cacotigon's Forum Posts

  • I use this feature a lot in Sublime. Visual Studio also has an equivalent (Ctrl + ,) which brings up a "Navigate To..." window.

  • andreyin

    Oh! I gotcha, for a moment there I thought it was a multiplayer game and you were trying to support chatting in Chinese using a sprite font. Nice packing on the spritefont btw, Chinese is perfectly legible even at that small size. Reminds me of the Chinese text I would see in NES games way way back.

  • No problem. I tend to agree with you programaths regarding the simpler solution. I usually go for the abstract way of solving a problem because it's what I'm used to in my work. But I think from a case scenario perspective, simply creating one extra family does the job just fine.

    Good luck on your project.

  • andreyin

    I've done quite a bit with Chinese in Construct.

    Are you going to use a sprite font? Because that's the only text type object that supports custom widths for each character like a space with "0" width. If you do, your font is going to be HUGE unless you're implementing a very limited subset of Chinese/Japanese.

  • programaths

    Look at rexrainbow's rex_uid2prop plugin as well. It lets you get instance property values via UID indexer.

    Did you understand my example, or do you need me to explain it further? Families keep distinct SOL, which is why it works.

  • Ashley

    As I said in the earlier post:


    CopyFamily is designed to be used generically with any sprite object type. The above logic could be drastically simplified if one simply created a RedSquareFamily specifically containing only the red square object type.

    The example you posted only works specifically with the Red Square object type. If I wanted to run this same type of logic test for Gray Box against Gray Box, I'd need to have a family just for Gray box as well. One family for each test. I was demonstrating how one could create a generic test for future reference.

  • I'm confused, what exactly is wrong with showing your friend the event sheets in the Construct editor? Or are you trying to give the impression that you coded the game from scratch in javascript? (which is kinda deceptive)

    In either case, the event and layout code is stored as a collection of XML files under .\Layouts and .\Event sheets assuming you saved the project as a folder. If not, you'll have to extract the capx which is basically the zipped up contents of the project.

    The actual code of an exported HTML5 project is basically stored as JSON on the data.js file. This script is then fed into the c2runtime.js file.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sauxez

    Take a look at this article in the Construct 2 wiki which talks about default instances:

    I have a feeling it's related. Basically, when you create something at run-time, it sets the default properties of the new instance to the "prototype instance". If that prototype instance has gravity set to 0, then so will any new instances at creation.

  • Beaverlicious

    Both fighting franchises are still going strong. Street fighter 4 is the latest one with SF5 in the works.

  • I never understood why people like Mortal Kombat, those games sucks so bad. The controls are awful and it looked so rigid comparing to Street Fighter...

    uhh.. maybe because it's a fun game?

    Seriously, some of us weren't so exclusively minded that we couldn't enjoy both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Each game had their merits.

    Talking old-school console here, MK for Sega Genesis, Street Fighter for SNES:

    + Mortal Kombat had that rotoscoped art style which made each fighter's movement incredibly fluid when compared to the two or three frames that SF might use for a given attack.

    + Street Fighter had a deeper and more technical combat system.

    Mortal Kombat also had the better movie (not that *that's* saying much but still). :p

  • Yes that is true. You can't have two different SOL for the same object type. A workaround I've used in the past is creating a family called GenericFamily which contains every sprite object in the project. Using GenericFamily in pick statements resolves this problem. Note that following the comparison event (overlap, etc), you'll have to repick the GenericFamily using the normal object type in order to access any custom instance variables, for example:



    For anyone else who looks at this, this logic tests all right-hand screen Red Squares to see if they overlap at -64 X with *ANY* Red Square (including left-hand screen ones). CopyFamily is designed to be used generically with any sprite object type. The above logic could be drastically simplified if one simply created a RedSquareFamily specifically containing only the red square object type.

    The local variables don't serve any practical purpose. They're just to demonstrate how one would compare identical object type's instance variables in subsequent sub-events.

  • Old school favorites:

    Lifeforce/Salamander for NES

    For nostalgia - not a particularly difficult game. Loved that it mixed horizontal and vertical scrolling levels in the same game.


    DoDonPachi (favorite bullet hell)

    This is just a classic, found an arcade in Taiwan that actually had it and played the "bullet hell" out of it.

    Mushihimesama because I secretly hate myself.


    Apogee's Raptor: Call of the Shadows (loved upgrading my weapons in that game)


    And basically every Touhou game for the art style and music.

    Finally a personal favorite (I'll be impressed if anyone else here has played it):

    Steel Empire for the Sega Genesis

  • All conditionals are by definition subject to the currently picked list. If you need to reset the selected object list, you need to include a "Pick All Object".

    Since you restricted the list of red sprites to those on the right half of the screen, it makes sense that the center red sprite does not detect the sprite on its left (not part of the SOL).

    Changing "is overlapping ... at offset" to ignore the SOL would break hundreds of projects, including one of my own.

  • I saw this happen with a project I was working on 6+ months ago running on an iPad 4 with CocoonJS. Eventually redid the effect using a sine wave behavior and a sprite font.

  • shinkan

    Depends on the edition.

    Unity 5 Personal Edition is free to use and to deploy to all platforms WITH the exception that it will add a Unity Splash screen to the beginning of the game. A small price to pay given the power of Unity.

    Unity 5 Professional Edition is the one you have to pay for, though I would argue that the subscription model at 75/month is more than reasonable and is comparable to other subscription based platforms like Adobe Creative, etc.

    Quote from Unity Website:

    [quote:3g968ol8]Unity 5 Personal Edition includes all engine features: everything that’s new in Unity 5, all the top-tier features from previous releases that are loved by the pros, and deployment to all platforms (with the new Personal Edition splash screen).

    I'm excited to see what Unity 5 will be able to do in the near future. They're pushing pretty hard for the ability to export projects as WebGL HTML5 games without the need for the conventional browser Unity plugin.