cesisco's Forum Posts

  • Hi, here's my cave generator(i'm working in a game that will use this).I'm using the cellular automata 4-5 algorithm and a set of other rules, but i have to work a little more on it, because once in a while i'm getting some big disconnected caves.

    Arrows-move and jump


    Hold Z to Zoom out and see the entire cave

    G-generate a new cave

    Random cave capx

    Random cave example

    UPDATE:you can find above the link to the capx., this is slightly different from the example but you can use your own tiles for the auto-tile function.

    Edit:i forgot to paste the comments to this example so if you have any doubts just ask here if you like.

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  • Thanks guys, i'll try those solutions.

  • Is the array to be filled a fixed size?

    Hi, yes, i don't know the size yet, maybe 40x40.


  • Hi, i just want to fill an array with 2 components at random positions, but i need 60% of componentA and 40% of componentB in the array, can anyone give me a hand with this?


  • cesisco all the world generation code is in one group - it's called 'world generation' or something.

    Basically, I resize a grid of random noise with bilinear (smooth) filtering, then threshold it to black and white. The reason it never blocks the player is because the threshold favors white more than black - this is controlled by a variable (forget what it's called).

    Ok thanks, i'll dig into it one more time.

  • sqiddster Congratulations, this is fantastic!I looked at the game .capx but i can't understand where you do the "cleaning" of the array to make those organic platforms that never blocks the player path.Can you point me in the right direction?


  • czar Kuso ,thank you guys!I'll update the link as soon as i have a couple of "real" levels.

  • Hi, here is a playable demo, just to show some environments and some basic game mechanics, this is not a level.I have a few doubts about which direction the game will take, maybe more puzzle oriented with shorter levels, or a classic platformer.I already have a few short levels with a lot of challenging puzzles involving these mechanics(and a few more)and i think this is the way to go.

    This game will require a lot of work(in my spare time) to develop, should i give it a try? I'll appreciate some feedback about the demo.


    DEMO ZED-3600

  • Hi, i'm still working in this game in my spare time, here are a few images of the environments of the game.I'll upload a playable demo later.

    <img src="http://www.cesisco.com/promopics/zed/zed_1.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.cesisco.com/promopics/zed/zed_3.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.cesisco.com/promopics/zed/zed_4.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.cesisco.com/promopics/zed/zed_5.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.cesisco.com/promopics/zed/zed_6.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.cesisco.com/promopics/zed/zed_2.png" border="0" />

  • jojoe i bought Drawplus 4 years ago because it was in a sale, and i think it has the best interface of all vectorial applications and a very powerfull effect section.

  • cesisco That is pretty damn awesome! Any way to add slopes, jump throughs and moving platforms using that method? Or would you use the auto tile to make the base, then add the extras the traditional way?

    cesisco That is pretty damn awesome! Any way to add slopes, jump throughs and moving platforms using that method? Or would you use the auto tile to make the base, then add the extras the traditional way?

    BluePhaze, you can do it both ways, what i do is,i place my terrain(just 1 square sprite) in C2 editor(not in runtime like in the example)and then the bitwise method checks each neighbour and apply the right texture for each sprite.You can have multiple types of terrains)rocks, grass, snow, underground, etc).

    The other elements you can place them randomly(like the trees and flowers in the example)or manually,depending on how much control you need in the level design.I think this method is so much faster than placing everything manually.

  • BluePhaze, i am doing some tests with the bitwise method to autotile, and once we know how to draw the tiles(i am using 16 sprites to cover all positions) and their positions to use the bitwise method, you can achieve great and very organic results.

    And by the way i use Drawplus, a very underated vector software

    I am thinking in making a tutorial if someone is interested

    bitwise autotile

  • Bob1 hi, i'm making 2 platformers, this and "ZED-3600".I'll post screenshots of this later.

    If you are interested, this example use the bitwise method to autotile , that is very straightforward, the hard part of the process is the design of the terrain sprites in order to achieve a fliud and organic feel.

    bitwise autotile method

  • I have been a musician and composer for over 20 years, and i have to say that your music is amazing <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, someone already tried the Cellular automata approach to create random levels in C2?I found a few threads in the Construct classic forum but not in C2 forums.
