Chadori's Forum Posts

  • Release 18.2.1

    Hi everyone, just a quick emergency patch for the Mobile Notification addon to support older Construct 3 versions, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    Thank you.

  • Release 18.2

    Hi everyone, there is a new update, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    There are a lot of changes in this release, so please check it out!

  • Hi Artpunk, thank you for sharing your experience! I appreciate that.

    Regarding your question, I am using my current project to test stability. I currently cannot base on benchmarks because I currently do not have a proof of concept that can precisely target and measure instability, nor has anyone made one yet that I know of, unfortunately.

    It was just by some luck that a few days ago, before I paused working on a project, the last thing I did was measure instability, and I do this just right after commiting changes. During my pause of development, a new Android System Webview was released, which I was not aware but my device got automatically updated with it, then when I got back to development and rerun the tests I have noticed improvements that I was doubtful at first since I did not do anything, but sooner realized it was due to a System Webview update. I have to note that I was already using r260 and my test device was a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.

    My way of measuring instability is through inspect duration, avg. intensity of stuttering by fps, duration of stuttering, and the number of times it happens during the inspection duration. For practical reasons, my tests are only made specifically for my project and doesn't really target the issue, this is just the usual method I use to confirm if my workarounds to stuttering work. Although, the more performance improves the less of those factors matter.

    To make my explanation shorter, my previous lowest fps was 57fps, and a stutter lasts around 100ms, having a consistency of 1~2 times every 300 seconds. But now, I rarely get stutters, only occasional, and the lowest fps can vary from 59fps to 58fps, which now only lasts around less than 50ms. That is a very significant improvement for me considering I did not do anything.

    Also layout switching has become more responsive for me, layouts suddenly switched faster than before. My measurement for this is from when a layout change starts and how long it takes the layout to normalize to 60fps. Previously, switching a layout takes ~500 ms to normalize to 60 fps, while now it only takes around ~200ms.

    I do have to note that performance on Chrome for Android is still significantly better than even this new performance improvement on the system webview that I see.

    Regarding r247, yes that is right, I am aware of that too, and that performance improvement was certainly more apparent. If we compare that improvement to this is one, this would just be a minor improvement.

    I hope that helped clear things up.

    Regarding Android System Webview Canary, Is it possible you can try the production release of System Webview for Android instead?

    Because from my tests Canary is slower than the production release (System Webview for Android) and development release (System Webview for Android (Dev)). I have tested those webviews after seeing the performance improvement hoping Canary would be much faster. But unfortunately Canary's performance was slower on my tests.

    Thank you again, Artpunk.

    And, if you guys experience better performance, worse performance, or the same performance, please tell us if you have the time.

    Thank you.

  • Hi mobile developers, did you get the chance to test the performance on the latest Android System WebView?

    I came a cross a sudden performance stability boost on Android, I've checked a few times to confirm. I have GitHub version control, so I can revert to an old project state when necessary, and I can definitely see stability improvements.

    It is not as fast as Chrome for Android, but I think it is a significant improvement in stability and startup.

    Knowing I did not do anything to cause such performance improvement, I checked Google Play if there was a System Webview update. And there was an update, it said Bug fixes and speedy performance improvements. It's great to know Google is still working on improving the System Webview performance, and fortunately these updates are automatic by default, as I have experienced, so we do not have to worry about asking players to manually update the webview.

    For those having performance issues before, please let us know here if you see noticeable improvements as well. I am currently using r260 (Stable) for testing, with 21st September 2021 System Webview.

    Edit: There is a new update for Sept. 23, 2021.

    Thank you.

  • Patch announcement

    Hi everyone,

    For the ones using the Mobile Notification, please use the chadori-mobile-notification@0.0.3 for your next build if you are using Construct 3's beta release versions 261+.

    A subsequent update to apply the new changes and patch in the addon collection will come out soon as well. Until then, please manually update the Cordova plugin from your config build.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Pagr13, I highly recommend Mateus Ferreira if you can get them, they are the ones who make great demo projects in Construct 3.

    Here are some references:

  • Thank you Ashley. I'll refer my concerns to the chromium team, the issue seems to always lead me back there.

