Chadori's Forum Posts

  • Version 233, and I have it set so that every second it counts down and I have a global variable that controls the text so that every second it subtracts from the 60 to when it reaches 0 it spawns a boss, but I can't put seconds after the &BossTimer

    Input this: BossTimer & "Seconds"

  • Version 233

    I suggest you update :

  • is that what you meant? ... -titre.png

    that give me an error of loop anyway <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    No never put triggers under loops. That will give an error.

    Follow my events below:

    Assuming on creation of Enemycharacter, we also create the "noeliste"(scml) so that we can mark them each...

    *On EnemyFamily created

    . -------------------> Create Object (noeliste) at (EnemyFamily.X, EnemyFamily.Y)

    . -------------------> noeliste set OwnerUID to (EnemyFamily.UID)

    *On Mouse left click on EnemyFamily

    *Pick noeliste.OwnerUID is equal to EnemyFamily.UID

    . --------------------> noeliste .... Append character map to "tete2"

  • With this event:

    *On Mouse left click on EnemyFamily

    *Pick noeliste.OwnerUID is equal to EnemyFamily.UID

    . ----------> noeliste .... Append character map to "tete2"

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  • I'm doing this at school and it is not updated to that version, is there an easier way?

    What version are you using?

    These are the screenshots of the events & editor:

    The Text Ragnarok is from the text variable String that is obtained from the Textbox.

  • Hi there, I'm trying to use a plugin from , after downloading it, I paste the file into my C2 Plugin folder, but C2 say cannot load this plugin, can anyone help me??

    That still needs to be made into a C2 plugin before becoming usable. But why need it when Construct 2 has an built-in screenshot (canvas) feature.... Go to C2 -> C2 Logo -> New -> Search: Screenshot....

    If you really need that plugin (entire screen) , you can buy it on the scirra store for $11.59 . It also contains 89~ 90+ cordova plugins...

    Link: ... ugins-1662

  • SecretaryBird - Local storage should work.... Can you show the rest of the event, especially the part when you set the score value to the local storage? But providing a .capx is better.

  • The local storage is only active so long as the app is running. If you close the app the local storage is cleared.

    No. This is wrong. The local storage data persists even if the app is closed.

  • Here, i made a sample .capx :!AjcW2ueud6qp1RG4IWecWhcLlC3x

  • frayt - The answer is quite simple actually. Remove the "for each" condition. And then you are done. The character map will only change to the EnemyCharacter that is selected.

    Hmm.... But assigning each scml, It's not that simple anymore... You need to add an instance variable for the scml... For example, ''ownerUID''. And that ownerUID instance variable set it to the enemycharacter's UID that it belongs to. I suggest using 'For Each' on that process.

    I believe this will be easier with a .capx . I'll do it for you if you want but i will still need a .capx . You can PM me or if it's too confidential you can contact lucid (Spriter Developer) here: . He can be trusted with your .capx .

  • Eltondrknss

    Well, first you need to give me a sample case... I don't know whether it's only for visual representation or it is an event based program you are trying to make. I honestly don't like guessing.

  • Artain - (Fixed .capx)!AjcW2ueud6qp1RCljm-6cl6SIgn7

    I just moved the event (on the image) above the other event that cancels out the condition of the event on the image.

    Remember : The Event sheet is being read by the computer / cpu from up to down. So it is still possible to cancel a later condition if the above condition contradicts a later event.

    And also a little advice, it's very inefficient to move buttons around for different actions. It's a very bad practice, reminds me when i was still starting using C2.

    The most efficient way to use is either global or instance variable but i prefer instance variables in your case.

    I can show you if you want... But it's better if you self learn it:

    Here are the links to get you started:

    Event variables :

    Instance variables :

  • Over 5000 objects would probably be pushing it for low end machines, and large layouts should be fine (there's no memory/cpu usage proportional to layout size so it essentially doesn't matter how big a layout is). The only issue is objects store their position in single-precision floating point numbers, which means they might start getting inaccurately calculated at really big X/Y co-ordinates - it should be OK within 100,000 pixels of the layout origin though. You could always experiment with a slow moving object at (100000,100000) and see if it still moves OK (use unbounded scrolling to save having to make a layout that big).

    You'll probably get better performance with smaller levels with less objects: currently, construct has to check every object in the layout, no matter how far away it is from the screen, to see if it needs to be drawn or animated. This incurs a tiny performance penalty, but in theory having over 10,000 objects in a layout could slow down the game purely because those objects exist.

    - Read the bold sentence above that Ashley said from 2010 .That is what I meant by usable & accurate layout size. That is 100,000 px


    i'm sorry but i dont know what accuracy your talking about ..... i just know whenever layout settings are set manually (i guess this means usable with accuracy?)

    the min is automatically set to 2px if u try to do 1 or 0

    and maximum is automatically forced to 100,000 pixels if u try to type something more then 100,000 pixels (100k/ one hundred thousand)

    i know image is about project window size... same applies to layout sizes manually

    i have no idea what happens if u set it by events......

    hope no wild Lorax will appear.

    the margin (unusable size doesn't count)

    Okay, i get it. I can see that you also don't know the layout size true limit..... Look at my image below:

    It's 1,000,000 (a million px height & width).

    Ashley is the layout size limit dependent on the computer's capability?

  • 100,000 pixels max

    2 pixels minimum

    Min: 2 px

    Max: 1,000,000 px

    Layout size limit.... I think you are talking about the usable (with accuracy) layout size.

  • Good afternoon!

    A better way to do this would be just changing the variables or creating several buttons!?

    I think that will suffice.

    Edit: And add loops for auto-generated flow charts. Arrays will also be helpful for advanced purposes.