Hi everyone!
Even though I've been using construct3 for years, I still haven't posted anything about my games. While I have already published them on the play store.
But now I want to share them here.
There are still many incomplete things and many errors, so don't be scared! (if you decide to download them).
I would also like to try to create a game and work together with other programmers, until now I have worked alone. I'm passionate about anime, I'd like to create a game about an anime together with some other programmer. If anyone wants to write to me this is my email. ---fedekgames101eac@gmail.com---
Here are the games:
Lolirock: invaders from space
This is the first one I posted, it's weird, but it works well, try it!
Sgt Frog game (Keroro gunsou)
This is based on one of my favorite anime, sgt frog. But it's messed up, there are a lot of errors, and I haven't worked on it for a year. Sorry if it's in Japanese, in the game there is the possibility to change the language. (there are only a few dialogues).
Space Shooter
This is the last game I made, I'm currently working on it. But I must say that it is paid ($30), I hope in the future to start earning something from this game, but I need to improve it a lot.
((I also have to replace some images quickly, that are taken from internet and it's not good (for copyright))).
But I will, because I really like to draw by hand (yes on paper!:)) and create the images for my games by myself.
I still have to improve, but I'm learning to code and draw at the same time! XP