buzz700's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Alright here's what I did wrong. What lionz said was the correct way of doing it. My problem came with the conditions I had to stop the sound.

    My enemies had a death animation before the object was destroyed so I needed the sound to stop when they stopped moving. I had "is not moving" as the condition for the action "stop sound."

    I made the condition "on destroyed" to test and it worked as intended whether I had 2 or 20 instances of the enemy. Even though the sound plays during their death animation, it properly ends the sounds as they should. So I made a separate event that had the original condition of not moving as well, and no matter how many instances I had, it stopped the sounds as it should, while also stopping it when the enemies had their death animation.

    Hope someone can learn from my mistakes :)

  • Although it does work as intended with a few instances, it seems to have trouble after 6 or 8 instances of the enemy. If I happen to kill the enemies very quickly or all at once, the sounds persist for a few seconds after they're destroyed. But other times one or two instances of the sound continue playing forever after the last enemy is destroyed.

    It definitely works, to a point. Will have to investigate this more.

  • That worked. Thank you very much lionz!

  • Hello,

    I have multiple instances of the same enemy in a layout. When they're alive, they play a looping "buzzing" sound. As the enemies are spawning in, a new "buzzing" sound plays like I want it to.

    When one of them is destroyed, I want to stop the buzzing sound of the one that was killed. What ends up happening is that the "buzzing" sound stops completely for all instances, because my only option for an action in my event seems to be "stop buzz."

    Any thoughts on how I can make this work?


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  • If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines, as otherwise it's impossible to help.

    I'd point out some problems like this one may be an issue with your graphics drivers, system, browser extensions, or other third-party software on the system - it's not always Construct that is causing the problem.

    Ok Thank you. I will do that. I will check every other possibility that could be causing it first. This hasn't happened with any other update, just the most recent one. Hopefully it's one of the things you mentioned

  • Every minute or so in preview mode, the preview screen as well as the editor screen goes black for a few seconds, and then when it comes back, there are many objects missing on screen. This repeats every time the project is previewed.

    It then gives me this:

    Here is the copied text from the error message. Hopefully it can help the Construct devs fix it. As of right now I cannot continue development until this is remedied. Thank you.

    Error report information

    Type: unhandled rejection

    Reason: Error: Error compiling fragment shader: null Error: Error compiling fragment shader: null at lka ( at async bk.Sb.R6a.Pd ( at async pk.Sb.Q6a.Gkb ( at async Promise.all (index 0) at async pk.Sb.Q6a.vea ( at async pk.Sb.Q6a.r8 ( at async Fcb (

    Stack: Error: Error compiling fragment shader: null at lka ( at async bk.Sb.R6a.Pd ( at async pk.Sb.Q6a.Gkb ( at async Promise.all (index 0) at async pk.Sb.Q6a.vea ( at async pk.Sb.Q6a.r8 ( at async Fcb (

    Construct version: r368


    Date: Thu Nov 23 2023 23:05:30 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

    Uptime: 170.5 s

    Platform information

    Product: Construct 3 r368 (stable)

    Browser: Chrome 119.0.6045.160

    Browser engine: Chromium

    Context: browser

    Operating system: Windows 10

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1

    Logical CPU cores: 16

    Approx. device memory: 8 GB

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

    Language setting: en-US

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)

    Numeric version: 2

    Supports NPOT textures: yes

    Supports GPU profiling: no

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: (unavailable)

    Renderer: (unavailable)

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 1024


  • Solved my bullet issue. Went line by line and when I deleted the boss the action "destroy bullet" was triggering with no condition, since the boss was referenced in the condition before. So as soon as I was shooting it destroyed the bullet.

    I still have the underlying issue of my boss enemy not working, but I will post a new topic if I run into an issue that stumps me after trying different methods to solve it.

    Hopefully there's a lesson there from me being dumb lol

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to help

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  • Do you use layers? Is layer 0 correct?

    Might be the case that layer 0 is your background layer and therefore hiding the bullet.

    Layer is correct. 0 is the game layer

  • I don't know why this is happening, you might want to ask some users such as dop2000 or RojoHound about it, perhaps even Ashley if it is an engine bug.

    One idea is that perhaps your layout's assigned event sheet was changed? Check the layout's properties tab and check to make sure it is using the right event sheet.

    Other than that, I don't yet know what the cause could be. Sorry :(

    Checked all that and it isn't the problem. I'm sure it'll get resolved one way or another. It's just frustrating when you run into problems like this. I appreciate you taking the time to help me :)

  • Ok here is the events in question

    bullet sprite is still in project. All behaviors unchanged. Canshoot still works just as it should when looking at the debugger. Nothing logically makes sense as to why it would stop working. I just have no direction to start looking where it could have gone wrong. The bullet just doesn't spawn.

  • I have over 700 events in my project for context. Also the way I prefaced it made it sound like it had a problem with the boss events. But basically to clarify, everything was working as intended and then now one of my basic functions (player shooting) just doesn't work when clicking the mouse. The boss events were in a separate group from anything else, and that group has since been trimmed down alot when trying to rectify the boss issue independently. Everything else has been untouched pre-break.

    I don't think sending screencaps of my shooting events would help since there have been no changes to them right before or after it broke. But I would send them if I find the issue lies with them specifically.

    I guess what I'm trying to get at is: are there stability issues I should be aware of in construct? Is it possible to have too many events? Things along those lines because I don't think the issue stems from the event sheet.

  • So far I'm loving this software. Game is coming along very nice. However, I tried making a boss enemy, and it was working just fine until something broke and it started ignoring actions and doing things on its own. No issue at first, just have to figure it out. Then it just wouldn't work period even when there was only one event giving it a move to command. So I deleted the boss enemy and started over. Now whenever I preview the layout, I cannot shoot even though NOTHING ELSE has changed. No other events have been changed. Variables are all as they should be.

    Are there any engine bugs I should be aware of? Has anyone else had issues with things that worked fine just ceasing to function even though logically everything is ok in the event sheet? I have no idea how to remedy this and it is getting very frustrating, to put it lightly.


  • 12 posts