problem with physics - pinball "like" paddle jitter

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    So, I'm trying to set up a simple flipper akin to what would be in a pinball machine. I found a nice tutorial that uses physics Behavior but when I run it, the paddle jitters up and down. It also seems to ignore my inputs. any suggestions?

    so far this is what I've done.

    • Create the paddle
    • give it the Physics Behavior
    • set linear/angular damp to 1
    • For every tick > Create limited revolution joint ((Ive set it to an "anchor" in the scene))
    • added "add impulse" on click
    • every tick set impulse opposite to what is the click

    by the by, this is the tut i was following.

    thanks for any help.

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  • Well, you don't need to create a revolute joint every tick, doing it once at start should suffice like in the tutorial. Other than that if you've followed the tutorial it should work as far as I can tell. Are you sure you're applying impulse to the correct image point?

  • Well, you don't need to create a revolute joint every tick, doing it once at start should suffice like in the tutorial. Other than that if you've followed the tutorial it should work as far as I can tell. Are you sure you're applying impulse to the correct image point?

    I followed it down to the T but it seems I missed something. I'm rebuilding it again to see what i missed.

  • Not sure how, but this fixed it. Not sure how I did it but I did.

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