ChromeGadget's Forum Posts

  • Hello once again, can someone post a simple demo of a flamethrower .cap file in a 2D side scrolling environment? Just something basic like when you hold down the attack button a somewhat short distance of flames stream out from the player... Something similar to games like Gunstar Heroes, Kirby, Alien Soldier, etc.

    Thank you

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Wow, thank you so much for all your help buddy!! Yea that make sense about my attack animation being looped. I am using image points positioned in front of my Player for my hitbox during the attack.

    Thanks Again!

  • Ah I see now... Yea It wont let me open the file so my version of construct classic is old. I clicked on the Check for update button at the top of the program, It says I have the latest version Classic r1.2 can someone send me the download link to the updated version to classic or do I have to download Construct 2?

  • Hi, So I created a simple attack feature for my Player using a reference tutorial I found here on the forums. I followed it as closely as I could. however, when I press the "Attack" key the player keeps triggering off it's attack animation and will not stop. Nor dose the Hitbox for the attack follows with the attack animation it just sticks to the player. Could someone here please look at my code to see what I am doing wrong?

  • Hello all a Newbie here on the forums looking to make a great 2D game inspired by classics like Mario, Kirby, Castlevaina, etc. Using Construct Classic.