There is an issue about collide animation's custom collision border.
When I press keyborad "X",Sprite Actor will change "move" animation to "attack" animation.
(I set the collision border for each frame of animation "attack".)
And If the "monster" collide with the Sprite Actor animation that is playing "attack".The "monster" will decrace 10 life.
(I also set the collision border for each frame of monster's animation and frame.)
But sometimes the "monster" will decrace 10 life for twice.
I try to solve it for few days,I think I need help.
What I may sure is:
- the Sprite Actor's animation "attack" just palyer for once.
- does not matter witch system "occur for once".
- does not matter with condition's sequence.
And When I set the time rate to 0.1.I saw the collide action done twice when the issue occerd.
I could not figure out what happened.I could set a timer to solve it in a bad way.But I think it should have a better way to solve it.