ChesVCF's Forum Posts

  • I think it's not that Google Play doesn't allow you to show YouTube videos, I think it's they don't allow you to play background videos (when the screen is off).

  • Hi!

    I already know rexrainbow 's Youtube Plugin and I implemented it in my app, but it was rejected when I tried to upload it to Google Play:

    [quote:yau4wgb8]Modify your app to make sure it doesn’t access or use a service or API in a manner that violates its terms of service; for example, by enabling background play of YouTube videos.

    Is there any way to show YouTube videos in my app without violating Google Plays's terms of service?

  • arturosanz Yes, this is what I've done. Thanks.

  • Hi!

    I have an Array saved as a JSON and the user interacts with the data in the Array. After each session, I want to update the JSON with the new values, so that they are available next time. Is there any way to edit my Array.json and save it?

  • oosyrag

    No, there is no option for fullscreen scaling that stretches your sprites unevenly.

    It is best to design by scale inner/outer in all cases. The one you use depends on if you want certain screens to be able to see more or less of your layout/extra space. If you don't care to fill that extra space with graphics, then use letterbox scale.

    Thank you. And isn't there any option to change it on the HTML once I export the game?

  • alajajm

    I know this tutorial, but my game is already ended and I would have to change almost everything in order to do that. I really don't care about aspect ratio, it isn't really important in my game, this is why I asked this. Any clue?

  • Is there any way to scale the game as if it was Letterbox Scale and resize it to fill the whole screen (I don't mind if the aspect ratio isn't kept):


    Thank you!

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  • Hi!

    I've asked this some times but nobody was able to answer me When I run my game on Android and a text box is focused, the virtual keyboard (OSK) pops up and overlaps almost 40% of the screen. I want my game to scroll up when the keyboard is on screen, but I need the keyboard's height. There is no system expression that can help (neither WindowHeight nor Viewport expressions are affected, so Scroll To doesn't help either).

    I had thought of getting this value with an XML input and storing it as a variable, but I don't know how to do it or if this is even possible. Can you please give me a hint? I really need it and I'm sure there is a way to do it.

    Thank you for your help

  • Problem Description

    Multiplayer plugin gives me a Javascript error when the event "On signalling disconnected" AND "Variable1=0" triggers, the peer's value of this variable is NOT equal to 1 and after that the peer tries to reconnect to the signalling server. You will probably see it better in the capx.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    In the capx, you connect to the signalling server with the Multiplayer Plugin. When you are the host and you disconnect from the signalling server, peers get kicked. On kicked, peers disconnect from the signalling server and change the value of a variable from 0 to 1. Then, the event "On signalling disconnected" AND "Variable1=0" triggers and peers get a Javascript Error.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the capx on Chrome and duplicate the browser tab.
    • Make sure you're the host in one of the browser tabs and a peer in the other one.
    • Disconnect the host from the signalling server (click on the button in the host tab)
    • You will see a Javascript error

    Observed Result

    Javascript error (you can see it in the Browser log)

    Expected Result

    I expect peers to reconnect to signalling server, without any bug, and be able to resume their multiplayer activity although the host leaves the game/chat.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (DIDN'T TEST)
    • Internet Explorer: (DOESN'T SUPPORT MULTIPLAYER)
  • Anybody? Please, I think this is an important topic and I can't be the first one to have this problem :/

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  • oosyrag

    Of course, this would be the "bad" solution. This is why I asked in the forum if there was any way to return the OSK's height value.

  • oosyrag

    From this page it works, but I think it's because it is run on the browser. In built apk it doesn't work.

    If it is just an overlay and doesn't change the viewport sizes it might not work...

    Yes, this is the problem. Neither ViewportBottom nor WindowHeight expressions change their values when the screen is covered by the OSK. This is why I'm looking for a way to get the OSK's height. Any clue?

  • oosyrag

    I'm 100% sure, I've exported a capx that gives me WindowHeight every 2 seconds and it doesn't change. Scroll To Behaviour didn't work either (I already tried).

  • Hi!

    I've asked this some times but nobody replied When I run my game on Android and a text box is touched, the virtual keyboard pops up and overlaps almost 40% of the screen. I want my game to scroll up when the keyboard is on screen, but I need the keyboard's height. There is no system expression that can help (WindowHeight isn't affected).

    I had thought of getting this value with an XML input and storing it as a variable, but I don't know how to do it or if this is even possible. Can you please give me a hint? I really need it and I'm sure there is a way to do it.

    Thank you for your help