CaptainOblivious's Forum Posts

  • Yeah. Per Rich, this is working fine for me. Please try exporting an executable and retrying. If it happens again, tell us please.

  • Yeah, that's a pretty big oversight. Construct should determine when this is inappropriate and disallow it.

  • This is the current design. Probably something minor the devs haven't fully implemented, or perhaps their personal preference. I agree that it should work best as you described.

  • Construct was not specifically designed with this sort of grid editing in mind. You may best be served by a program better suited for this.

    That's not to say it is impossible in Construct - you'd just be coding most of it by hand whereas another 2d RPG-specific program will already have the editor, arrays and algorithms ready for you to work with.

    Construct, in its current state, can achieve a similar effect much easier and with more flexibility if you use "layers" instead of "tiles." Using tiled background and sprite objects, you can layer entire set pieces to create your world. For instance, instead of having 20 tiles that comprise a house, you would create each house as its own sprite and place it on your canvas. It's an entirely different way of thinking, but if you don't mind trying something new you'll be surprised at the results.

    If what you're going for is a classic-style RPG look and feel though, it will take you quite some time to get it running in Construct. We'll help you if you choose to do this, but don't say we didn't tell you it'd be a long process.

  • Since you wanted a suggestion so bad, send your graphics card back to the archeological trench it came from and buy something decent!

    Ashley, this is not like you.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • TheInstance brings up good points, but please understand where he is coming from. He has been an invaluable source of constructive criticism (no pun intended) when it comes to the deeper structures of the program. His scrutiny has led to many of the major feature additions to version 0.95, as well as many future additions to be made in the near future.

    His portrayal of Ashley, Rich and the community in general is somewhat skewed, however. There has been friction between TheInstance (and his other usernames) caused by a language barrier that makes him sound more contentious than he means to be. This being said, he has never been left out of discussion or outright ignored. Instance's topics die most commonly in the throes of debate over semantics... an issue I believe is directly tied to said language barrier. What makes perfect sense to most Construct users sometimes goes against the language structures Instance grew up with as a non-English speaker. He is not wrong, really. His requests are valid, but ultimately it is Ashley's decision as to how events are laid out.

    Now if we may please get back to the original topic.

  • I am an MMF1 convert and, while that may not be as helpful a position to judge as one would like, I am happily working away on a project that simply could never be done in MMF or MMF2. I have my own list of bugs I'm waiting for Ashley to get to, but that's the thing - Ashley is FAST. All of the time I've been here, there has been a major release every week and a half or so. The developers are very active on these forums. The people are friendly and bright. When there is a problem it is fixed. When there is a request it is honored (please see the current feature to-do list).

    For Construct's speed, graphical power and customization, I whole-heartedly suggest you give it a try. Make a few demonstrations. Try to push the current limits so that they may be expanded upon. And more importantly, check back with us regularly as we are here to create and help and bugfix just as you could well be amongst this young, fertile, and as-yet unjaded community.

  • Me:

    <img src="">

  • As far as work goes, I wouldn't say this is a great way to get your foot in the door.

    After all, you have to stay toe-to-toe with your competition.

    The people who laugh at your misfortune are just callous.

    Next time, try to not let your toe break your fall - or vice-versa.

    To your credit, you must have nailed it.

    ...okay, I'm done. Sorry.

  • South Park beat you to that idea, in their own way.

  • Consider adding a distance argument to the event.

    +Has LOS

    +Distance to Spanky < ###

    =then do stuff


    As far as rotating, that behavior is avoided by changing the sprite's properties accordingly.

  • That is freakin cool. So cool, in fact, I will now go change my pants.

  • Potato! Potato! Tomato! Tomato! Let's call the whole things o --

    * CaptainOblivious gets mowed down in a fail of gunfire.

  • Hey, we all know nobody has to shell out hundreds of dollars to work in a pure-transparency format. Though I agree Construct should be as compatible as possible, there is also logic in supporting the newest formats first. When the core program is complete, maybe then we can worry about the files made with a 20+ year-old program.

  • This is a brilliant idea and I whole-heartedly support it. Sure we have families of objects, but that doesn't hold a candle to collapsible object grouping.