cjbruce's Forum Posts

  • Yes, I have done several versions of quizzing apps for students over the years in C2.

  • This sounds like a classic game audio question. I think the answer might be to get a clip of automatic weapons fire and use it instead of just a single gunshot sound. The brain is forgiving in that the sound doesn’t have to be perfectly in sync with the visuals, just as long as it is close.

  • Also, check the collision box of your grass. You might have to bring it down a little so the character doesn’t stand on the tips.

    Or, better yet, use an invisible solid box for your collision object, then position the grass over the top of it.

  • I think it might be worth noting that Doppler Effect can’t possibly tell you anything about the distance to an object, only the speed at which it is getting closer or farther. What you might want instead is something much simpler, the loudness of the sound, which is related to distance, and is very easy to adjust programmatically.

    Sorry, the physics teacher in me couldn’t resist.

  • It is a pain, but you will need a way to “zero pad” to the right to make sure everything gets carried out to the cent. I typically create a function for this type of thing.

    1. Use the floor function to get the whole number part.

    2. Concatenate a “.” to the string.

    3. Multiply by 100 and use the modulo operator %100 to get the decimal part.

    4. Concatenate the decimal part to the string.

  • nope just a 3d really vbasic paint app, not so advanced, just something to paitn on a 3d surface without bum,s no pbr etc

    I'm thinking that the following would require some three.js work:

    1. Setting triangle vertex colors so that you could get color gradations across a surface.

    2. Assigning UV values to a texture for each triangle so that you could get basic diffuse color texture maps onto a surface.

    3. Wrapping a texture around a surface. This one gets really complicated, as you have to figure out how to UV map the texture based on projections.

    Creating a 3D paint program with textures is significantly more complicated than creating a 2D paint program. It took me about 2 hours to cobble together a basic 2D paint program in C2. Most of this time was spent on creating the UI. I anticipate that it would take me about 200 hours to get a very basic 3D version working, and I have already spent probably 50 hours studying and watching videos how to do this.

  • 12thmix

    Based on the image you posted, it looks like you are ordering the array, but aren't doing anything to update the visuals for more than just the first row.

    In the event shown, you are setting only the first instance of Text and the first instance of Text2. In order to update a whole list, you will somehow need to iterate through each array element and create or update an instance of Text and an instance of Text2 for each row.

  • It didn't work when i tried to sort it for some reason

    Can you post a copy of the events you are using?

  • Containers work well for this. Since the name and score texts should always appear together, you can put them in a container so that they are created, picked, and destroyed together. You can then position the name text, and then position the score text object 200 pixels to the right of the bame text.

  • well i was thinking to use q3d for loading 3d meshes and then paint over the 3d a texture who can be exported and used in others 3d softwares.

    i was thinking to develop a little 3d paint soft with construc 2

    Trying to recreate something like Substance Painter would be a tough thing to pull off. I suspect you will need to do some serious three.js hacking.

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  • another question it is possible to import a 3d mesh with uv, and the paint the textures in construct 2 directly on the model?

    You might be able to do this through the creative use of the Paster plugin. You can load a new texture at runtime, and create that texture with Paster. Are you thinking of making a decal system?

  • Hi

    I have a simple endless runner which creates a high score when the player dies.

    I want the ability to post this high score into a MySQL database so the player can compete with others.

    I don’t want them to have to login to submit scores.

    Does anyone have any hints/tips?

    Thanks in advance


    Without any login/authentication requirement, this is super-easy. We did something similar for one of our sims/games on . All you need is a AJAX POST request with the data to a php script running on the server. It is super-easy to spoof, with virtually no security, but we weren't really worried about that for our purposes because we could just reset the high score if someone decided to mess with the system.

    If you are worried about making sure the high scores aren't tampered with, then you will need to do some sort of user authentication.

  • What about marking a sprite as global?

  • > Okay, thanks for the reply.


    > How would I get a similar effect by hand coding it?


    Here are all the current rex plugins for C3. MoveTo is available there

    https://github.com/rexrainbow/C3RexDoc/ ... o/index.md

    Nice catch! -- I should have checked before commenting! Mea culpa!

  • I believe this requires the drawing API, which is still in development for C3. A good many C2 plugins require the screen drawing API, and can’t be ported over until the C3 SDK is ready.