Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • You have entered the data incorrectly.

    Your application:

    - collects data

    -transmits data

    - encrypted

    -uses for marketing and analytics.

    - does not store on the device.

    For more details, read AdMob's data security guide.

    Thanks buddy for the reply!

  • App link if someone wants to download it & analyse it's contents:-

  • Hi everyone & Ashley

    I just got an email from okay console, stating that I have filled data safety form incorrectly

    Here is the exact email:-


    1.) I am only using official construct 3 plugin (including admob)

    2.) In data safety form, it is asked that "whether app collect/share data". Ofcourse it doesn't hence I selected "it doesn't"

    Now they are saying that my app collects data. Weirdly, it is saying that app collects data about "other apps on devices" which simply doesn't make any sense

    So please help me regarding this issue (in 14 days they will remove the app). As I have simply used official plugins, this issue can be faced by anyone else.

  • Same question (Posting for visibility)

  • If you are facing issues with AdMob till now, you can migrate to another app monetization platform like AdPumb or AppoDeal.

    Ignore these posts. Scam-Scam-Scam

  • Yes, the icon will be rounded.

    Here you can see the guidelines and sizes:

    For example, if the full size of an image is 300×300 dp, the icon needs to fit within a circle with a diameter of 200 dp. Everything outside the circle will be invisible (masked).

    Thanks for the reply. Now I got everything understood. Thanks again

  • you set the bgcolor with the splashcolor property.

    the icon used is the one you define as Android splash icon

    Thanks buddy for the reply

    I have tried literally everything & still trying (r306)

    The icon gets cropped in circular fashion


    Look how construct 3 icon gets cropped in circular way

  • I am exporting for android & I am facing certain difficulties

    As the app is launched, white screen comes & at the center, app icon is there. Issue is that it is zoomed & cropped in circular manner

    Any idea how to deal with that. I have tries all combinations but nothing is helping


    Link of the demo file. Just export it to android apk & check on mobile. White screen with circularly cropped icon

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • I have done some tests, and the sound (not music) stops working with advanced minification.

    And the admob problems in android 12 are supposed to be fixed now.

    advanced minification has always been a problem. I have left using advanced minification 2 years ago

  • Just mark YES in that.

    Thanks buddy

  • Today's beta is wrong, sounds don't play on Android.

    Could you quickly explain to me how to change the version of admob in the configuration file?

    1.) Sound is not playing in all versions of android or is it specific?

    2.) is the app now working in android 12 (excluding the sound issue for a while)?

  • Hi DiegoM

    I use official admob plugin. What I have to do regarding this?

  • Hi bob777

    Did you got this menu through this?

  • Thanks, this is valuable information for us.

    But everything that is in the rules is described here.

    - I'll tell you my story.

    My app is in a garbage dump with ads cut out and a lot of money. It's not my fault and I can't control it. Therefore, these hacked apps often give a lot of requests for ads without impressions and AdMob often gave me a FREEZE.

    -How I solved the problem.

    Removed old ad blocks and created new ones with ads. Introduced severe restrictions on advertising requests. I request it in the code no more than 60 seconds. Introduced a restriction on requesting ads after the start, the player can only ask for ads after playing for 60 seconds or more. It saves you from bots.

    After that, within a week, the restriction was lifted.

    I got tired of doing this and connected mediation, which has its own AdMob, now this is their problem and their eCPM is higher than admob gives.

    I advise those who earn more than $100 on their game not to be lazy and insert meditation.

    Below is a screen shot of US figures.


    Thanks for the screenshots. You are getting an awesome ecpm. Is there any way can I connect to you?

    My email id is (Sorry for the funny email id. I made that when I was 15 years old). I want to know about mediation. I am losing a crazy amount of money because of admob weird practices

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