CairoCreativeStudios's Forum Posts

  • I was going to post a tutorial on multiplayer but accidentally submitted it early. Do I need to get someone with control of the website to delete it for me? ... ultiplayer

  • I'm interested ^^

    Sorry, I dropped this project quite a while ago. But I could help you in figuring out how to get some 2.5D stuff working. I'd suggest getting the Q3D plugin though. I know that may sound a bit counterintuitive if you're going to 2.5D, but some 3D implementation makes for a better looking 2.5D game, and will make the entire workflow a lot easier.

    Again, I'm sorry!

  • Just so you know : After some research, I found out you can build 3ds games in Construct. Thanks for your help

    Whoah, yeah, I second that, can you provide more source for this?

  • I think we may be able to see support for more Nintendo devices in the future, but for now, developing games for 3DS using Construct 2 is a LONGSHOT and probably not even worth it. It has been said that the 3DS does support HTML5 development though, so I would look more into it if you're actually interested. Just know that there probably won't be many sources as far as how to compile the game for 3DS.

  • I make them all myself, I'm a bit of an entrepreneur! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I also take requests! If you wanna check out my portfolio, you can find free assets here: ... tions.html

    I'm becoming increasingly better at art, and would love to be able to give to the community, so if you want anything, you can always just ask!

    Everything I make is free by the way <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • For anyone interested, I'm building (mostly complete) a small Visual Novel template in Construct 2 that you can download for free.

    Feel free to give credit, but I really don't care.


    And for anyone interested in the C2Pokemon engine, it's still in development. I've just started getting the battles functional, but like I said before, I want to get mostly everything complete before it's released. I don't want to upload anything that people will have to spend a lot of time to try to make completely functional.

    I promise I'll get that in shortly, and I apologize for the wait!

  • Oh wow... How did I not think about that? I feel like a moron, but thanks a lot eliasfrost (you too R0J0hound), comparing tiles based on a certain distance from the player would definitely work well, I appreciate the help!

    Oh and R0J0hound, I guess I didn't think about it, but picking would have to effectively do some sort of unseen loop, or else it wouldn't work. Thanks.

    My issue with looping or picking is that my tilemap is of about 3000 tiles, and looping through that at every tick is quite slooow. This solution is very nice. Thanks again, eliasfrost!

  • Technically though, arrays wouldn't change a whole lot... Would it? I'm going to have to loop through positions in the array, or positions in the tilemap either way, in order to test it against the player's position. To be honest, I don't think using an array will do anything aside from adding an extra step, now that I think of it. The problem is performance. Where picking is instantaneous, and has almost zero hardware workload, and only has to be done once for each thing, because it points right to it, I'd have to loop through and compare each position. I can't think of a different way to use arrays for this kind of functionality..

  • If I understand the problem correctly, isn't it possible to do this with arrays? If you set the array size to be the same as the tilemap and whenever an object moves or is placed you update the array with the same x,y of the object on the tilemap. 0 for empty and 1 for occupied. Then you can check if a certain space is empty by referring to the array.

    I haven't tried it myself yet but it seems like something you could easily do with arrays.

    I've actually tried that, and it works of course. The only problem is that my computer is bad and has a problem with the loop I used to make it work. I was hoping that somehow another way could be implemented into the engine itself so that I would never have to use a loop to do it, but looping seems unavoidable.

  • Yo, Scirra, I've been trying a number of different ways to go about this with tile maps, but I just can't find an efficient way to check to do it.

    Basically, what I want to be able to do is select a tile based on its number in the tilemap object itself. This condition would make making games using tilemaps a lot easier, as many games (such as the Pokemon Engine I'm making now) need to change a tile based on whether the player is touching it or not. And I can't seem to be able to check if the player isn't touching it. I can check if it is touching based on the player's position to tile position, but there is only the option to check if a tile exists at a position, not to test if a position exists at a tile... If that makes sense.

    What I'm asking is the option to do the opposite, for proper checking of individual tiles contacting another object.

    And I didn't know where else to post this, so I'm posting it in open topic.

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    Tonight I've made a couple important updates to the engine. First of all, loading of Pokedex files has been implemented. GUI has been partially implemented through loading of JSON files (for convenience), NPC's have been added. NPC's can now begin speaking to the player. Aaaand... That's about it. A couple more updates and I'll just share it here on Scirra. I want to have all the basics implemented, or else it can't really be called a Pokemon Fan Game Engine.

    Well, I'm unsure of whether anyone has done this yet, but I haven't seen anything yet, so I decided to do it myself. First, I would like to explain that this is going to be more of a toolkit for a Pokemon game, than an actual fan game. Hence it being a Fan Game Engine. Almost all things will be controlled through Functions that will be set up to call events that would happen in Pokemon. I'd also like to note that although I will be explaining every function I create, I don't plan on writing any tutorials or explaining how it works. When the website is online, you'll be able to download the project though, which is well coded. So far the project isn't at a good state for playing, I plan on finishing the pokedex, dialogue, and battle systems before posting it at all. (That would be in about a week or two, considering the progress on said things that I've already made.) So, now I'll list the engines current features:

      JSON based Pokedex
      Full Pokemon menu system, including pokedex, bag, save, etc.
      Pokemon turn based battle system
      Wild pokmon encounters
      And lastly, a dialogue system

    Sorry, but the first release won't have much more than this. After the first release I'll be working on leveling, stats, evolution, etc. and make another release. I'll be posting further information later, but for now, this is more of a placeholder.

    PS. The original post stated that I'm using INI's for the Pokedex, but that was just a stupid mistake I made while writing this. I'm using JSON, and creating a web app for creating a Pokedex, so if you want to make a new one or add Pokemon, all you'll need is that. Basically it's just Base64 and stuff loaded into an array through the use of JSON and AJAX.

  • Wow, I didn't know Construct 2 did that, but I'm glad that it does. That's pretty dang convenient.

  • As far as games go, there really isn't any actual limitations in C2. It can be used just like any other engine, you just gotta know how to use the program, and a good bit of knowledge about actual programming goes a long way. From my experience programming in C++ in HTML5, the two are almost right by each other, C++ because of it's potential, and HTML5 because of it's ease. Construct 2 almost has full implementation of most things you'll ever want to do with Javascript, and only a few plugins and behaviors really increase it's potential as a program (Q3D and Canvas/Pastor being some of those few). Learn how to use it, trust me you'll be glad ya did.

  • Okay, sorry for all the confusion. I'm gonna guess you knew better, the peer can control whether the behavior is enabled or not. I wouldn't recommend it though, without input prediction, multiplayer is useless.

  • I don't get it... Disabling the behavior on the peers side didn't work, which makes sense, as it's basically just a copy of the object from the Host. The host tells the peer whether the behavior is enabled or not, so it seems, and disabling the physics didn't do anything. I was doing something wrong, the values for the movement were different for the peer and host, so the input prediction was off, because it wasn't the same...

    Again, thanks though..