Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • Time to move to Unity which is 100 more powerful and FREE. I have C2 pro licence, but I don't seethe point in upgrading my licence to yearly payment for the same futures as in C2

  • netdzynr you can PM instead of continue on this post since is not related to LiteTween (I mean it is sort of ), but you can try having a global variable that is incremented every time an animation is finished, then you check its value to see how many animations have finished so far. You can also use the "wait for signal" system action and then "signal" it to continue execution of a group of actions in a certain event or sub-event. Personally, I would use the variable thing. Lets say you have 3 animation, instead of just incrementing the vartiable, you can asign to each animation a digit in that variable number. animation 1 will increment the variable with 100, the 2nd with 10 and 3rd with 1, when all animation will be finished the variable will be 111. this way you know exactly which one is finished

  • netdzynr

    The way C2 works is different than most people will find intuitive

    Put the wait in front and set wait time as 0.5*loopindex , or 0.5*(loopindex+1)

  • netdzynr

    Just messing around with this. I made this in C2, I don't know if you can open it in C3 ... .capx?dl=0

  • netdzynr What exactly do want to accomplish?

    You can use the "On tween end" or "On tween reverse end" to assign a new random value and start the tween again

  • netdzynr

    Sure you can. Just use the action Set target and write your random value

    Best to set both X-Y or width-height even if one of them is the same

  • maybe like I always got answers from Ashley....this is by design. Bogus website is by design

  • >

    > Hi, I didn't purchase the plugin yet and I can't seem to find if it has an action like: "Preload reward video"

    > does this plugin uses Cocoon Atomic plugin or something? I am planning on using it with Cordova. I see that in the FAQ, for PhoneGap the plugin uses cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob repo . Is that right?


    Hi, yes it's using Ludei's Cordova plugin. The rewarded video preload is an action in rewarded video section and it's called "load" instead of preload.

    I'm on my mobile now but I can send you some screenshots later if it's needed.

    Thank you, meantime I saw the printscreen with the actions and conditions. Gonna purchase your plugin. Your plugin seems to be the best alternative lately .

    Great job !

  • Hi, I didn't purchase the plugin yet and I can't seem to find if it has an action like: "Preload reward video"

    does this plugin uses Cocoon Atomic plugin or something? I am planning on using it with Cordova. I see that in the FAQ, for PhoneGap the plugin uses cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob repo . Is that right?

  • Tom

    Hi Tom,

    Yesterday I created a C3 account on with same email as I have on but different password.

    The surprise was that when wanted to login on, even if my browser had my password saved I couldn't . when I typed the C3 password I was able to log in. That is not right.

    I was just afraid someone reseted my password or something, but it seems that my C3 account if it had the same email has overwritten my C2 password.

    Hope you understood my explanation

  • Try Construct 3

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  • so...does Construct support mesh transformation from Spine?

    Construct doesn't even support image skew.

    Some examples of Spine animation integrated in Construct? Does it have the features that Spriter has? Like: tween between animations?

  • Avengium

    you can also try my example here:

  • Colludium Thank you, Bender. Good karma for you

  • Colludium That is a very interesting behaviour, thanks.

    I was hoping for a long time, someone integrated a Bezier easing

    Now I use LiteTween behavior for a while but it had some bugs and I will give yours a try

    By the way, you're missing the Linear Tween type when you setup the Tween

  • rexrainbow

    Thank you for explaining it