burningcake's Forum Posts

  • i asked for help on level editors that are not just really basic crap often here and never got a suitable answer.

    Theres one in the scirra store which i purchased but its not working anyways.

    Best example was from a guy on patreon but that one is also missing the ability to save as file .

  • only chance is using signalingserver.js from scirra and use it on a LAN PC.

  • I´ve added the canvas thing. If you check the debugger the number of snowflakes will go up to a certain point (300ish) but then stay around that number as all snowparticles that hit the ground will be put on the canvas and then destroyed.


    I can´t provide a capx because I use C3 and this is the C3 forum anyway but you should be able to open this in the free version and check it out. Should be pretty much the same thing in C2 except you need to use the 3rd party canvas plugin construct.net/en/forum/extending-construct-2/addons-29/plugin-canvas-41782

    Hi man i just finished my demo , it is quite nice looking and the average amount of sprites stays at 900 maybe all the time

    but will look into your post now

    EDIT: well the canvas way does not work here : emtee.cc/demos/src/snowtest.c3p with tilemaps.

    But nice idea ! I hope i can get it to work for the platformer template too

    but for now it works take a look :) it looks really awesome

  • Hey, try something like this.


    You probably should have the snow "melt" after some time being stuck because if it keeps snowing and snowing it will create more and more sprites (not ideal for performance having 1 million individual snowflakes around) If you want to keep the snowed on effect you could also use a canvas object on top that you regularely copy the sprites on (which can be destroyed after) to save performance.

    That sounds good ! Thanks for your help, is it possible to show me what you mean with canvas in a capx ?

  • i know i can make a sprite snowflake with sine behav, so it tingles and falls down.

    All good.

    But how do i manage that the snowflake sprites will stop falling and stack up on solids like ground / trees / player etc ?

    I just want that the player gets snowed in a bit on his head when idle and the snow should fall off his head when he moves again :)

    Any help appreciated , also i work with this capx : construct.net/en/tutorials/animated-falling-snowflakes-486

  • Colonel Justice Hi, what are your's plans for the project? I want to mess with the first person game in Construct.

    Will you share your current updates? As a paid plugin, maybe?

    I would even pay him 50 bucks for a basic template with this features but i doubt this will ever get released in any way. Its been so long without capx or stuff so i dont think this will ever happen .

    I dont know why he just dont uploads this to github so others can contribute too and make this thing a great one for the community of raycasting games but well... another great thing rotting

  • Constructenstein 3D

    Due to popular demand, I'm right now working on the updated raycast engine for Construct 3. It's aim will be to let you people create your own raycasting games with Construct. It can do less than Doom, but more than Wolfenstein 3D.

    I've ported most of the features from my first attempt in C2 and heavily focused on usability and performance. The template will be using Freedoom assets under the BSD license as I don't have too much time to create my own from scratch.


    -Optimized 3d raycasting engine that will do all the heavy lifting

    -Easy to use level editing in Construct 3 layout editor

    -Pickups, weapons, ammo, health, keys, etc.


    -Colored fog effect

    -Different enemies

    -Different projectile types (hitscan, rockets, plasma balls, etc.)

    -Difficulty settings

    -Doors, secret areas, touchplates

    -Function library for total engine control

    -Ingame menu overlay

    -Customizable controls

    -Will come with full documentation

    Some ingame impressions

    Editor layout

    Release date: When it's done

    Although it's been a year since the original preview videos on Youtube, stay tuned!


    Why teasing forever, just make a GIT repo so everyone can help there :/ i am following this thing for years now and i cannot wait longer :D

  • > imgur.com/a/ofwBY7b


    > getting this error in latest c2 version on testing.


    > also shooting and axe slashing wont deal any damage to enemies. is that normal ?

    Hi, You get error due somewhat broken mouse or look behavior I have this one too and developer maybe fix it sometime later when he is going to port engine to C2. Right now I think this example is just to make stuff render in Wolf 3D manner. Engine is still early in development. So I think you could just use it for rendering walls and objects while the rest you could make yourself like I did. I hope this answers your questions.

    i am not quite good with this topic, i know C2 quite well for platformers and stuff but thats new..

    would you mind sharing your updated version ?

  • Check weltenschmid's fix on the mouselock behavior:

    > Aw crap, can it be that posts randomly get deleted? Just posted the solution and a minute later the post was nowhere to see... might be that it suddenly may appear again. My post count is on two but the search just shows one?!? Schräg!


