Wait 0. Bam. Thank you. Now all I need is a "purge" tool. Get rid of all the variables and objects that don't get used or called. Woooo I **** at organizing.
Can't help you with objects (all non-global objects in previous layouts get removed when you go to new layout anyway so the point is moot) but for variables, consider using several dictionaries instead of global variables.
1. It will be far easier to transfer events between projects.
2. If you keep track of what each key in the dictionaries do using excel and such, it is extremely easy to organize variables and ensure no redundancies (which is important when you intend to improve and update your game). (Actually you should do this documentation anyway for global variables if you are using them since having all of that documented in one page is far better than having many of them in different event sheets, confusing you over what do what when you plan to improve your game after several months.)
3. Using different dictionaries to serve as categories, you can reset values as you wish, which is important for certain games.
4. Your event sheets will look really nice and compact without global variables cluttering the top.