brick334's Forum Posts

  • So, i know construct 2 has lost support, but I still like it. I'm curious if there's a way to access the manual or documentation you would normally see when you click the blue text inside the engine. For example, when dealing with expressions, there was some blue text that says "Help on Expressions". Every time I click it now, it takes me to the site to get construct 3 and the online manual has been watered down; Why? no clue.

    Any help would be great.

  • Hello and good day,

    I'm working on an AI for an enemy in the vain of old school beat-em ups. Examples "TMNT Turtles in Time" or "Streets of Rage". The first thing I wanted to see about getting right was if the enemy was either roaming, curious, or actively hunting the player. For this, I came up with two solutions and was curious what would be the best move to take.

    The first was giving the enemies two "line of sight" behaviors. Then checking one after the other. A "stop light" type of mechanic that worked out rather nicely.

    At each stage, it simply escalates from green, to yellow, to red.

    The second was one where I compare the distance between the the hero and the "nme" or just Enemy. Marking a certain distance to switch the "nme" from state to state. Again, escalating as needed.

    What I'm curious and hope to hear everyone's opinion on is what would be best to go with? I ask because I plan to have several enemies (NME) on the field that will hunt the player. So is it better to forgo the LOS and go for the second style? Would using so many LOS bog down the game?

    Just a curious question. Also, if this inspires anyone for anything please by all means use it. Let me know if it does.

  • Not including Construct 3 (Obviously not a cheap solution if you already own C2)

    the easyest solution right now is to use phonegap's still working online cloud builder.

    The most stable and powersul way however is to have Cordova CLI. Its complicated for initial startup, but after some time, as you adjust, will be fastest.

    Here is guide for local Cordova CLI building

    But for beginning I reccomend using build.phonegap

    I will try to give the CORDOVA CLI method a try, looks complicated but nothing ventured nothing gained.

    I did try using phonegap but it didn't work. Most of the tutorials I found online didn't explain much and I'm not sure what I did wrong.

  • Better to move onto Construct 3, it builds it for you. I think I previously used phonegap and it generated apk from the exported cordova files. Saying you had no success or it didn't work doesn't really help us.

    I unfortunately can't make the move to C3, can't afford it. Not sure what else I can say, I tried the above methods I mentioned and they didn't work. I know that's vague and I do apologize for that but just not sure what or how I can ask.

    at the end of the day I'm just looking for a set of steps or guide on exporting from C2 to an APK that android can use.

  • Does it happens with an empty project and putting one sound too? If still happening, could you send the project file so we can test if your project works in a different computer?

    I also would try with Firefox or check if Chrome is updated.

    have a nice day!


    So I made a simple project, added a placeholder sound that meets the requirements and made a simple command. "Click the purple square --> play sound". I try to demo it or test in browser and it does not work. I then changed the preview to firefox which didn't occur to me to try and bingo, I could test it. Not sure why but it seems chrome does not like to preview stuff. what would be a good way to add a file so y'all can take a look? I got a rar or the capx whichever is needed.

    Anyone know why chrome don't like construct 2?

  • Forgive me if the question has been answered but after some time, the answers I find are either out of date or not working. I would like to test my game out and unfortunately, everywhere I turn I can't seem to find a concrete answer on how to export my game. I've signed everything as needed following dozens of tutorials but nothing yields any results.

    I've tried phonegap to no success.

    Android Studio didn't work ether.

    The closest I ever got was using something called "HTML5 APK Builder" at ""

    The game makes it in, I install it, run it and suddenly flashes white and then crashes I think, I'm not sure.

    If anyone knows of a simple way to just get the job done I would really appreciate the help.

  • I have no clue why but everytime i try to implement a sound in game, I get the bottom error in chrome. I haven't been able to ever get a sound to play and I'm unable to find a solution to this. Anyone else run into this? At this point in time, I'm only trying to run one single sound file. It is a "wave" file.

