Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • In latest version,the audio is not working in chrome android (r228)

    Otherwise it was working in r226 and earlier version

    Audio format is webm. Same thing just the version (construct 3) is different.

    I used advanced minification for the export. And volume was -13 dB for the audio. And obviously I am talking about html export

    Edit: Also I have been noticing that when I move to new layout and if I start playing music, either it freezes/music does not play/freezes for 20 seconds and music does not plays

    I was yesterday playing with it and it is cool but i believe that it can be improved in one way(given below)

    When I drag a GIFs in layout,a sprite is made. But when 2 or more GIFs are dragged, construct 3 just "combines" them in same animation frame.

    It would had been better if construct 3 automatically creates different animation frame for different GIFs,or different sprites for different GIFs . Otherwise the user will have to drag GIFs one by one in current scenario

  • You can do this in a script:


    In events the only way to do this is to add all objects into a family and pick family instance by ObjectTypeName:

    System Pick Family by evaluate Family.ObjectTypeName="ObjName"

    After that you can use Family.width

    Thanks for the help

  • Suppose I want to save an object's width in a variable,so I will save car.width in that variable (object name is car)

    But what if I want to do same thing using just "name" of the object? Something like "object_name".width

  • Follow the instructions below

    Open ANY layout (main screen,thank you screen-any layout of your project

    Then select "debug layout"

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  • Just getting crazy but scirra can earn good amount of money through ads shown to free edition users (and in return they can make free edition a little bit powerful). Otherwise as I said earlier, for trial 50 events is more than enough

  • HI! I have loved construct 3 so far. The only issue is the limits for the free version of construct 3. One way to make construct 3`s free version a little better is to add more events for the free version. I always am about to add something new. Then i run into you dont have anymore events. Maybe you could add 100 events or 150? This would just make construct 3`s free version better.

    Now even one month subscription is also available. Why don't you try that ? Also 50 events are MORE than enough for trial. I again repeat,it is MORE than enough.

  • Construct doesn't have a plugin named "Text box" - there's the "Text input" form control, which doesn't support BBcode, and the "Text" object, which does (and I presume you mean that).

    As ever it's all documented in the manual page for the Text object.

    Everything is good but in my opinion in the documentation you should also add an example using rgb() for changing text colour. It will be helpful and much direct

  • There you go:

    More of them you can research on internet, some of them can work but you need to try.

    Super thanks

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Construct doesn't have a plugin named "Text box" - there's the "Text input" form control, which doesn't support BBcode, and the "Text" object, which does (and I presume you mean that).

    As ever it's all documented in the manual page for the Text object.

    Yes,I am talking about text object

  • Hi

    Is there any list mentioning all bbcodes which can be used in text box. Because text box is itself made from scratch by construct 3 team.


  • > just compress your graphics on our own, if you want to?

    I always do

    > You can also already apply lossy compression if you want - just recompress the exported spritesheet images after export using your own tools. So you can basically do it already manually.

    I believe this is what the original post was referring to. I tried it. Using a 20 MB game as an example, using recompress images in Construct 3 I end up with about 18 MB, using PNGoo separately I get only about 8 MB

    That is the difference the original post was talking about. That it would be more convenient to have that kind of compression in Construct 3

    Anyway, I always recompress using PNGoo anyway. File size savings are too good not to use it.

    One issue though is when building APK, you cannot recompress with a 3rd party tool as it generates a finished APK file so you end up with a needlessly huge file size. Or am I wrong here.

    ( I have not really playede with APK exports here, so if I am wrong please correct me )

    And hi,where is PNGoo ? I searched it on the net but I didn't got it.

  • > just compress your graphics on our own, if you want to?

    I always do

    > You can also already apply lossy compression if you want - just recompress the exported spritesheet images after export using your own tools. So you can basically do it already manually.

    I believe this is what the original post was referring to. I tried it. Using a 20 MB game as an example, using recompress images in Construct 3 I end up with about 18 MB, using PNGoo separately I get only about 8 MB

    That is the difference the original post was talking about. That it would be more convenient to have that kind of compression in Construct 3

    Anyway, I always recompress using PNGoo anyway. File size savings are too good not to use it.

    One issue though is when building APK, you cannot recompress with a 3rd party tool as it generates a finished APK file so you end up with a needlessly huge file size. Or am I wrong here.

    ( I have not really playede with APK exports here, so if I am wrong please correct me )

    I have same doubt.

    Suppose if I take my APK file,open with winzip,copy and reduce the size of images using 3rd party service and then keep the new files back (ofcourse same name) then will the resultant APK file will be valid?

  • I guess that we should get 2 options :- lossless and quality reduce for project export