camboriu's Forum Posts

  • Thx for help bro, i`l not use percentage anymore XD

    its too complicated to me yet...

    but really thank you =)

    Sorry I used loading progress because I usually use this when loading game.

    You do not need all of those variables only these:




    every time you score calculate % by setting scorePCT variable to scorePCT = (score/scorelimit)*100

    and under that another action to set frame of object

    object > setFrame > int(scorePCT/10)

  • > pct = int(loadingprogress*100)



    > someVar = pct/10



    > object . setFrame to int(someVar)



    > Just off the top if my head, as they say, haven't tried it , but it should work



    > or shortened into one line object > setFrame > int((int(loadingprogress*100)/10))


    > prob. do not need both int either

    Thank you, i`l try this.. is some complicated for me yet, but i`l try and send the result here :)

    I do this, i create some Local variables, and defined the value to then...

    but i can`t find the "variable" to create a comparison, i need to make a GLOBAL variable to this??


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  • pct = int(loadingprogress*100)

    someVar = pct/10

    object . setFrame to int(someVar)

    Just off the top if my head, as they say, haven't tried it , but it should work

    or shortened into one line object > setFrame > int((int(loadingprogress*100)/10))

    prob. do not need both int either

    Thank you, i`l try this.. is some complicated for me yet, but i`l try and send the result here :)

  • Good morning, I'm having difficulty working with percentage, for example I want to change the frame of an object, whenever it reaches a% of a value,

    if it is 10% of the value of the score, I want the frame to be 1,

    if it's 20% of the score, I want it to be 2 ...

    I'm doing this because I'm going to work with "sessions" and each "session" will have a higher score limit, so working by percentage would be the best option ....

    I'm doing this format, (but the percentage is still not working) I would like help for how I can know the value of 10% of my score in this comparison, or some other tip to change the logic.

    thankful if image can`t be opened


    Bom dia pessoal, estou com dificuldades para trabalhar com porcentagem, por exemplo eu quero trocar o frame de um objeto, sempre que chegar em uma % de um valor,

    se for 10% do valor do score, quero que o frame seja 1,

    se for 20% do valor do score, quero que seja 2...

    Estou fazendo isso, pois vou trabalhar com "sessoes"e cada "sessao" terá um limite maior de pontuação, então trabalhar por porcentagem seria a melhor opção....

    Estou fazendo desse formato, ( mas a porcentagem ainda não está funcionando) gostaria de ajuda pra como posso saber o valor de 10% do meu score nessa comparação, ou alguma outra dica pra mudar a lógica.


  • I would like opinions and help on the "waves" in tower defense,

    for example, I'm thinking of each level having 10 waves, and after the 10 waves go to the next level ...

    and each wave, spawnar X monsters of some types ...

    the bigger the wave the more monsters and stronger ...

    I wondered, how could the part of organizing the "Waves"

    I have no idea how to do something without complicating me later ...

    Has anyone ever done anything like this, or could you give me some ideas please?

  • camboriu

    Thx bro :)

  • can i have the capx too? i didnt see any link or download...

    i have the same problem xD

  • You could make a variable for the day, month, year, hour, minute and compare the last set time with the current time.

    You can get the time and date with ExecJS(Date()), here's a tutorial even on how to get the datetime and you can use expressions to split the datetime and put the day into the day variable, month into the month variable etc. It's all explained in the tutorial

    i used

    Browser.ExecJS("var currentdate = new Date(); currentdate.getHours() ':' currentdate.getMinutes();")

    set text Browser.ExecJS("Date()")

    it works, and show me all xD

    but i no find how to save JUST the DAY/MONTH, to compare..

    if i save Just DAY, will not work, example.. if var DAY2> var DAY1 - do something, else, nothing.

    but when are day 30, and back to day 1( of next month), 30 will be > than 1 :(

    i need to get numbers of month, or how can i do?

    and how i save the Result of the ExecJS in a VAR?

