calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Sounds like a chrome issue. Clear your cache etc and try again or do a reinstall

  • What do you mean by "leaves it's own physics"?

  • If using scale outer/inner (and scrolling) you need to add UI elements to a layer with the parallax set to 0%. Then use the anchor behaviour to keep them in place.

    Have a look at this example. Specifically look at the layer parallax settings and the anchor settings for each of the four objects.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIg499Ff_fXEyCQJaA

  • Do you have add ons such as ad block or other in the browser that is not working? If it is working correctly in other browsers, and in incognito mode it could be an addon interfering. A lot of addons are disabled by default in incognito mode.

  • Standard troubleshooting would be to take a small simple project, for instance a blank screen with a spinning square, and use the HTML export method. Then upload that to

    If it works then you can start working upwards from there. If it doesn't then it is most likely you are uploading it incorrectly.

    The other outcomes are that itch or construct have issues however, it's highly unlikely.

  • Have you tried exporting a small project to HTML and uploading it to itch?

    I have not had any problems with HTML uploads before.

  • If you really can't handle downloading a zip and right-clicking extract-to then you could follow these instructions:

    But I'd pretty much guarantee that you'd spend more time setting that up once than you would right clicking and extracting your folder from your downloaded zip file for all your future exports.

  • Use set object timescale and select your family.

  • I know the feeling :) FYI this will only be accurate while your origin point is set to left. If it was centre and you wanted to get the xy of the right end still you would multiply by branch.width/2, although for your current purposes it seems unlikely you would move the origin from left.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Change your create object at position to this

  • It is a system action. Scroll down to the 'Time' category and you will see three options:

    Set Time Scale

    Set Object Time Scale

    Restore Object Time scale

    EDIT: Dop beat me by mere seconds :)

  • if you need to use on step use this:

  • Use the on collision with trigger rather than testing for overlaps.

    EDIT: if for some reason you did want to manually set the Bullet ricochet using events:

    Bullet 'On Collision With' Wall

    - Bullet Set bullet Angle Of Motion to (angle of surface hit-(Bullet.bullet.angleofmotion/2))*2

    Sub Event:

    If Bullet.bouncecountervariable<>3 - Add 1 to bullet.bouncecountervariable

    If Bullet.bouncecountervariable=3 - destroy Bullet

  • If you are doing a retro pixel art game, you will likely want pixel rounding turned on. This will make sure that all pixels are drawn at screen pixels and there are no non whole number positions which can deform your pixel art.

    Using lerp to create a smooth camera is a fairly standard across most games.

    You don't need to use a second sprite for your camera either you can use the system action "set scroll" and use:



  • If you want to visualise a 3D array you're going to have to get creative. Easiest way I would do it is create a new text object for each Z element and run the function on that object.