    I didn't, Artpunk, thank you for the links. I am aware about the frame scheduling improvements, which is great and I have experienced quite a boost in stability. However, yeah, I'm still trying to find a fix for the leftover stuttering, and to finally match the stability of the Chrome for Android, which is quite responsive compared to the System Webview.

    I will try to help where I can in reporting the issue.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi lucid, I'm trying to find a way to add expressions originalObjectX, originalObjectY and originalObjectAngle, to be able to make relative movements, which require a base value.

    However, I've only managed to get the value of bones, and unfortunately it is not a decent implementation due to having to access the keys directly, which I don't think I can make a pull request out of from. I wanted to make it work with all objects, including sprites, just like the objectX, objectY, and objectAngle.

    I wanted to create something like currentMappedState and currentObjectState, but for the starting frame/key, but I cannot trace how they're made.

    Is it possible you could guide me to the method I should look for, to where I can record anoriginalMappedState and originalObjectState?

    Also, is it correct for me to presume that map means the target key value, and the object means the tweened value?

    Thank you.

  • Hi Sofa_King, for those who are still using the Mobile Master IAP in their published apps, their apps will still work up to November 2021.

    For new applications, please use the new Mobile Billing addon.

  • Hi everyone, Mobile Billing and Mobile Notification are now out.

    Please click here to download the update.

  • Hi Ashley, are there any significant differences between the Cordova export build and the one in preview? I've asked around, even in the Cordova community, and most are convinced that the System Webview performance and Chrome for Android performance should be about the same.

    However, it is not the case with Construct 3, it is often slower after export, in terms of stuttering.

    I have tried to remove as much of the built-in Cordova plugins as possible, but I still cannot find any noticeable differences. That's why I was was hoping for a bit of insight, what to look for.

    Is it possible for you to give us a little bit of information to start with? So that we can narrow down our search for a solution.

    Thank you.

  • New addons that completed testing, and will be in the next update.

    Mobile Billing

    - Complete and latest implementation of Google's In-App Billing SDK and Apple's Store Kit In-App Purchases SDK.

    Mobile Notifications

    - Complete implementation of native local mobile notifications.

    There are other addons that are currently in testing, if I make the target date, they will be included in the next update.

    For the complete target goal, click here.

    That's all for now.

  • Hi everyone, great news! The first batch of new addons should be released this September 11, 2021, with the new Mobile Billing.

  • Hi Pagr13, I'll make sure to announce here as soon as it is released.

    Regarding your inquiry about server-side app updates, with PlayFab, you have a lot of options and all those mentioned are included and can be used as well.

    However, the easiest and most common is through title data a.k.a game data, which is in the context of Construct 3, is like your own 'constant global variable'.

    For protection, the title data is read-only a.k.a constant, but you can also write/modify it through the server, if you allow it, using Cloud Script.

    Basically, to use this feature, you add the Title Manager object in your project, and get the title data.

    To write your title data, you need to go to your PlayFab console, from your studios and titles list, pick the studio and then the title (game) you want to modify, then go to the Content tab, and it will by default show the title data page, where you can finally begin writing your title data.

    The data structure is similar to writing a Construct 3 dictionary, it is a key-value pair, with the user interface being as user friendly as Construct 3's editor. And to get the value from Construct 3, you run 'Get Title Data' with the keys you want retrieved from the server.

    If you have studio-wide data in mind, there is also something called publisher data a.k.a 'studio data', which is shared among all games under a studio (You can have multiple studios). To use this feature, insert the Publisher object, and use it like the User Data and Title Manager addons.

    You can also use Cloud Script, if you like writing functions in your server to process and retrieve the data manually. And other cool cloud scripting features.

    Although, basically, the title data through the Title Manager is the easiest and most convenient way.

    There is also Mobile Firebase Config, which is specifically made for this feature, but it is a native implementation restricted to Android and iOS.

    Good luck!

  • Hi Pagr13, sorry that has happened to you. In an event of an error, a support email should have been sent to your account to resolve the issue. Have you tried checking your mailbox?

    If there is still an issue, please let me know. Or, you can also send your concern to customer support (