Brokwerk's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • I'm sorry I can't help you with that. I myself use PhoneGap for building!

  • I don't have experience with cocoon (I use phonegap) but for that I use cranberrygame's cordova-plugin-game and it works great!

    Don't forget to manually insert your app id in the config.xml file because construct2 doesn't seem to copy it to the file.

  • This is really difficult, and I have found many C2 tutorials are out of date (as well as some of the C2 google plugins). Not to scare you off but it took me a solid two weeks to get my game up and running. I will walk through the process really quickly to give you some starting points to start searching. Google is your friend!!

    You will first need to export your construct project with "cordova". start there.

    Then you will have to build the actual APK. I know some people use something like CocoonJS but I have an adobe creative cloud account so I use PhoneGap to build APK's.

    It should be as simple as pack all your export files in a .zip. Upload that .zip to phonegap and it compiles an APK for you, you can test on a mobile phone.

    To publish on Google PLay you will need to sign your APK's. you will need to download the Java JDK and run a commandline tool to generate a .keystore file. This can also be uploaded to phonegap to sign your APK so phonegap compiles a release version of your APK which is needed by google to upload it to the store.

    In between you will have to alter the config.xml file in your construct export to accommodate changes you would like to make to for instance your IAP or google play plugins. Also I have found phonegap doesn't automatically build an ARM ready APK which is needed for most mobile phones.

    As you can tell, google it! I am writing an elaborate tutorial on my site. But due to the extend of it it might take a while..

    Hopefully I have at least given some points to start you off...

  • Most likley your scaling option is not set correctly , and your resolution will probably be off.

    I would in any case suggest when making an app to use at least a layout size of 1920x1080 (or 1080x1920) to view well on most mobile phones. 400x600 is also a strange resolution given most devices are 16:9 and not 4:3.

    check out this tutorial

  • You could use "choose". I figured this out some time ago. This operation chooses (haha) a random option form what ever you give it. You just plug it in the set text property of your textfield. So instead of saying set text to "blah" you say set text to;

    choose("A", "B", "C", "......, "Z")

    (this also works for playing random sounds, spawning random objects etc)

  • I have found (working in the games industry for over 10 years now) sharing ideas only makes them better! Most people you'll encounter here or on other forums just want to help you, in my experience everyone is way to busy with their own games to take on more work anyway ;).

    Yes there are bad people online (duh!), even those trying to steal your ideas. But they are scarce.

    Btw, mechanics are just mechanics, you can't even copyright them so you could copy any AAA titles mechanics and walk away with their ideas. What makes your game unique is you. Your "touch" in execution that makes your game. I could tell 5 designs a game idea, and a handful of mechanics and end up with 5 different games.

    But maybe I'm the naive one :P...

  • My tip would be to start with something easier. Try some of the tutorials, make a few small games and get used to programming, construct and solving problems. Mastering a piece of software is hard, takes a lot of time and practice. Start small and work your way up. Starters always want to make their biggest boldest dream games straight away, but I'm sure you'll find yourself very very demotivated if you don't get to know construct and programming in general first. It will take time but last you a lifetime!

  • Nobody who ever encountered this problem?

  • I guess people are going to say they need to know what the error is?

  • He!

    I am the "if it looks stupid but it works it's not stupid"- kinda guy so first of I don't know anything of how your project is set up but I would make an effect something like;

    1. Put the water on a deifferent layer underneath the grass tiles and everything else.
    2. Have the water extend out from it's parameter (because I guess you would like the reflection to start not just when the character is at the edge of the water)
    3. Check if the character is overlapping the water object
    4. If so duplicate the character, but mirrored and flipped (i assume the image point is at the bottom of the characters feet)
    5. and change the oppacity...

    Then If you no longer overlap with the water destroy the duplicate character...

    Now I haven't tested this and there might be waaaaay better solutions but something along those lines would be my firt attempt

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  • Hello all!

    The title says it all... IAP.ProcuctPrice("xxxx") does not seem to initially return any values. Only after I make an successful purchase the price shows up. I searched the forum for answers but all I found were three year old topics stating IAP.ProductPrice() doesn't return any values at all. However again it seems to work but only after I made an successful purchase.

    Because it "sort of works" I find it hard to troubleshoot my self.

    On start of Layout I add the ID's, then call request store listing and on succes fill my text fields with the appropriate "" & IAP.ProdcutPrice("xxxxx").

    It seems, IAP.ProductPrice() is just empty... I have a few fall backs which should change my text fields to show "error" if anything goes wrong with getting the listing, but they don't trigger. The text fields just stay empty, unless... i first make the purchase...

    Does anyone have any clues what could fix my issue?

  • 11 posts