brunopalermo's Forum Posts

  • Hey johnken!

    There are many ways of doing that, but if you must use bullet behavior you'll have to put "decision points" at each intersection. These points would be invisible objects that trigger a "path decision" when the bullet (Enemy) overlaps it. It's not the best way to make a Pac-Man game and definitely would not allow for the complex AI the game originaly had, but would do for a simpler game.

    Hope this helps...


    Hay muchas formas de hacerlo, pero si necesitás usar el bullet behavior, tendrás que poner "puntos de decisión" en cada intersección. Estos puntos serian objetos invisibles que dispararían una "decisión de camino" cuando el bullet (Enemigo) pasara por ellos. No es la mejor manera de hacer un juego de Pac-Man y no te vá a permitir usar la IA compleja que el juego original tenía, pero alcanza para un juego mas sencillo.

    Espero que ayude...


  • Hey Jonsoen!

    It's pretty hard to answer that without seeing your code. How are you sending the data? If you're using php/MySQL, maybe it's a problem on the php code.

    Share more info and people would certainly help you out.


  • Hey Grimmy!

    The problem is probably on the other condition (On Main_JSON_Data exists). When you comment the first one it doesn't happen, so the error goes away. Could you share the whole thing? Maybe a print would do.


  • I didn't know we could detect particle collision... Nice to know! Thanks dop2000!!

  • If the projectiles must behave as bullets, I would suggest you use the bullet behavior and several projectiles at once. If they're just eye candy, a particle object would do...

    Here's an example using bullet behavior.

  • Hey desriix!

    I was away for a while, since it was Carnival here in Brazil.

    A permutation table is a randomly ordered list of values with one ocurrence of each value only. For instance, a permutation table with 6 values could look like [1,3,0,5,2,4]. So, if you get the permutation table values in order (1, then 3, then 0...) and use them as indexes for your questions array, you would be actually getting all questions in the array without repetition, in a random order. Is it clear?

    Check this example and let me know if you have any doubts.


  • brunopalermo Actually, with multidimensional arrays in Construct is equivalent to,0) or,0,0)

    Hmmm... Didn't know that! Thanks for the info.

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    Can't access it... :)

    But looking at your screenshots I noticed you are using Array.At incorrectly.

    You are reading Players.At(0), Players.At(3), etc, when you should read Players.At(0,0), Players.At(3,0). You see, when you use Players.At(X,1) it works, but if you read Players.At(X) on a bidimensional array it won't read anything, it should be Players.At(X,0).

    Hope this helps...


  • I understand your frustration, and I just checked it and it really happens 100% of the time.

    I have one question, though. Does such a small deviation, one hundred thousandth of a pixel, have any impact whatsoever?

    Just curious. :)


  • The array method should work, but you could also use a permutation table from the Advanced Random object so you don't need to rebuild the array.

    Hope this helps...


  • Yeah. This is fake code just to illustrate.

    Like I said, if you're more specific, I can give you a more specific method.


  • Just add an extra condition (a variable) to whatever condition you're using to move the player and set this variable on collision, reseting it to allow movement when the events are resolved. If you tell us how you're moving the player, I can be more specific.

    For instance, if you're using the Keyboard object it would be something like this:

    if (Keyboard is Down && movingAllowed == 1) {
    	<Move the character>
    On collision {
    	Set movingAllowed = 0;
    	Wait X seconds;
    	Set movingAllowed = 1;


  • Didn't know it wasn't global. Being using monthly subscription for a while... :)