldnt know, i havent gotten the best mods to work), what really struck me was the added motion blur, that looks just absolutely stunning and delicious, combined with the rock solid no less than 60 fps. the fact that the blur affects everything else but the players hands and weapons gives the picture a surprising amount of depth

    and looks really great.

    but anyway, thank you so much for educating me on this matter, instead of just giving me a simple code, now i understand what it does <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    ill be sure to give you credit whenever i get something finished with construct, once again its nice to see theres helpful people around here!

    <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • i read that through about a hundred times and i feel i sprained something in my head <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    "rv = max((current - min) / (max - min), 0)"

    so. i need to add a new calculation before the old calc?.

    if we go by the latest of your .caps:

    100 - ((Sprite('dist') / TimeDelta / 80) * 100)

    start value would be for example 20 px/s and max would be 80px/s in this case.


    you'd think it would be easy to just throw the 20 somewhere there after dist, but i cant get it to work

    using 20 and 80 would result in a negative value, correct?

    im just not sure what and exactly where i should be adding something in that dist/timedelta/80 formula.

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • turned out i wasnt THAT far off yesterday when i gave up <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    i managed to finally produce somewhat satisfying results, using "Blur motion" effect on a layer. didnt try any other blur methods yet, but it looks atleast promising. although one extra question came to my head(not really surprising issue since i kinda knew to expect it):

    since all this you have shown me takes notice of the sprites movement, whatever the direction, there needs to be some sort of "leeway" at the beginning of the calculation for the sprite's speed. for example:

    when the player jumps, it causes slight blur to be applied and i would assume that would start to cause a strain for the eyes. so i got to think. how would all this be calculated NOT from the start, but allowing some speed to build up before the blur starts appearing?

    for example, the speed value is calculated at the moment from 0px/s to, say 100px/s. to prevent the blur flickering, it would have to be within the values of for example from 20px/s to 100px/s. just to allow some starting movement and jumping in place without the blur?