I want to have the word seconds after this phrase -"Boss In "&BossTime- but I can't figure out how, please help
Here, i made a sample .capx : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjcW2ueud6qp1RG4IWecWhcLlC3x
I'm doing this at school and it is not updated to that version, is there an easier way?
What version are you using?
These are the screenshots of the events & editor:
The Text Ragnarok is from the text variable String that is obtained from the Textbox.
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Version 233, and I have it set so that every second it counts down and I have a global variable that controls the text so that every second it subtracts from the 60 to when it reaches 0 it spawns a boss, but I can't put seconds after the &BossTimer
Version 233
I suggest you update : https://www.scirra.com/construct2/releases/r239
Its my schools computer and I can't update
Input this: BossTimer & "Seconds"
imgur.com/2K22106 That doesn't work either
BossTimer is supposed to be the name of the Timer Variable..... I just used the name you gave. It should work.
The red underline indicates the error that the "BossTimer" isn't declared as a variable. So you need to declare it first.
This is what I have imgur.com/Ww7jOYM imgur.com/TDBQWSx imgur.com/tboQ9Mh
gmjones - Why don't give me the .capx and i'll fix it for you.
This is what I have http://imgur.com/Ww7jOYM http://imgur.com/TDBQWSx http://imgur.com/tboQ9Mh
Ahhh. Okay.
Input this: "Boss In: " & BossTime
That should work. So what's the problem?
Thats what I have, I wants the word seconds after it
You can just switch the places of both expression, like this:
Input this: "BossTime & " Seconds"
Input this: "Boss In: " & BossTime & " Seconds"