Chadori's Forum Posts

  • Hi lucid, sorry for the late response. I have now pushed to commit the changes. Thank you!

  • Release 17.0 - Stable Update

    Stability update for the Construct Master Collection, updated the Mobile IronSource Collection to the latest IronSource Android and iOS SDK versions including all ad-networks, with Admob Ads dependency bug fixes. And, new ad-networks from the latest IronSource Android and iOS versions.

    Check out the website for more information.

    Thank you!

  • Hi everyone,

    I've requested and have been invited to make a pull request on Spriter's official Github.

    However, it seems lucid is incredibly busy and has no time to review my work yet, so I've thought to just separate my own fork until they get to properly review it, feel free to try my own version if it is to your liking.

    Key Features:

    1. Scripting
    2. Scene Graph


  • Hi everyone, for those who are having build issues with the Mobile IronSource Collection, please manually update the versions with the ones listed here.

    The addons currently have issues with the versions in the C3 Build Service, please manually build using Cordova Project until it is resolved.

    Thank you.

  • Release 16.0 - Stable Update

    Stability update for the Construct Master Collection, and update the Mobile IronSource Collection to the latest IronSource Android SDK version.

    Check out the website for more information.

    Thank you!

  • Thank you!

  • Hi Ashley, is it possible to have an interface of imageWidth and imageHeight for the Tiled Background object?

    I think it is a necessary feature.

    For example, making progress bars with Tiled Background families:

    	for (const background of runtime.objects.Backgrounds.instances())
    		const b = background.instVars;
    		background.width = (background.imageWidth * background.imageScaleX) * b["Scale"];

    This will allow us to reuse the same scaling code for all Tiled Background instances belonging to a group or family.

    Thank you.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Release 15.2 - Patch Update

    Patch update for the Mobile IronSource Collection.

    Check out the website for more information.

    Thank you!

  • Appodeal Ads SDK

    Hi everyone, I will be releasing soon a mobile advertisement mediation solution that is best suitable for indie games and small businesses.

    What is Appodeal?

    Appodeal is a part of Stack solutions. Stack is an ad tech company that provides ad monetization, user acquisition and actionable analytics to scale mobile app businesses.


    There are lots of benefits to using Appodeal for small indie developers and small businesses. However, one of the best benefits worth the emphasis are:

    1. Appodeal is neutral - it is not an ad-network, it is originally created with the sole purpose of showing advertisements of ad-networks with the highest bid.
    2. Appodeal has over 70 ad demand sources, including all the popular ad-networks.
    3. Appodeal has 2 payout methods: Net30, or instant cashout with 4% interest.

    Appodeal is targeted to small businesses or indie developers!


    Ad mediation networks like Google Admob and IronSource are great, especially IronSource for funded games. However, Appodeal is the service that enthusiastically targets small businesses and indie developers.

    The best part of Appodeal compared to IronSource is that it is easier to maintain!

    The Mobile IronSource Collection is updated an average of 1~2 times a month, which I expect Appodeal to be the same, to be competitive! However, in IronSource, each ad-network's SDK requires an update separate from the IronSource SDK.

    In Appodeal, you only update the Appodeal SDK! There are other ad-networks you need to update separately but it is only 1/4 of the work IronSource requires.

    Appodeal should be better for startups who prefer stability!

    Construct 3

    I intend to make a dedicated Appodeal addon for Construct 3 in the Construct Master Collection.

    Construct 2

    If there is time, I intend to have fallback support for Construct 2 as well.

    Suggestions / Feedback

    If you have any feature suggestions or recommendations, please do not hesitate to write below!

    Thank you!

  • Thanks for the fast progress with this! Looking forward to the documentation.

  • Release 15.1 - Patch Update

    Minor patch fix for the collection.

    Check out the website for more information.

    Thank you!

  • Announcement

    Hi everyone, just a heads up, I will be releasing a new advertisement solution soon, which is best suited for indie developers and small businesses.

    I will be posting updates of it in the forums, soon! 😉

  • Release 15.0 - Stability Update

    Stability update for the addons, to update the addons to their latest SDKs, and fix some iOS build issues.

    Check out the website for more information.

    Thank you!

  • Release 14.0 - Stability Update

    Stability update for the addons, to update the addons to their latest SDKs.

    Check out the website for more information.

    Thank you!

  • Hi marcrached, the one you mentioned is currently in maintenance-mode (we are currently writing a replacement), we recommend using our IronSource mediation of Chartboost Ads instead.

    Yes it is using Admob's ad-network mediation, we do not have a standalone version of Chartboost Ads. However, it might be more advantageous to you to use mediation instead. If not, you can always order it, and we can make you one.