briggybros's Forum Posts

  • Would it be possible to improve the NW.js capabilities?

    I've been playing around with it and found that there are parts which are not easy to accomplish.

    • .exe icon. - This can be changed using some external program to edit the .exe file after export. If this other program can edit it, why not C2 on export?
    • Parameters. - There appears to be no way to use startup parameters with games exported via NW.js. This can be achieved by loading the index with the nw.exe file which is downloaded to run C2 files with NW.js in the first place by adding the runtime parameters as get values and then using the browser object to read these values. Is there no way that this too can be incorporated?
  • I've looked into nodewebkit and there is supposedly a --url parameter. I can specify this by running the nw.exe with the argument but not an exported game. I was thinking that if this were possible I could use it to add startup parameters using the browser's get function.

    NOTE: I have just tested and I can run my game through the nw.exe instead of my game's exe with the --url set to "file:///C:/Users/Gregory/AppData/Local/Temp/nw5848_5102/index.html?param=true". This allows for the game to have a startup parameter set.

    Is there an easier way around this or am I stuck using this method?

    Also, is there a way of using nw so that it looks for all of the files in the same directory as the exe, or just any other directory besides a temp one?

    EDIT: I found that by opening package.nw and editing the 'main' value of package.json I could create a startup parameter, but not one that is editable on startup.. so not much use

  • Thanks

  • oh.. updated now

  • Hello, I'm trying to make a splash for my game. I have made this as a first idea:

    I'm a big fan of 2001 a space odyssey which this is clearly homage to. I'm hesitant to whether the use of this is acceptable due to copyright and stuff. Is it okay to use this in my games? If it is, would it really be suitable or does it just seem like a gimmick?


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  • Nice game For a little extra challenge have you tried giving the blocks the physics behaviour to make stacking a little more challenging?

  • is your best bet with native C2 but without a 3rd party plugin I don't think it's easy.

  • I would recommend the xml option. You can do this with the AJAX object and the XML object. You can read the tutorials here:

  • Construct's evens can be very coherent if you use them in such a way. If you let your events get messy then that's down to you. I know it can be difficult as I have been frustrated over untidiness in event sheets so many times. However, with good usage of the Function object along with groups and multiple event sheets you can make your projects very neat indeed.

  • Am I correct to think that this is still not implemented within the actual editor?

  • When exporting with Node-Webkit is it possible to check if the program has startup parameters?

  • I didn't save it sorry. It was just 4 coloured boxes. Two groups, one which had sprites 1-4 and another which had sprites 1-3. Then what you see in the screenshot is all I did.

  • Something like this should work, although it may not be ideal because of its reliance on two families, one with 4 and one without.

  • Hello, I'm looking for an artist to help with my game. So far I have been doing all of the work myself and while it's the best I've ever done artistically, it's still pretty rubbish. I cannot pay for this work which I know may be a problem, but if you're as passionate about the idea as I am and want to help; hit me up on skype, my username is briggybros.


  • Note: This is nowhere near completion, I still have loads to add I just though I should share it as it is a work in progress <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Orbital is my first serious game. I have made games before both with and without Construct (Although the ones without tend to not go so well in terms of graphics <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad"> ) but this is the first one I want to make really good.

    The plan is to make an MMO(ish - max 2368 players right now) space battle simulation game. There is one galaxy to play in which consists of 37 'sectors'. There are (or will be) 2 teams, or factions, or some fancy name fighting for dominance of the galaxy. Each sector in itself is a game using Construct's native Multiplayer object.

    Each sector will have objectives which a team will need to complete to gain influence in that sector, where as the opposing team must stop their enemies from completing these objectives while having to complete their own. Say blue team has the objective to destroy red's space station and complete it, the blue team will gain influence in that sector and the galaxy as a whole. Red team would lose influence and also get an objective to rebuild the space station, which on completion raises their influence. Note that none of this is yet implemented.

    The ships in the game are controlled using the physics behaviour, and I hope to add bodies of mass such as asteroids and planets with gravitational effects. The bullets(implemented) and rockets(not yet implemented) also use the physics behaviour.

    To check it out visit:

    Any suggestions, feedback or criticism, please comment below!