Bugasebi's Forum Posts

  • You should look in the side-scroller and in the flappy bird clone in the example files.

  • As stated in the title I want to know how do I make my basic stick character a ragdoll upon death?Any tuts available for this kind of thing?

  • Thank you very much :D a few more problems to solve and I can get to the next step of the game -The shop-

  • Thank you Bertie,it seems I have a lot to learn about events :)

    But one more thing,I want the coin to spawn everytime that particular block appears on the screen and only spawn once.

  • As stated in the title,I want to spawn coins(collectibles) on random generated objects at a random interval,how could I do that?I have tried imagepoints but got nowhere.

  • I try to make an obstacle with a gap between polygons,like an a sprite made out of 2 sprites that I can spawn trough the event system.

  • I want to create obstacles similar to the game stick run cdn.sheeparcade.com/resources/mmo/images/screenshots/stick-run_3.jpg but I don't want to use families,is it possible to do that without them?Or is it imperative to buy the full edition?

  • This is awesome!

  • How to I save coins or score in a game for android/iOS?Is it the same as on PC where I make an event that will save all my achievements and stuff or this works only on the browser?

  • You should post a capx so someone here could help you by maybe improving the events.

  • I want to create an obstacle in my autorunner much like the ones in stick-run from facebook.

    The thing is I don't know how to make an obstacle of more than 1 object and how to spawn it in an event.

    1 more thing...I don't want to use families because I have the free version.

  • Well,thank's everyone for the help,don't know how I missed that in the manual.

  • I am making a platformer now and I encountered 1 small problem...

    As a platformer I want it to have more levels but every level seem to need it's own event sheet.

    How to make those levels to have the same events as the main one but without copying it?

  • I was thinking about families also and searched trough the internet for them and found that they can be very useful in what I want to make,unfortunately I don't have bought C2 at the moment but a capx would be nice and could make me understand what are and how can I use families.

    Thank you!

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  • Actually the construct 2 manual is what made me quit construct 2 one year ago,and using those sample projects I did created an alpha version of my game but you are not helping here...Thank you for the advice anyways.