C-7's Forum Posts

  • It's tough to know exactly what you're talking about without a screenshot, but set snap to grid to at least 1x1. This way, you won't be dealing with subpixels. Depending on your art style, you could also switch to point sampling in project settings. And, if you're unfamiliar, when you set the snap to grid settings, don't click off of the numbers until you've clicked back on the previous number entry box--otherwise, the values get reverted. You'll see when you try it.

  • Here's an example:

    Live example in browser

    Here's the associated capx:


  • Use a variable. Add or subtract to the variable and then set the angle of the object to that value. Then, all of your comparisons can be done off of the variable instead of the angle of the object.

  • Thanks for the advice and kind words OddConfection <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I just started a Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16 ... ar-nomad-2

    I should have done a Kickstarter simultaneously with the Greenlight campaign, cross-over the audience/clicks early on... but I didn't plan to, as I can finish the game without extra financial assistance. I had planned to use free music & sound effects to save money and dropped the idea of using painted scenes to tell the intro and ending story.

    But I think Star Nomad 2 deserves better so I'm talking to some composers now to negotiate and contacted my favourite artist for the scenes.

    Sadly I still suck at promotion/marketing so its limited to a few posts on gaming forums and that's it. See how it goes, whether a good game can market itself or $$ for marketing is a must...

    On the subject of music, I think I've done more with interactive soundtracks than anybody so far with C2 (as far as I've seen), and I totally believe in supporting fellow projects. If you need help with implementation or how to even go about the stuff, let me know. If it's a route you're interested in trying, make sure your composer of choice knows what an adaptive score is and how to do it (it would be the music seamlessly changing itself or re-ordering itself based on gameplay). At least judging from the gameplay video I've seen, it would be a really neat approach and would add a lot to your game.

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  • The capx would be a sprite, the mouse plugin, and then that exact event sheet. I screenshotted the entire thing. You might need to check out the manual or a tutorial on how sub-events and object-picking work--my capx wouldn't change anything with your understanding of those. If you're trying to affect multiple objects, you might need to look into "for each" loops as well.

  • Probably, but it's just as easy to do it through events. Give your object two instance variables (I'll call them "goforit" and "fade" for the heck of it).

    Now it's a little unclear exactly what you're looking for, but it sounds like you want to activate a fading loop/psuedo-flash once you click on an object. I also presume you want to turn the behavior off. By default, both values will be 0.

    On Click, set "goforit" to 1. You'll use this as a toggle to active/deactivate the effect

    From there, you'll just compare the state of the object and change the opacity accordingly.

    Here is an image showing the events to make this in a very flexible way:

    300 is the speed of the fade, the rest is state management.

  • Thanks for the compliments! I have a new post on my DevLog too that shows off some of the magic abilities your Courier can get. Check it out and keep the game in mind!

  • My system is probably not as technical as a lot of people would make theirs out to be, but it works great for me. I just have a list of every quest in my game (I keep a spreadsheet). Each one has a number assigned to it. This corresponds to an in-game column in my data array that I store everything in. I just change the value of each cell to correspond to the status of the quest. Typically, 0=Open, 1=In Progress, 2=Complete unless the quest needs more to keep track of. I do the same thing for puzzles, chests, and objects throughout the game--the game just checks an instance variable on an object vs that cell in the array to see what to do (or not do!).

    Is it the best way to do it? I'm sure it isn't. Does it work flawlessly and do everything I need (and is easy)? Absolutely.

  • Good luck on the Greenlight! You deserve it with all the hard work you've put in. Don't worry, you're going to get through Greenlight, even if it takes longer than you plan for. Courier got through just fine. And it can be a downer reading about other games not doing well on Steam, remember that your game is likely completely different from theirs (I assume you're talking about Daniel West's article). There, fortunately/unfortunately, is not a good comparison game to be made in the game industry. As much as people try to tell you stuff, every game is its own case. There are certainly things that help, but each game has its own unique production and sales story. Push through with the game you believe in and try to get as many others as possible to believe with you--that seems to be the only thing that is constant in game production. That said, your game is already looking pretty polished, so I'm sure you'll do well.

  • Thanks! I forgot to tell you I already did that, it works perfectly

    Thanks a lot!

    Hah okay good! I look forward to what you make with it!

  • There is no difference other than you having a harder time in the editor from placing your tilemaps on different layers or on the same. Putting them on different layers or the same doesn't change rendering or anything. Tilemaps aren't some huge cpu or gpu hog or anything, either, so don't be afraid to use more than one. I'm pushing far more than that in Courier.

  • Just off the top of my head, do you have pixel rounding on?

  • jucelio It's really simple. Here is a quick demo.

    import an image capx

  • This thread sounds awfully similar to what you're trying to do. See if the guidance in there helps you out.

  • It shouldn't be much of an issue. You aren't targeting mobile, are you? All bets are off with mobile, but with pc you'll be just fine. I have a ton more than three layers in my game.