  • Hi guys, I'm trying to create a new app in C3.

    Can i make a timer for example, every 15 hours, (need to count even offline) or, for example, save the day in a variable and compare every day if the current day is greater than the previous day?

    but how would I do it on the 30th?

    It will click the button and a message will appear, every day I want the message to be changed.

    If anyone can give me an idea or solution, please ...

    I'm Brazilian, sorry for my english xD

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  • Good afternoon, I still can not make my google play signin work, I tried to create a new APP from scratch, and just put the functions, from when it load, signin ... however it loads, stops and reloads.

    and never connects.

    Can someone please give me an example of how to connect in google play?

    I'm going to post my capx that I'm trying to do, can it be a problem with google dev account?

    or is it just some mistake of mine? ... t.c3p?dl=0

    What i`m doing wrong?

    can someone help pls?

    i need open a new topic with this problem?

    > Hey bro, i do what u say but nothing happens yet... idk what i`m doing wrong =(((




  • Hey bro, i do what u say but nothing happens yet... idk what i`m doing wrong =(((

    and i do this on my MENU window..

    my game ID, i place in all slots XD

    i need any more to signin?

    in google play dev?

    My game is in test for intertest, not in Beta or Alpha yet..

    but i think its not the problem..

    > i have your first issue with google play..



  • i have your first issue with google play..

    i`l post images..




    After this, dont happens nothing...

    i create a BUtton to signin, however when i press the button, nothing happens too.

    This is part of my code...

    can you help me, please?

    Hey bro, i bought C3, and i`m fine with this xD

    i`l trying to add google play services to C3 now,

    i`l post if it works.. thx for help

    > camboriu Construct # will eventually be able to build signed APKs. But for right now, you can build an Android Studio Project, open in Android Studio, then build a signed APK from that.


    > Also, all this time i thought you were referring to issues with Google Play Game services for Construct 3, but you're talking about Construct 2? I haven't bothered with the plugin in C2, only C3. Trying to move everything to C3 since the Construct Team is putting all of their efforts into C3 engine.


  • Hey bro, i bought C3, and i`m fine with this xD

    i`l trying to add google play services to C3 now,

    i`l post if it works.. thx for help

    camboriu Construct # will eventually be able to build signed APKs. But for right now, you can build an Android Studio Project, open in Android Studio, then build a signed APK from that.

    Also, all this time i thought you were referring to issues with Google Play Game services for Construct 3, but you're talking about Construct 2? I haven't bothered with the plugin in C2, only C3. Trying to move everything to C3 since the Construct Team is putting all of their efforts into C3 engine.

  • Good morning Kenyonb, sorry for the delay, I installed a necessary plugin and ended up having more problems than expected, then I got a little disappointed .. but I'm coming back, the reason I use cocoon is that I'm almost finishing the project in construct2, I just needed this part of google, I needed to use new plugins and new codes, what happens now is the following, when the game opens, it loads google play, it is loading and stops, there is no error and no messages, just no log ...

    About construct3, I do not use Cocoon? Does C3 itself build?

    I currently use Construct2 because my partner owns the license, but I'm looking to migrate to C3 after this project, in fact I'm even thinking of exporting to C3 to avoid some problems, do you think this can be solved in C3?

    sorry for my bad english, XD

    > Guys, I have a similar problem.


    > I have this code in the beginning.

    > On start of layout,


    > trigger once Cocoon Request login

    > cocoon is not logged in


    > I have this, when the game starts, it appears the login screen of google play, my data appears, when I hit Allow, it just disappears and the message that has failed appears (I have implemented also if login fails, message appears)


    > I've already checked everything I think it might be, the game ID is inside the app, and I can not log in,

    > I have the achievements and highscore implemented, but I can not open it either, since I can not log in ...

    > and each time I start a new level, it appears to log, and disappears. Not Logging In


    Sorry, but why are you using Cocoon if you can build mobile games with Construct 3?