Chris018's Forum Posts

  • Wow, The long awaited tutorial and it seems to be well worth the wait. I have not sat down and read it all as i want to. Currently doing college material but i will definatly look at this after with a full review. So far it looks really kick ****

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  • Dont mean to double post but im wondering if anyone can help me with this issue.

  • I recently decided to update all my pictures. i haven't had a picture of me in a little under a year.

    <img src="">

  • no it no work.. I wonder if it is hardware or a runtime thing? I got C++ runtime.. got DX.. what else do i need. I can run Construct games and the game i been working on..

    I wonder why this no work with sound?

  • thats odd? do you mind posting your Xaudio2.csx in your plugin folder? maybe if i put yours in it would work? Do the plugins all update when you install new updates?

  • Here it is, I have it trying to load a sound up but even with out the Xaudio2 doing anything it will crash. Bone movement im not too worried about i was just trying to play with it the other day. I have the .csx in plugin folder.

  • Im using the unstable .84 and im wondering if i need to do something else to get it to work? I had the same problems with .83. It just crashes if my project has Xaudio2. Not even in use and same with bone movement? It wont run at all. Any suggestions?

  • I cant get the bones to work because it says im missing the file, but i look and i have it? Does anyone else have this problem?

  • I like how the game looks. Cant wait to see more

  • Im looking for ways to make say a flashlight kind of effect and im wondering if anyone can point me how to do it? I tried doing it with a dynamic lightning but i cant seem to get it to work.. Any suggestions or examples would be very helpful

  • Thanks, Unity3d can do 2d, what i have been doing with it. Dont worry about programming, I have experiences with many languages so thats no big deal for me.

    Indies do not make a lot of money i know this. But im living at home 18, I just want some income for car and gas. Housing is paid for and so with everything else. Im jobless but making some money is better then none and doing what i like makes it all the better.

    I have used Love2d, It is really good, worked on some network examples from it, and i used 2d engine some and i liked it.

    Yes the ad Revenue is going down but people still use it, and there are alternatives look at Mochi Ads right now, they are doing a Developers Fund that will fund your project 1k - 100k if you plan on using Mochi Coins (Microtransations), you just need to submit your game idea and any progress thus far to them and they will see if they can help you out cause they benefit a lot from you using there system.

  • I'm not sure what the point of this really is. Your post was kind of confusing...

    Yeah im half out of it... And still going cant sleep so grammar is gone to crap.


    Yeah i know what you are saying. Well another question i got is im thinking of learning new engine that could further open more doors to platforms such as Torque or Unity... Which are very strong right now. Torque has horrible docs though as i soon found out as im trying it out.

    Unity3d is free to indies. It is pretty good and flixel 2d flash library ported to it so i can do 2d pretty easy with it since i have some flixel background.

    Flash is free basically with FlexSDK but the problem is most of it is hit and miss market so you make a game every month and hope it is enough to get by. With me living at home is fine but im looking for more future, skills i learn now that benefit future and flash is not that big with me.


    Im not wanting anyone to get the wrong idea here, I love construct is amazing. And will go far, Im just looking around still while using construct to see other options out there.

  • Trying to rephrase this, I'm looking to make a certain game. This game I'm wanting to invest a lot of time into it. Im looking for suggestions on Game Engines and Game Platforms that are worth looking into.

    Im a single developer and i cant do art but i soon will end up looking for artist or paying for art. My game will be for commercial and im not sure how im going to publish the game yet but i am looking to make some what of a profit and possibly get my self out there in the indie scene.

    Im not looking to become rich as indies to not make a lot of money. I'm just wanting to get some experience, with different engines and platforms, Your opinions on engines and game consoles and platforms that i could publish my game on.

    any input? or opinions on what i said or suggestions on how the market a game.

  • I think tutorial is really cool but im sure many people are wanting to dig there teeth into the Network Pong demo lol. But ill be patient to see what else you are cooking up.

  • Im in college right now for computer science, and C/C++ is no difficult matter. I might look into writing my own engine for the ability to put in on many platforms. Construct does make it really easy to prototype a game though so that makes it something i would prefer to use.