Burvey's Forum Posts

  • To be honest I went into this thinking that I wasn't going to like it. With that being said, I really enjoyed it a lot! When I finished the level I found myself wanting to play more. The way you have the obstacles set up is exactly how it should be done in games like this. Your image memory is quite high and I'm not sure why for such a small level. Are you using a big background image rather then tiles? That may be something to look into moving forward. Also, I'm not really digging the art style of the player character. IMO it doesn't really fit with the rest of the art (which I think is great). Good work so far!

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  • No problem. I'm glad you got it figured out.

  • AlceX Yes, the original Zelda games are an influence for Endoro's Quest as they were favorites from my childhood. I'll take a look at the youtube videos, they sound interesting. Thanks.

  • If you post a capx or even an image of your event sheet it will make it much easier for us to figure out what's going on. Also, in the future, please post stuff like this in the "How do I" section of the forum as this is not a Construct 2 bug.

  • I've had the same issue myself. You'll want to use the container method spacedoubt stated above. Using the second method causes trouble if you have a lot of sprites.

  • I'm pretty sure that's what I did in one of my games in the past. I made it 2x2 pixels or something and then just had it always follow above the player to detect overlaps.

  • You could try pinning an invisible sprite above the sprite and check if that is overlapping a solid object or not.

  • Yeah, I figured as much, but I wanted to put it out there anyways since you asked for feedback on the editor. I'm sure it's going to turn out amazing. As usual if you need any help just let me know.

  • The game mechanics part are great for the most part, barring the few bugs which you already know about. The editor part will need some work if you're planning on charging for it. In my opinion it needs a cleaner and more intuitive interface. A drag and drop would be really good. As an example, instead of having all the different buttons, you could do something like have a scrollable area at the bottom (or side) of the screen with all the different parts which can be added in it. If you click on or touch a part it cycles through the possible colors. A styled slidebar just under or beside the part could size it up and down etc. Once the part is ready you just drag it where you want. Even better, make it so that the parts can be edited even after being placed. Make it so you can touch/click directly on the wall, floor, cabinet etc to cycle through those options. Basically just clean up the look of the editor and make it a bit easier to use. I hope that makes sense. Sometimes I have trouble putting what's in my head into words which others can understand well.

  • blackhornet oh yeah, that's a good one. Nice find.

    Yeah, that's really cool. Some of the sounds take me back to my poker days in the casino (hearing all the slots in the background). The ball is still slipping past/through the flipper sometimes even with the CTRL key. Some things are just a pain to get rid of haha. Also, the LED display was showing game over while I still had a ball in play. The red text (game over) didn't show up until after I had actually lost though.

    It's a good first step for the editor. Once it gets all polished up it should be awesome. I'm looking forward to new ramps and chutes. Have you considered adding some dynamic lighting effects based on collisions/scores/player actions etc?

  • You should be able to do that using a sprite image for the menu portion and two shaders, one for each of the distortion effects. I've seen shaders on the forums that can do stuff pretty close to what you want so I would start with a forum search for those and go from there.

    Here are a couple threads to help get you started:



  • What do you have so far in your code Bobbyneal100? Do you have your player attacks and animations in yet? Enemies?

  • Thank you. Just finished up taking a short holiday break. Today I completed work on one of the 9 towns currently in the game, Tundra Outpost, home of The Frosty Tintinnabulum Trading Post! Next I'll be working on the 5th dungeon. This one is going to be water based and focused on puzzle solving.