Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • ludei I see that Cocoon.IO will be Cordova/Phonegap compatible. Does that means we can use Cordova AdMob plugins directly without the need for MoPub??? MoPub was the ONLY reason I moved to IntelXDK.


  • qngnht To split events that take loooong time to complete you can use Event balancer plugin

  • qngnht I don't know exactly what you mean, but you can make events run or not run on a certain layout using System -> Compare two values -> LayoutName = "Layout_blablabla"

    You can also disable an event Group at runtime.

  • Yes...the email sent from Google was by mistake

    [quote:oxhuq2mr]Recently we sent you a notification that one or more of your apps should be upgraded to more recent version of OpenSSL, due to security vulnerabilities. The notification was sent in error, and we thank you for previously making the necessary changes to your app.

    We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

  • Anonnymitet you could try to download the apk, decompile it, see if you find the html5 files expoerted by C2...and recompile it with IntelXDK (I just guessing, never try it). You could do a simple test project and see if it works, but I doubt it could be that simple

  • doomredmage Yes, I also receive it

    They listed all my games except one, that was compiled with IntelXDK1912 (with Crosswalk 10)

    The thing is that all other games where also compiled with Corosswalk 10

  • I also used Cranberrygame's plugin and it works. I had a problem when Failed/Success did not trigger when using the PhonegapGame plugin that broke the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file required by IntelXDK. My problem was that IntelXDK did not put the permission "

    ...vending.BILLING[/code:u6ztit7f]"in the apk generated. (or something similar) When installing on your phone make sure you have that permission showing
  • Egyptoon You should be thankful....on other planets, IntelXDK doesn't work at all....This is how evolution works: God creates -> Darwin evolves. Give it at least couple thousand years...

  • dcadjust heisendev on AdMob account disable text banners. I noticed that animated text banners are the cause.

  • codah Thank you for the link to that info. I am not planning to make spamming games using this list but just to get some inspiration for my title only before deciding the theme of my games.

    IndieKiwi You might be right, but I know a lot of bloggers build their content starting with keyword research first then they finding an unfilled niche with a high demand.

    For example searching "sticks" will show my game on position 146 , "pickup" will show it on position 102 and "crayon" will show it on position 19, but not many people are searchin the word "crayon"

    I don't plan to release a game that will be successful only on gameplay alone. I could be giving away free gold, but as long as nobody is searching for it, my game will not be downloaded. Google Play used to showed 500 results on the search page , but since couple of months ago they only show 250 results, so if the game is not ranked 250 or higher for the keywords from title/description is like it not even exists.

  • Since my games are not doing so good on Google Play(only have 20-30 downloads/day) I want to improve my title and description using popular keywords but at the same time find an unfilled niches .

    I tried using Noble Samurai and Google Keyword Planner, but the results are not app store specific.

    What I noticed, is that when I start typing on search box from Google Play, after each keypress I get 5 hints.

    My thoughts is that those hints are based on the most searched terms and they should drive alot of people if your game description/title will contain them.

    I managed to get a list of 1500 hints generated by the first 2 letters you first entered on search box (I omitted hints resulting from only one letter since are too popular and more that 3 letter will give way too many results )

    I used a combination of numbers and letter "0123456789-_ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" and for the first 2 letters typed I got 38*38=1444*5 hints=7220. The actual result is less that that since some letter only give me 2-3 hints.

    Here are the results for letters a,b and c. Please if anyone have an idea how to use this list as best as possible please share it.

    If anyone want it please let me know and sorry if did not make myself to clear:P

  • Thanks volkiller730 I will try that

  • Probably you not have more space in the home screen for more icons or you desactived the option you install other app after to test?

    Other apps from the Google Play install just fine. I have plenty of space on my home screen and internal storage.

    Is me the only one with this problem?

    If the game is installed and no icon is displayed on Home screen is a big chance that the user will never play it more than once since he will forgot he even installed my game.

    Can someone send me please a test app made with IntelXDK 1621 to install on my Phone...maybe my IntelXDK settings are messed up.

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  • imaffett That is strage, Every time I built with IntelXDK and installed the apk, a home icon was created. (almost every time)

  • imaffett Yes, the app was installed and working but did not create an icon on home screen. I had to go to installed apps list and run it from there.