    > Okay, got the quick fix. Just saw that they realized it as well in the MouseLock forum section and are working on an update. For us it's simple: Go to the the Construct 2\exporters\html5\plugins\MouseLock_Ver_0.5 Folder open runtime.js and at line 440 comment or delete the following lines:



    document.pointerLockElement =	/*document.pointerLockElement 	||
    > 										//commenting out the above line makes this work as intended. Don't know why.
    > 										document["mozPointerLockElement"]	||
    > 										document["webkitPointerLockElement"];[/code:u8ds4d4m]
    > That does the trick! If you feel like tidying up you can set the MouseLock Object's property to single click and remove the left click event. 
    > By the way, the RealDanyyy used the situation to his best and promoted his MouseLock plugin: [url]https://www.scirra.com/forum/new-simple-native-like-mouselocking-plugin_t199484[/url]
    > Might be of interest to you?
    > So now I feel like tinkering! Cheers! 
    > -------
    > Update: Didn't knew if it was me or was it just an illusion that you had hitting scenes in your screen shoots I thought. So I sought for the source of the missing hit. Don't know why you are setting the bullet's targets at the start of the layout and not at their creation time, but after changing it, the striking and shooting works again! Woot! 
    > [img="https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Kdg_N1ENIgg/WrAkYdj7C-I/AAAAAAAACFE/YlXo_Dj9qWEbu4bI-Nww5okTrjwPB-LzACLcBGAs/s640/bulletOnCreated.jpg"]

    yeah i fixed the error but a newer capx would be awesome, would even pay for v0.5 ! since the raycast template in the store is absolute not worth it. this one works much better but its kinda useless to me without even damage to enemies ..

  • Development is starting back up! Over the past 2-3 days, I've been pushing out tileset work for the gamekit and I'm proud to show off the gamekit's new interior tileset!

    Tileset screenshot

    Nice to see that its still WIP !

    do you want to teamup ?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Update 0.5

    This ain't dead just yet!

    Features / useful additions

    • Particle system composed of billboard sprites
    • Sprite & wall world placement are now calculated from inverse transformation matrices - removes a couple of displacement issues
    • Floor & ceiling rendering
    • 3d bullets - projectiles can bounce in 3d space
    • 3d raytrace for hitscan weapons
    • Objects have height(depth) on Z-axis (collision detection)
    • Looking up/down + mouse aim
    • Texture precooking engine (set ambient, diff color, texture maps, then at level start the slicer will load the texture in the raycasting image banks)
    • Fake lighting using Tint / Tint Mask effects
    • Colored distant fog + weather effects
    • Post processing: Aiming motion blur

    Some eye candy


    thanks for the update post but wheres the capx ?

  • imgur.com/a/ofwBY7b

    getting this error in latest c2 version on testing.

    also shooting and axe slashing wont deal any damage to enemies. is that normal ?

  • Hi all,

    i am working on a new custom wrapper for sharing your games in .exe single file format with small size.

    The only problem is i cannot find out where to bypass / unlock the HTML5 game to be allowed to run locally.

    Anyone know how ? i guess its somewhere in the c2 runtime ?

    EDIT: i found a quite nice post from gamemaker guys at yoyogames, explaining in detail why this happens , and it turs out it should work with a basic webserver ran locally.

  • Hello Ashley and Tom, Hello Scirra Team,

    is there a chance to get nextcloud aka owncloud services integrated to c3 ? I dont really wanna move from my cloudserver to dropbox or smth like that

  • There's a difference with infrequent, long-term software releases that reach their pre-announced retirement. Nobody expects support past their end date, and people can plan for it. I know that even if you understand the way the support works and wouldn't complain, lots of people definitely would. This would also include cases like schools with a lab full of students ready to take a class, and then suddenly they find their software isn't working, even though we released a fix for it. Also as someone who really cares about producing good quality software, I just can't face the idea that we'd shrug this kind of thing off; we have an obligation to support our software and ensure it works for people who have paid for it, and we cannot simply shirk that responsibility without going through a formal retirement process. This is why people would rightly get angry about it.

    Meanwhile, as of right now, if you use Construct r182.2 or older with Chrome 80+, it crashes when you drag a bar. Old releases like r83 crash on startup. This type of thing happens. We have around 16 stable releases and the numbers always going up - supporting all of those with on-going bug fixes would be a nightmare. And doubtless we'd be dragged in to endless debates about precisely where we draw the line for what qualifies as an essential fix that gets backported to past releases - everyone will have their own personal bar for that.

    I'd add even with Construct Classic we had to make occasional updates to track things like new Windows versions, and even Windows Updates that broke things. I do remember checking once and I found it didn't work out of the box on one system without further configuration, so it probably is in need of maintenance, but it won't get it since we formally retired it.

    Well, thanks to your time writing things down a different way here i can get what you mean.

    I think it may be a thing of different perspectives and personal taste here! I mean from the developer side it indeed IS a very good and well planned strategy.

    Also i never thought about the company that is selling a product and has to act different. Im sorry for that !

    However i am thankful for your anwers and i guess everyone has to go with time sometimes ^^
