brendanpoke's Forum Posts

  • What do you think is the best (or simplest) way to make a mechanical octopus?

    What I imagined is a boss at the end of my level of the space shooter game.

    The octopus has a tentacle that moves towards and away from the spaceship and the player must dodge it and attack the boss.

    But I would like it to be realistic and nice to look at.

    Do you have any advice?

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  • Hi everyone!

    Even though I've been using construct3 for years, I still haven't posted anything about my games. While I have already published them on the play store.

    But now I want to share them here.

    There are still many incomplete things and many errors, so don't be scared! (if you decide to download them).

    I would also like to try to create a game and work together with other programmers, until now I have worked alone. I'm passionate about anime, I'd like to create a game about an anime together with some other programmer. If anyone wants to write to me this is my email.

    Here are the games:

    Lolirock: invaders from space

    This is the first one I posted, it's weird, but it works well, try it!

    Sgt Frog game (Keroro gunsou)

    This is based on one of my favorite anime, sgt frog. But it's messed up, there are a lot of errors, and I haven't worked on it for a year. Sorry if it's in Japanese, in the game there is the possibility to change the language. (there are only a few dialogues).

    Space Shooter

    This is the last game I made, I'm currently working on it. But I must say that it is paid ($30), I hope in the future to start earning something from this game, but I need to improve it a lot.

    ((I also have to replace some images quickly, that are taken from internet and it's not good (for copyright))).

    But I will, because I really like to draw by hand (yes on paper!:)) and create the images for my games by myself.

    I still have to improve, but I'm learning to code and draw at the same time! XP


  • Ok now something works.

    I had created two sessions on GA, and in the last few hours I watched the wrong one.

    It started working when I entered the bundle ID, and updated the app.

    I thought it wasn't necessary because I read (optional) about GA, but it was.


  • But... isn't there another way? Simply with the basic construct3 plugins? Like Ajax/Browser?

    I just need a few informations from players, like for all players who installed the app how many reach the final level.

    Isn't there a way to get the report to another my app or directly to my computer?

  • > Is remote preview and scanning with QR code the same thing? I use this feature often. Should it work this way? (so I avoid updating the internal test every time).

    I don't know if it will work with remote preview. But for remote preview you will need to configure browser game and secret keys.

    With remote preview you can set up remote debugging:

    Then you will be able to check for errors in browser console log.

    It still doesn't work even though I checked everything.

    So now I try with logcat and remote debugging...

    Thanks for the advices and links...

  • I haven't used it for several years and don't remember all the details. But at the very least you need to enter the Game Key and Secret Key in plugin properties. And I think the app id of the project should match Bundle ID in GA.

    > Perhaps Game Analytics, in addition to not working on PC preview, doesn't even work in the internal test.

    No, it should work in internal test. It should even work if you make a debug APK and upload it directly to your phone.

    If you are sure that everything is configured properly and GA still doesn't work, you can try getting Logcat logs from your phone. If there is something wrong with GS, there will be an error message in the log.

    Before trying this logcat thing I would like to make sure I haven't forgotten anything.

    I had already entered the game key and secret key, but not the bundle ID because I had read optional on Game Analytics, however now I'm updating the internal test app to try again.

    It should even work if you debug APK and upload it directly to your phone.

    Is remote preview and scanning with QR code the same thing? I use this feature often. Should it work this way? (so I avoid updating the internal test every time).

  • I'm encountering a small issue with my platformer game created in Construct 3 and was wondering if anyone could help me out. When my sprite goes up or down slopes in the game, it starts to shake in a strange manner. I've tried adjusting various things, but I haven't found a satisfactory solution yet. Has anyone else experienced this issue before or have any ideas on how to fix it?

    I would really appreciate any advice or suggestions you can offer. Thanks in advance for the help!

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

    But if it's like I think, you put a function like this: player.x> viewportright(0)-100 --> scrollx+5.

    In this way a tremor occurs because the character does not move at angle 0 when jumping.

    I don't make platform games and I don't use behaviors, so I don't know what your project is like.

    But for my games I found this interesting solution:

    A project example ->

  • GA may not work in preview. On mobile it should be working if you built the game correctly.

    In GA go to Realtime -> Live events. You should be able to see the messaged from your phone. If there are none, this means the plugin is not working. It's either not configured correctly (check the keys etc.), or the app was not built correctly.

    What do you mean by "it's not configured/built correctly"?

    Can you tell me what the possible causes are?

    Something about Play Console? Or what about exporting the project?

    In my project I put only one action that concerns Game Analytics (on start of layout --> Initialize GA SDK).

    On the Game Analytics site I specified that my game is Construct and Android.

    this time I'm updating my public game (not internal testing) to check if that was the problem. Perhaps Game Analytics, in addition to not working on PC preview, doesn't even work in the internal test.

    Or what could be the problem?

  • I'm trying to start using Game Analytics, but it's not working.

    I tried with my app (Google Play internal test channel) and on PC, previewing the project. (I disabled worker mode, but it still doesn't work).

