briggybros's Forum Posts

  • 1. Yes, use the system, for each action. So: ... amily.capx

    2. Try reducing the cell size parameter for the path-finding behaviour.

  • Hoping this plugin can help

    Looks like you'd have to recreate the cursor.

  • LabSimulator I would say that the every X seconds method would not be ideal as it would appear more jumpy.

  • The every tick event doesn't really 'overload the system' not unless you're doing some heavy stuff on it.

    Maybe something like this?

  • can you give an example capx of this?

  • So create an event using the "every X seconds" event. Then add a condition of "mouse button is down", and then use the same action for firing.

  • What you are currently doing is, when the mouse is clicked, wait 1 second and fire the bullet.

    What I think you want to be doing is, every X seconds, is left mouse button down -> fire bullet.

  • I don't think there's anything for this built in, but what you could do in events is to draw a line between the sprite and each light source of the specified tag. Then if the line touches a caster of the same tag, then the sprite is shaded from that light source. For all sources of the tag, if there is a line between sprite and source which is not blocked, the sprite is not in shadow.

  • I think that you need to implement it yourself, that would help you more. I don't think me practically making the game for you will help at all. I will try to help you understand how things work, but I won't be making your game.

  • You need to use the AJAX plugin to request a web page and have the webpage output the value you want, based on any parameters you supply.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • google docs

    any git host - look into github.

  • Here is an example with the changes I added: ... oject.capx

  • Jophiel, For problem 1, I would create a new frame to the block's animation which is a red version. Have the animation set to not play from the offset. When spawning the block, do block.setframe(round(random(1))). That will make half of the blocks blue and half of them red. Then add a block.oncollision(player) & system.comparevalues(block.animationframe = 1). Add the action: system.restartlayout.

    For problem 2, you can use the variable 'time'. This is a number which represents how many seconds have passed since the game started. If you start straight into the game, then you can just use the variable. If you have menus etc, you will need to store the 'time' at the point the game starts, and then the time for the game is just time-gamestarttime. Then to make more blocks spawn over time, set the upper limit of the for loop to say, random(0,3)*floor(1 + time/25) So every 25 seconds the number of blocks spawned will have a larger probability to be more. To decrease the time between block spawns, the current method you are using is 'every x seconds' -> spawn some blocks. You have used x as a constant so blocks spawn at constant intervals. If you want to make it go faster over time, then you need to make x smaller over time. This could be achieved by having x = initialtime - time/10, so this way, every second the time taken for the blocks to spawn decreases by 0.1 of a second.

  • One would think that the method you devised would work, I tried other methods using both the Touch.TouchID, and Touch.TouchIndex, bot yielding the same result.

  • Jophiel, sure, what's the problem? And I've only ever released one game and it was a quick thing I did when messing with C2 after a period a hiatus