California's Forum Posts

  • The one that I use quite often:

    1. Chrome / console log

    2. SpriteFont

    3. EaseTween

    Yes, SpriteFont!

  • ^ Yep, forgot to mention those two, thanks Dormi

    Also, Distribute things in layouts, don't use only one layout.

  • some notes

    I'm also a begginer, but saw some stuff that you could improve while glancing at it:

    On design:

    1.- for the red character: Use a container for the eyes

    2.- for the red character: For the jump use image points or use EaseTween.

    3.- For the whole project: use Powers of two in the sprites.

    4.- Use PNG8 for the background

    5.- Sprite 11 is a waste of blank space, clone the empty star three times, use a simple 2x2px black tile with 30% opacity as background.

    On code:

    6.- Use delta time, you have lots of actions using time. That will help on frameratesss.

    7.- Also, use Groups, your code needs it, a lot.

    8.- And Functions, they can pass variables and data.

    9.- And Families, you are using lots of single events for destroying any block. Example on how to fix this: Assign instance variable ID "destroyOnClick" to anything that you want to be destroyed on click, and create a Group for that.

    10.- Why use WebGL if iOS doesn't support it?

    11.- The code is ALL the time checking and updating the End Screen (just remove the forest background to see what I mean).

    12.- Hide the End Screen btw., and only show it or create it when the red thing is over the Goal block.

    Your code can be improved, don't give up.

  • 1.- easeTween

    2.- console log

  • if you have Adblocker, you can "select element to hide" and add it to the blocked objects. I know, not the best solution.

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  • cool, thanks for the heads up

  • Yes, and knowing that it already includes stuff you'll need, like .PickedCount

    that's Great.


  • To avoid the black bars that's why I'm suggesting that template.

  • Ashman, why don't you put a CAPX in the templates folder of "safe areas"?

    like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And put the safe areas of the more popular devices (iPad2, iPhone5, iPad Retina), That way one can more easily design across devices.


  • Ashman, why don't you put a CAPX in the templates folder of "safe areas"?

    like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And put the safe areas of the more popular devices (iPad2, iPhone5, iPad Retina), That way one can more easily design across devices.


    • Post link icon

    We really need to have a better IDE.

    We need to be able to debug. Step through code, trace variables.

    We need better code analytics - which object are never used which functions don't exit. etcWorking on a large project with three developers highlights how poor the C2 environment is.

    We need bookmarks in the event sheet so that we can just "ctrl-2" and jump down to bookmark 2.

    In design we need rulers and guidlines. Ala photoshop so that we design our screens easier.

    We need a decent bitmap font system. The spritefont as a 3rd party plugin doesn't cut it.

    We need keyboard shortcuts in the even sheet. ctrl-home jump to the top. ctrl-end jump to the bottom.

    We need to be able to merge projects.

    We need to be able to search across all event sheets. e.g., find where this variable is created.

    We need Local variables that are only available within that event sheet.

    You need to make it much easier to collaborate on a project with multiple developers. At the moment the entire IDE is way too basic.

    I believe your next push should really be around making C2 easier to use. Give us tools that help development and aid maintenance and collaboration.

    I really enjoy the results I am getting from C2 but compared to development environments that I am used to working with C2 is very primitive and requires many work arounds and "tricks" to get much productivity out of it.

    Obviously I am not talking about a project with one layout and one event sheet but you try working with 20 layouts and just as many event sheets and that really highlights the short comings.


    An easy way to visualize arrays would also be great, some kind of database. ;] (maybe that could be included in the debugger)An Array Editorr, I vote for: multiline Array Editor

    Seconded, also the follow path.

  • I think that that should be a USER setting, not something automagically? detected.

    I know, cumbersome, but that should make a better fit for monitors and iPads.

  • So, where's the capx

  • I want this too. EasyTween is pretty much the greatest plugin ever created, making it official should be mandatory :)seconded

  • Ashley - I can't speak for California obviously, but I could see this being pretty useful when wanting to copy and paste objects from one layout to another while retaining the same position. exactly, that way any item will be in the exact same place,

    i.e. other layer, other layout, or when copy-pasting between projects.