cenowador's Forum Posts

  • Do you have a project that we can see?

  • Didn't mean to leave you hanging. Baby decided he wanted to pop out two weeks early

    Have you made any progress? Also I couldn't open your capx right away, due to plugins that needed installing.

    No problem ^^ Congrats! Hope you enjoyed your sleep nights LOL

    I decided to give a time to this project to get some more experience, so I can do this correctly. I've a lot of ideias that I want to take out of paper. Thank you for your effort to help me :3

  • > O Mega diz que o arquivo não existe. Tire uns prints da sua Event Sheet e upe no Google drive ou onde achar melhor e poste aqui pra eu poder ver.


    Coloquei no mediafire http://www.mediafire.com/download/nkmz2 ... e1-11.capx

    Você quem fez esse arquivo do zero ou copiou direto do tutorial? Estou ainda tentando entender a lógica dele. Até agora apenas consegui concertar o problema do Game Over. Você estava chamando a função "errada". Veja a imagem:

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    Quando você chamou a função Game Over, esqueceu de colocar o espaço, e aí ele não estava encontrando a função que você pediu. É um erro bobo, mas que pode causar sérios problemas.

    Se eu conseguir mais alguma coisa eu te aviso :3

  • Before I dive into your screenshots, can you post a capx? A regular problem is hard enough to diagnose by screenshots, multiplayer is even harder.

    A signalling server and a host are two completely different things. You normally would not need your own signalling server, as long as you think Scirra will exist/provide this service.

    A dedicated host is generally what people think of when they think "server". You will need your own server and can be as simple as run your game 24/7 in a browser tab on that server to be a dedicated host.

    Here it is. I don't have the .capx of the first try, since I deleted it to redo from zero.

    Thanku :3

  • Are you following the tutorial or are you trying to make your own system?

    Have you completed the tutorial and understood each part? It is pretty critical that you understand the concepts in the multiplayer tutorials before building your own system - you won't get very far otherwise.

    I mention this because generally speaking, it is not the multiplayer plugin that is buggy, and if you don't understand the concepts Firebase won't help you either... you'll find even less support here, and run into similar issues. Just trying to save you from some headache ahead of time.

    From your general description, it sounds like you're possibly not associating peerID's correctly.

    Yep. I read all the 4 tutorials and learned a lot from them. On my first try I "copied" it event by event, changing the necessary to my project. I'll put the images in the end of the post. I agree that it's not the plugin, I'm quite sure that's something that I'm doing wrong, but just know that's not the plugin doesn't help me at all :/

    On this Event Sheet the problems are: the Sprite isn't created at random position, just on the same corner of the screen; It's behaviors are not activated and the other things on the container of the Sprite are not created; as the peer, the sprite keeps being created and destroyed, which makes it looks like it's flashing.

    1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    3 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    4 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    5 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    I couldn't solve this problems so I decided to make a try by myself. I deleted all the multiplayer structure and tried to make it again, but only seeing the general structure of the thing, not copying it all. Now the Sprite is created at random and the other objects of the container are created as well; all the behaviors works properly; the only issue is that that only aplies to the host. The Sprite that the peer can see keeps "flashing" and it's not an actual controlable thing, it's just an image of what the host is doing with his Sprite, so the peer can't shoot or control it - just it's angle, but since the angle controls to where the Sprite goes and it's not afecting the movement as the peer, it's doing nothing. Here's mine structure:

    1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    But before we proceed, please answer me something that isn't that clear to me: if I want to put the game on a dedicated or semi-dedicated server, I'll have to set my own signalling server, right? I know that Scirra made a signalling system and it's for sale if I want to buy it, but it's something that I must know since it'll cost something.

    Anyway, I appreciate that you guys are trying to help me. This is something that I really like on the comunity.

  • O Mega diz que o arquivo não existe. Tire uns prints da sua Event Sheet e upe no Google drive ou onde achar melhor e poste aqui pra eu poder ver.

  • Rex has few plugs to set that up.

    It probably won't be as fast as multiplayer.

    I'm using his plugin :3 I'm having issues with the multiplayer and I don't know why. I tried a lot of things, but it keeps giving me the same issues: the sprite of the peer is created and destroyed infinitely, and the peer can't control the sprite, only watch the host move. I deleted all the multiplayer structure and am starting over. Besides it corrected some, it already presented some of the older bugs.

  • O Mega está pedindo chave para acessar a pasta. Manda aí pra eu ver se consigo te ajudar :3

  • Hello, everyone :3

    Is it possible to use Firebase to set up a multiplayer system? I'm making a multiplayer game and had some problems with the Multiplayer object and got no answers in here :/

    Anyway, I'm using it to make the account system and it's working properly, but I'm asking myself what is possible to do with Firebase? What are its limits? If anyone with experience with it could answer me, I'd be very grateful ^^

  • Here ya go :3

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/940/ho ... -a-project

    Store the hour in a variable and compare if it's below or above 18h.

    There's also this plugin, since the other one you would need to use some tricks cause it returns you the full date, not only the time:


  • Didn't got it. Your game has a day/night system or are you talking about real world?

  • In the project properties menu, on the left side, there's an option like "pause on unfocus", just disable it.

  • Bump of despair ;-;

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  • Hello everyone ^^

    I'm making a multiplayer game. I read the four standard tutorials about it and learned a lot from them - kudos to the person who made it :3

    Here's my problem: I run the game, it asks me for the alias and enter the "arena" waiting for a player join the room.

    Observation: I want it to be an online game, so I will rent a server to run it. Thinking about it, the host woldn't have a character, since it shouldn't be a random AI just wandering on the game.

    When a peer join the room, a character is created to the host in the corner of the layout - it should be at random, and was working without the multiplayer interaction -, the name of the character is displayed only for the host and the behaviors that should be activated, are not. The character is also created to the peer, but on the same corner of the host with a difference: the other objects of the container are not created and the character sprite keeps flashing really fast, with the speed of a thousand Barry Allens, and don't have its behaviors activated. Also, the "bullets" that are created when player shoots don't flash, besides they bullet behavior are disabled as well.

    Here's my eventsheet:

    I think the forum doesn't like google drive images nor imgur, so if you can't see them, here they are ^^:

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzI4L ... ERKX091LXM

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzI4Lq ... sp=sharing

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzI4L ... HdseGF5RTQ

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzI4L ... UVhcHVPS1E

  • It worked! Thanku, guys ^^