ChromeGadget's Forum Posts

  • Never mind the last post I finally figured it out. Thank you for your help! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I really appreciate this but this isn't quite what I meant. (although, I will have a feature like this in the later levels in my game so thanks many buddy!!)

    Sorry, Maybe I didn't explain the issue well enough... Here's a better example

    If you look at the clouds near the top in this video link they auto scroll in the background, even when the player stops moving. That's what I would like to know how to do in Construct Classic.

  • Hello, I been trying to rap my mind around how to make a proper auto vertical scrolling background for my 2D game. I tried playing around with the "offset" settings in the "layer Effects properties". But it doesn't work. form what I gathered from other forums you need some sort of "timer" and a "private variable". I don't know... This is getting me frustrated and confused, could someone please help me make a simple auto vertical scrolling background?

  • Thank you buddy! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello all,

    I made a pole swinging engine using the cliffhanger code as reference. (Similar to Aladdin for the Snes) Once the player comes in contact with the pole the Player swings and then once the "Jump Key" is press he performs a jump flip everything works fine here.

    What I would like to have assistance on is when the player is on the pole swinging, how do you lock the direction the player is facing while on the pole, if the player tries to press a directional key? Lastly, once the Jump key is press how do you make the player jump forward automatically in the direction the player is facing?

    I hope this isn't too big of a request to kindly ask for assistance on, Any help would be appreciated. :/  

  • NICE!!! No, No, that's okay, I just happy it's functional. This is awesome thank you so much!!

  • I think the original link is broke

  • Hello All,

    I have a Cliffhanger/Edge grab feature in my game for the Player. I have two animations created "Jump" and "Edge Jump" I would like to know to temporary change the jump animation when the player is cliffhanging/Edge grabbing.

    So Basically When the player is Cliffhanging/Edge Grabbing I want the "Edge Jump" animation to play instead of "Jump" animation. So it look as the player is lifting from the platform when the jump key is pressed. When the Player lands on a platform the default "Jump" animation is set back.

    Please, anyone help.

  • Hello, I have a flamethrower ability in my 2D side scrolling game engine when the "A" key is held down. I would like to know how do you lock the Players direction when "A" key is down? I've tried many different attempts of doing this but they all failed me... Please someone help.      <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Jayjay Yes you are right buddy, I did want the attack to count at the end of the punch.

    Shindoh Yea, that would be a less of a hassle with your theory as well. although, when it comes to Players and Enemies performing an attack. I can't help but use separate hitboxes to declare attacks, especially being somewhat of a newbie the Construct.

    For example, if you had a rotating "Spike Chain Ball" animation that swing back and forth and you want only the Spike ball of the sprite to effect the Player you would create an hitbox for the Spike Chain ball only.

    Now, I know there is a better way of doing a rotating "Spike Chain Ball" but I am using this as an example to explain my answer in a greater detail (I hope) if this was one full on sprite.       <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Sure thing bud, So basically I have a Robot Character in my game that can extend it's arms when attack like punch. So what I did is made the frame by frame animation of the punch. have those "punch stretch attack" like animations followed closely by and hit box that plays a "bullet object" form that spawns from the "Player's hit box", that hit box spawning from the player cancels out at the end of the animation once the attack is done.   <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Never mind guys I figured it out now. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Something similar to this game called Bravoman.

  • Hello, how would you go about creating a hookshot-like attack in a side scrolling 2d game when a key is pressed on the keyboard? I know there is topic for this on the Scirra forums, but it is mainly for C2 environment. I would like to know how to do do this in CC environment... Please help.

  • Ah yes Google... The all knower of a thousand and one things... Such a smart gal she is. Thank you kindly!