CaptainOblivious's Forum Posts

  • For now, go ahead and make your own proper bitmap font. I would suspect font includes will come before any text blitter object.

  • I've been through the steps a good 4 times now and cannot reproduce it. I also use Vista SP1, so in hopes of beating the "OMG it's Vista's fault" crowd to the punch, this appears to have more to do with your specific machine setup. Is there any more information you can share with us to help pin this down?

  • Please post your full system specs.

    OS Version:

    Latest OS Service Pack:

    CPU Name and Speed:


    Video Card:

    Video Drivers Version:

    Any other strange system activity (outside of Construct):

  • Not saying you are, man. Not one bit. Some people who view this later, however, may benefit from advice like that the rest of us consider common knowledge.

  • Try this on for size.

    There are a couple problems I don't have time to fix, but at least it will get you started.

    Known issues:

    -Landing a jump while moving up causes a hang. This is a bug and should be reported.

    -I don't know a good way of making a ceiling that doesn't allow creeping.

    Have fun!

  • Your enthusiasm is admirable, but if you don't upload your file we can't help you. Construct is still in beta. We need such examples of problematic behavior. However, if all you're here to do is hate on us then you are more than welcome to take your project elsewhere. Help us help you.

  • Cool, then. Is that your department or Ashley's? I'll be sure to keep the idea fresh in hopes of seeing it sooner than later.

  • Drama queen.

    It was no save, nor did I comment on the "I'm a developer" thing. NOR did I ever suggest you leave the forums. I will have none of this undue blame.

  • Instant lockup when pressing left or right. No error message. I will have time to figure out why here in about 12 hours...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Now that that's more or less taken care of:

    [quote:2sbjj64r]oh and ty captain

    No. It turns out they were right, and you only went and proved them to be even more so. I've given you more graces than anybody else on this forum. I've made attempts to understand the issue forum members have with you and explain it to the point that something could be done to help alleviate the strain. In addition, I have given you advice on how to avoid creating these situations in the first place - none of which you have taken to heart.

    [quote:2sbjj64r]Did i attack you ? Oh boy then you got to be sensitive on that point.

    [quote:2sbjj64r]For one.

    I have no side to stand at. I have no camp. I have no army. I have no team. I have no gun pointed at your head.

    For two.

    They will always be at your side. So smile. The majority is always with you.

    [quote:2sbjj64r]Stop acting hurt. You want a cookie ?

    When it comes down to it, there are ways of being honest without being rude. There are ways of making jokes without rubbing it in our faces. If you do not learn these, people will be far less inclined to work with you. It's true what you say - the majority is more willing to defend the man who argues with polite logic than the man who argues with sour emotions.

  • This may not be your favorite workaround, but the option to include fonts in application resources is planned for a future release. In the very worst case, you could eventually create your own font proper and include it in your application. I would argue this holds some benefits over text blitter, where you are restricted to bitmap fonts.

    Stay tuned for news on this upcoming feature. As for a text blitter plugin, that may be a while unless you can find a developer out there willing to devote his time to the betterment of this program.

  • On a nearly-related side note, I would expect any self-respecting Construct user to have their file extensions unhidden in Windows.

  • Because the plugins are separate from the base program, the answer is a mostly confident "yes."

    What I've done in my MMF days is call controls from an INI. That allowed me to not only offer full customization to the player, but also pass along any key to any function in the program. Unfortunately for now, Construct's behavior controls are locked into each application's default controls. I believe it would be a nice, temporary work around if maybe Ashley or Rich could modify the plugins to accept controls from an expression, untying them from the defaults. The fancy UI could come later.

    Any devs listening in? It could go something like this.

    //User Defined Control at Runtime
    +Keyboard and Mouse: User clicks on button "Set 'Jump'"
    -Set INI 1,1 to (capture next input)
    -Set Global Variable "P1_Jump" to (INI 1,1);
    +Keyboard and Mouse: (Global Variable "P1_Jump") is pressed.
    -Behavior: Jump;[/code:2jw0ex3c]
  • That's a good temporary fix so long as you never planned on having analog support.

  • Robink93, let's slow down for a minute.

    Gif support is in consideration for a future release. In the mean time, try exporting frames from just about any graphics program newer than MSPaint. Importing them takes a few extra seconds, but it's worth it considering how much Construct DOES automate that other programs yet do not.

    If for any reason you are incapable or unwilling to convert your gifs to frames, I'll more than willingly help you out. Provide a zip file of them and I will have them for you in short time.