C-7's Forum Posts

  • Hey lucid thanks for the update! It seems to work great aside from one thing: character maps. I've used them plenty of times before, but I can't seem to get any character maps to appear in C2. It always just shows the default. I've e-mailed you a minimal C2 example showing it so you don't have to, but choosing to append a character map does nothing with the new rendering method.

  • Debug has a huge overhead. Add a text object to your layout and set its contents every 0.5 or 1.0 seconds to fps (with no quotations). This will show you your current frames per second without the lag introduced by debug.

  • It supports audio scheduling, so I suppose it could be done (by Scirra), but Wait 0 or put your event at the bottom would achieve this for now.

  • And remember that decibels aren't linear. 150 decibel difference is massive. A 10 decibel increase (or decrease in this case) is roughly twice as loud (or soft). 20 decibels less is half of the previous half and so on (approximately).

  • I haven't really had problems with picking or handling multiple enemies independently. An example capx would be easier, but the second half under the "wait" could be organized better (and may be why you're having problems). Give your enemies a private variable 'timer'.

    (assuming it's all under a For Each loop)

    If state = "wait"

    ---Trigger once ----> Set speed 0, set timer to enemies.turnTime

    ---If enemies.timer>0 ----> subtract dt from self.timer

    ---Else, if enemies.timer <or= to 0 ----> (put your flipping and state change code here as subevents)

    A timer, I've found, is a much more controlled way to handle things like this and could be where your picking errors are cropping up.

  • There a system action for "Trigger Once". It will cause your current event to run once while all of the other conditions are met.

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  • I think a switch you can set when you start it looping would be a better idea.

    A layout should be thought of as separate from other layouts.

    I agree a switch would be fine, but I disagree that anyone should be shoehorned into using a layout any way other than how they want. For me, specifically, I have plenty of areas of my game that are spread across multiple layouts where it makes perfect sense to have continuity between them.

  • Hasn't it always behaved this way? Besides, I'd like to control my audio playback myself instead of the engine assuming what I want to do. I want it to loop forever across layouts no matter what unless I tell it to stop. Any other behavior than that would confuse people, I'd think. If it keeps playing and you didn't want it to, it should be obvious what to do. But if you want it to keep going and it doesn't? That's tougher for new users (in my head).

  • lucid - I'm exited to try this out - and thanks for your continued support of the c2 plugin! In addition to the performance gain (or, rather, the removal of the performance overhead) I imagine that this will also make sprite sheet animation import into c2 far easier for updating during development than is currently the case with the native sprites. Will it be possible to simply over-write the Spriter files in the c2 project folder each time, or will they have to be dropped into the c2 editor for this to work? Either way it'll be interesting to compare the performance with that of native sprite animation.

    As an aside, are you able to give an update on Spriter mesh deformation development?

    Hah this immediately made me think "hey, this sounds closer to mesh deformation integration."

    lucid I have a pretty high amount of animated characters in my game, so I look forward to trying out the new mode and providing feedback.

  • C-7 I always wondered: since you have kids and it seems you work from home, do you have a separate room for work, work in the same room with kids, have your earphones on, work only when they are not home? Or you are a zen master that don't care about noise?

    It's a careful balancing act of all of those. I do have an office (I teach trumpet lessons out of it as well), but there's still stuff in here the kids can play with. I also have a TV with my old N64 hooked up to it, so my four-year old loves playing that stuff when I let him. I generally don't work when the kids are both up and active--I either do housework or stuff with them. If the younger one takes a nap, the older one can play in the back yard (I leave window open to watch him) or, if he's been good and has done enough other stuff, he can play games for a while. He beat Ocarina on 3DS, so he's enthralled playing it on N64 and pointing out everything he finds different. I can usually get in about two or three hours throughout the main part of the day, though obviously not straight-through nearly ever. I stay up after everybody about 3-5 nights a week to work for another two or three hours. I'm pretty immune from noise unless I'm working on music (which I do with headphones typically anyways).

    So the kids do have a play room (I built them a slide in there too!) as well as their shared bedroom or living room to play in, or they'll bring stuff to the office and play with it. They're perfectly allowed so long as all that stuff doesn't stay in there (it's big, it's supposed to be a second living room for the house). But I can't really get burnt out during the day at least because I'm often doing stuff with them or taking them out for various things or just pushing them on the swings out back for a while. They like watching me do woodworking in my workshop as well.

    So I find as much time as I can between making sure I spend quality time with them and teach them things first. I just also believe it's important for them to have alone playtime every day too so they don't become over-reliant on daddy. I also sleep less than I should, but more than I used to! For reference, they're 4 and 2 years old.

  • It's generally about 3-8 hours a day with Sundays off for rest. It varies a lot because I watch my kids all day too.

  • Once you import the wav file, so long as both an ogg and an mp4 files are both made, then all platforms are covered. Feel free to delete the wav file. Though C2 has discarded the wav file for a while now automatically... are you using an old version?

  • At least from watching your video, you should expect diminished performance whenever debug is open. The "inspect" tab of debug can get REALLY cpu-intensive and will cause issues like this with fast-moving objects. There's no way around that, it's processing a crapload of stuff. It should be used for checking values and profiling stuff, never for actual gameplay comparison. The lag introduced by the debugger clearly makes the object miss or pass through your objects. This is both expected for stuff moving too quickly and a side effect of lag spikes. If it's always moving to the same Y value and the same timings, I don't think ANYTHING in your game should rely on collisions but just straight math and values.

  • Is there a particular reason you can't put it on the same layer (set to 'force own texture'--this is required) with the Source Atop blend mode? Like this?. Of course this means you should make a separate background layer, but that would be a good practice anyways.

  • lucid - Hello lucid. Do you know an efficient way to preload scml objects because I experience delay of the scml object to show up when the layout has just started or the object has just been created. Do you know any efficient workaround. Thanks.

    Until lucid gets back to you, I just have a fade-in after a one or so second wait at the start. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I think the load-in is only for the first time that run, so I suppose you could go through a blacked-out dummy layout at the beginning to get them all going in memory before you go to your regular layout.