caiokawasaki's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Well a .capx would help alot lolz. Maybe just make a smaller .capx with that part. If ur afraid someone is gonna take ur idea.

    brunopalermo example worked like a charm! Now I think just need something to stay cool, I like it when the gold was released, he went to a random direction and after 0.5 seconds he was toward the collector. Is this possible?

    Here is the .capx: caiokawasaki,com/trash/construct/capx/construct01.capx (change the coma for a dot)

    And a pic if you want:

    And here is a live preview: caiokawasaki,com/trash/construct/004 (change the coma for a dot)

  • I think you want a "for each" condition.

    Click "GoldMine -> Is overlapping player"

    press "C"

    Double-Click "System"

    "For Each"

    choose "Player"

    How does that work for you?

    Have try it and things get very weird:

    Here is the result: caiokawasaki,com/trash/construct/002 (change the coma for a dot)

    It spawn's a lot of "gold"...

    Then i have tryed this:

    Here is the result: caiokawasaki,com/trash/construct/003 (change the coma for a dot)

    And it works, but there is a problem. Both "gold" go just to one collector, now the question is: How do i make the "gold" go for each collector?

  • My problem: When the player (green box) comes within the collision field of some gold mine (big yellow circle), works perfectly, however only works when there is one player. When there is more than one player in the same collider it works as if there is only one player. And this can not be so that the players are then the more collectors you create, more gold can be collected...

    Hope you understand my poor English...

    Here is some pics:

    If you prefer, a link to the "game": caiokawasaki,com/trash/construct/001 (change the coma for a dot)

  • ..., is to use a container to add a different sprite to your character sprite and have it act as the collision detection.

    Nice, I had not thought of in the containers, I will do some tests to see how they work..

  • You can create an invisible sprite called collision check and set it's position to the character every thick, and use this sprite in your events to create the logic.

    My question is: If i have more than 1000 sprites, how can i assign the collision check to each sprite? I don't know how to make the collision check and the sprite work as if they were one. If I had only one character would be easy to do, but if I have 1000 for example?

    The player and the AI will can create an arm, things can't be static...

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  • First of all I'm sorry for my poor English.

    Well, in the image above you can see, the player sprite (green), the Enemy I sprite (yellow) and the Enemy II sprite (red). Both have a smaller and a larger circle, the smaller one is the character (player/enemy), and the largest circle is the character collision area. What do I need? I need that when any character come into any other character collision area, they attack themselves.

    I do not know if that changes anything, but there may be more than 1000 characters ...

    And I have no idea how to do this ...

    I hope you understand my problem, thank you.

  • 6 posts