  • Add skin and square to the same container. Each skin will be created and destroyed automatically with its own square.

    As for your first issue, you are doing something wrong. When you create a sprite instance, it's picked in this event. So if you need it to Flash or apply some other effects, you need to do in the same event or sub-events. If this doesn't help, please post your code or project.

    Bruv, its like the smallest thing that can fix everything. So I turned the square, which is the "hitbox" for the enemy, into a container and added the "skin" to it. Now this pretty much fixed everything to a point. Now when the box is destroyed, only the skin associated with it is destroyed. However, the skin would stay where the box was created so, I had to then pin the "skin" to the box and there we go. I have seperate code to function as the A.I to the box and code to handle the animations of the skin.

  • So, forgive me for asking but I could not quite find the right answer after searching the forums and the manual.

    So, this is what I'm trying to do.

    I'm spawning a bunch of squares that move upwards. When they collide, they are destroyed and do a set of things.

    • Award Points
    • Spawn another Sprite
    • Trigger the "Flash" for said sprite
    • Increase Combo Meter

    My problem lies first with the fact that the sprite flash and destruction for the new sprite affect all incoming instances.

    Secondly, I've pinned another sprite to this square. Every time a square is spawned, the second sprite or "Skin" is spawned accordingly. What I aiming to do, like the situation with the flash is when a specific block is destroyed, the "skin" that is pinned to it, is also destroyed.

    Instead,however, when one block is destroyed, all of the instances of the skin are destroyed. This is not true of the initial block that collided.

    I hope i was able to explain myself alright. Thank you for taking the time to look and as well for any reply.


  • Apply a small physics force towards the center of the bowl. Something like this:

    > On every tick : Ball apply Physics force 2 towards position (640, 360)

    Oh...okay, thank you kindly.

  • Your post says "bubbles" :) If you want something like "marbles in a bowl" effect, then it's quite easy to do with physics. Disable gravity, set "collision mask=circle", and on every tick apply a small force to each marble towards the center.

    what do you mean by " small force" towards the center? Sorta threw me there mate.

  • So....i've tried adding a simple sound to my project and for some strange reason, the simple act of adding a sound, not even the file or assigning or anything, give me this error. I went ahead and set it up how i wanted and I still get this error. Any ideas? I hope its okay to post so soon a new topic, I tried finding an answer but no dice.


  • brick334

    I took ROJOhounds example from the thread dop posted, and added a more bubble like image, and the ability to pop and create new bubbles.

    it isn't viable on mobile because the math ROJOhound uses is very cpu intensive... but it looks pretty good.

    oh, it requires the paster plugin...

    wow, that's rather impressive. I found a somewhat lame workaround to get the desired affect. I used the physics plugin and set the density to 500. Made the collision a circle and they group rather fine. Its not a fine as what you have, they again look like marbles stacked together. I'm gonna try an see if maybe I work or tweak it in order to get that "bubbly" look. Again thank you very much for your help.

  • This is not an easy task. See this post, there are some cool examples:

    I took a look at the post and wow, I just wanted the effect of bubbles touching but someone actually made them come together and deform like actual bubbles! The effect i was looking for was more like marbles wanting to stay together but I'm going to study what they posted in the other post. I realize now I was a bit to in the wrong direction with my explanation but yeah, that really helped out thank you kindly.

    Now i just gotta decipher how they did it. ^_^

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  • I'm trying to recreate a common effect when you have bubbles all grouped together. For example, imagine eight bubbles on a screen. Grab a bubble near the edge or in the center of the cluster and move it around and the other bubbles move "around" that bubble. If you pop said bubble, the remaining bubbles rush to fill the space left over. I tried using a joint and a "for each" but that didn't quite work. My goal is to just have bubbles spawn and then "stick" together when they come in contact with each other.

    I eventually wanna make the bubbles sorta "bounce" when they collide but i can do that later with a sine I think.