brick334's Forum Posts

  • Not sure how, but this fixed it. Not sure how I did it but I did.

  • Well, you don't need to create a revolute joint every tick, doing it once at start should suffice like in the tutorial. Other than that if you've followed the tutorial it should work as far as I can tell. Are you sure you're applying impulse to the correct image point?

    I followed it down to the T but it seems I missed something. I'm rebuilding it again to see what i missed.

  • Howdy

    So, I'm trying to set up a simple flipper akin to what would be in a pinball machine. I found a nice tutorial that uses physics Behavior but when I run it, the paddle jitters up and down. It also seems to ignore my inputs. any suggestions?

    so far this is what I've done.

    • Create the paddle
    • give it the Physics Behavior
    • set linear/angular damp to 1
    • For every tick > Create limited revolution joint ((Ive set it to an "anchor" in the scene))
    • added "add impulse" on click
    • every tick set impulse opposite to what is the click

    by the by, this is the tut i was following.

    thanks for any help.

  • So basicly, I tackled what I think is what you wanted. An elevator that goes up and down, only stopping at each floor automatically. The elevator can be called and then the player can get on and take you between levels.

    The way it works is a tandem system where one object drives another object, periodically. That is,

    sprite (A) moves every three second a given distance. Sprite (B) scrolls to it smoothly and stops. Repeat.

    Sprite (B) is the elevator and so Sprite (A) is the motor. However, we have to take into account that the Elevator is always in one of three states: Up, Down, and Call, where call is the only state triggered by the player.

    so, when the level loads, we set the initial state to Down. Which drives the motor to snap between floors. Once it makes it to the bottom most level, it changes to Up state. If the player "Calls" the elevator, the motor is instantly snapped to the floor that the player is on. Remember, the motor can snap anywhere, but the elevator will always smoothly scroll.

    I've attached a capx with notes on it.

    I also encourage anyone else to see if they can make it better. I feel that, although I got the end result, that it could be a bit tighter. But hey it works.

  • .......................... ... 8335316787

    you sneaky baach.....beat me to the punch. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" />

  • My question is, what kind of door are you going for, a revovling door or a plain door? I ask because if you try the following.

    I get a door that opens, not smoothely but it opens.

  • Also, thank you for any hints, tips, and tricks.

  • So, I'm trying to build a dungeon generator based on some tutorials I've studied. So things have been going well up till this point. What I want is the rooms to spawn separately, without overlapping. and I can't seem to figure out a good method. I've tried a few for each blocks but nothing seems to be working.

    Any ideas would be welcomed.

  • hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to check this out. So...on to the problem.

    I've decided to develop a game that I guess is simple in design but complex in structure....if that makes any sense. Essentially, its a dungeon crawler/rogue-like/zelda game. So....gauntlet and Zelda got in bed and half way through Rogue was like,"rome for one more" and though zelda was hesitant at first she warm.....nvm, going off tangent.

    So after trying my own thing and failing miserably, I decided to check out the tuts and found to promising tutorials for one of my obsticles: the world or dungeon and how its generated.

    link here



    with respect to both, very awesome tuts and I mainly used the later only because of its simplicity and ease of tweakness I guess. Though I have not strayed to far off the initial code, the few problems i need to solve are the following.

    • 1. When the rooms are generated, is it possible to instead draw from a select set of sizes. Right now I'm generated rooms which are between (128,320) in the Width and Height. So that I don't end with too small a room and to large a room. An alternative::: I was thinking that perhaps it would be easier to generate a sprite with different animations set to different styles of rooms. I was also thinking these could house points where things like doors or other things could be spawned. Making it not only easier on where doors or items could go, but creating corridors that lead to rooms or just spawn an adjacent room. Any thoughts?
    • 2. Overlap: I keep getting rooms that end up overlapping each other. I've been trying to come up with a formula or set of events that check for each instance if they are overlapping. IF they are, then maybe the following would work room1.width + (room2.width/2)[/code:2jnbt3p6]. I just can't seem to figure out how to implement it.

    So, yeah any help would be fine. I can post my CAPX if needed. Also, bear in mind I have the free version..I can't afford the main version yet.

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  • Wow...okay, first off Thank you very much for your help. I managed to cobble up something rudimentary simple. For a while now I was un-able to reply but fortunately whatever it was it's fixed now.

    Thank you very much for your reply.

  • can I post yet?

  • Hello

    For a while now, Ive been trying to develop what at best I call a Goomba Type AI. Many know what a Goomba is but for the heck of it, A Goomba is a common enemy found in Super Mario Bros.

    My goal is that for the game I'm developing, the base of the AI i want to create is simply an enemy that moves back and forth while on a platform that occasionally stops and moves again.

    Eventually I want to expand this to do other things but at the core this is what I'm trying to achieve. I've searched through he forums and have not turned up much. I have looked at the platformer beginner tutorial on the tutorial's page and while that did help out, its not quite what I was hoping for.

    I know AI is a tricky thing to come up with so any help would be awesome. Eventually once Ive cracked this, I want to right up a tutorial that other's can use or expand.

    btw, its my first forum topic so please forgive any errors in my post setup.

  • So here is a picture of the fix for both landing facing right and left, and even idle.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    and here is the X-file. (forgive the pun)

  • Thank you for the quick reply and I would love any help you could here is the capx file.

    if its alright...while you look at it, im going to try and see if I can set it up the way you mentioned.

    *edit* more thing...I my file crashed before i could save it so this is the new build...came out better i think...same problem though.


    SUCCESS....I think i did what you said. What i did is i created an even with the following conditions (i hope thats the correct term)

    If PlayerCtrl has landed and the current animation is "fall" and the Right Arrow is down Then set PlayerSkin to "run".

    So i made for the when the Right arrow is being pressed and one for when the Left arrow is being pressed. This is what you mean by checking the conditions right?

  • Howdy yall...

    I just started messing around with construct 2 and I'm really impressed so far with how easy it is to learn. However, I've sorta run into a snag, I was working on the tutorial and around page 6 I ran into a problem. Not so much with the tutorial but with my animations.

    So this is the pickle of my dilemma:

    The animation deviate from the tutorial in the following. I have a idle, idle to jump, fall, and landing animation (that is an animation that moves from fall to idle).

    what is messing with my strudel is the fact that the animation wont go through completely. I can go from idle to jump and running to jump no problem. However, on the flip side, I can only go from fall to idle, not fall to run. That is if I press the right or left arrow while jumping and hold it...instead of going straight to the run animation when the sprite touches the floor, it locks up and stays on the fall anim. I've tried several things, as well as inverting some events but I still get the snag.

    Right now what i got is:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    so...any ideas?