    There's nothing at all on my game analytics page.

    In the events I only put -> on start of layout -> initialize GA SDK.

    I don't understand how this plugin works. please help.

    Or is there another simpler way to acquire some data from players? Without using plug-ins?

  • In event sheets, you can add comments (press Q on keyboard), and these comments can be coloured, both the text and the background, which might be helpful for you?

    That link is a very old link for Construct 2!

    I already know about the comments.

    But what I say is something more elaborate.

    An idea would be: pressing the numbers on the keyboard assigns a color to a row, for example I assign "1" color "red" to condition 10 row 5. and then I assign "1" color "red" to condition 15 row 4.

    And then I should be able to scroll between the 2 or more "1"s with the keyboard by pressing 1+ctrl to scroll forward or 1+shift to scroll back.

    Similar to bookmarks, but sometimes these are annoying too, they could be improved. For example, if you assign a total of 5 bookmarks to "event sheet1" and another 10 to "event sheet2" but at different times, when you scroll forward/backward in "event sheet1" you find yourself in "event sheet2", while you are working only in " event sheet1". something annoying.

    You can open the bookmarks bar and select from there, but it would be nice to put the option to view only the current event sheet in the bookmarks bar.

    Basically I want to say that there are many improvements that can be made, and I don't see why not.

    As your project grows you need more organization.

    Easing and helping the eyes is also a good thing.

  • Hello!

    I was wondering if there is a Construct3 extension or is there a way to do this:

    Highlight rows in conditions and events. It may seem useless but I'm working on my own game right now, there are many functions and events all connected.

    A simple thing like this would help a lot: click with the right mouse button on an event row, there is an item "color/highlight/color text", and by clicking you can highlight the selected row. This would help you mentally connect different events more quickly, reduce stress and increase your working speed, especially when you are struggling to think.

    Nothing complicated, but really useful.

    Something else useful could also be integrated with the find function (ctrl+f).

    I also found a discussion where someone had already asked this:

    Construct3 is a fantastic program! But I think there are a lot of things that could be implemented to increase efficiency and comfort in working.

  • So one possible solution could be to keep track of an offset dx,dy from the object’s xy to rotate around. Initially you’d set that to wherever on the layout minus the sprites position. Then after that you’d update it with a helper function.

    Number rx=0
    Number ry=0
    Function vrotate(x,y,a)
    — set rx to x*cos(a)-y*sin(a)
    — set ry to x*sin(a)+y*cos(a)
    Function rotateSprite(u, a)
    Pick sprite by uid u
    — sprite: set position to self.x+self.dx, self.y+self.dy
    — sprite: rotate a degrees clockwise
    — call vrotate(sprite.dx, sprite.dy, a)
    — sprite: set dx to rx
    — sprite: set dy to ry
    — sprite: set position to self.x-self.dx, self.y-self.dy

    Sorry R0J0hound, I did not understand, you're really smart. I haven't even fully understood what sine and cosine are yet. I tried the first method you described but failed.

    I fixed my game like WackyToaster and I said, but your method seems more ingenious and complex and intrigues me.

    I don't understand if you mean to use the DrawingCanvas object, which was my initial idea.

    I insert the link of my c3p file, can you download it and fix it so that it works? Or create another example project?

    I don't understand what dx and dy are (what the "d" stands for)

    If you have time, explain to me again. Thank you.

  • The canvas is rotating around the top left corner. You can change that in the properties to be centered, but you’d also need to move it by half the width and height when positioning it.

    But I can't do it dynamically via event.

    I'm currently thinking that this isn't a possible solution...

    it's easier to create clippings of all the sprites and create a new "metal parts" sprite and create it every time a spaceship, ufo etc... is destroyed...

    and every time I insert a new type of space enemy into the game, I insert a new animation to the "metal parts" sprite with 3-4 frames.

    Or if you have an alternative idea, please tell me.

    How would you do this?

  • I can't find a solution for my project.

    I created a special effect for my game.

    It works like this: There are many different enemies (spaceship, UFO, asteroid, space monster etc...)

    every time one of these objects is destroyed, functions start.

    Download and try the file and you will understand what I want to achieve.

    The event creates clippings of the image (using and dynamically creating a drawing canvas object and a "mask" with the blend mode destination out) to make it appear as if the ship falls apart when destroyed and the pieces fly away.

    But I can't get them to rotate correctly.

    Could you give me an idea? Perhaps you know another way to accomplish this.

  • I want my character to move through the path. But what I want to achieve is different from the examples in the "pathfinding" behaviors guide.

    In the image there are many dots and lines, if I click on a dot the program finds the quickest path and the character begins to move to the closest dot until reaching the selected one.

    In the examples of the guide there are solid objects that prevent passage and force you to find the path. In my case it's the opposite: the character must move within the dashes.

    I had written a complicated algorithm and it worked, but now I want to update it and I don't understand it anymore. maybe with the "pathfinding" behavior I can get the same result or better and faster.

    but is it possible?