BouncyTrip's Forum Posts

  • You should post this question in the Construct 2 General Forum

  • Try to create an event like this (since I don't know the size of your object i'll suppose the object is a 100x100 button):

    On start of layout ---> Set Button position to X:ViewportRight-60 Y:ViewportBottom-60

    Don't forget to remove the Anchor behaviour

  • I send you a private message

  • DetteMan I'm gald to know I've been helpful

    Also, I'm not sure but It seems you have to copy the function in every event sheet that will require to call that funciton.

  • Actually I am not home so I can't open your project, sorry.

    What about creating an event that ends the level when the object count of all types of enemies is 0? Something like this (multiple conditions single event):


    |Enemy1.count is 0 |

    |enemy2.count is 0 |

    |enemy3.count is 0 |

    |enemy4.count is 0 |


    If that will not work for you, I'll try to edit your .capx file in the afternoon

  • How many objects are you using with physics? Which physics engine are you using? Have you tried different values of stepping interactions?

    Fiamma, per mia esperienza Asm.js crea dei rallentamenti ogni secondo su Android, al contrario box2dweb funziona inspiegabilmente molto meglio.

    Attualmente sto creando un gioco con un solo pezzo che usa la fisica ma nonostante ciò ci sono sempre dei piccoli fastidiosi rallentamenti, sia su vecchi telefoni come l'S2 sia su quelli nuovi con cpu snapdragon 801

  • Just use the Count expression.

    When Enemy.count is 0, level is accomplished

    For any other useful expressions, read this, I hope it will help :

  • You can also use the "Function" object to save all those variables in webstorage.

    give it a look:

    You just need to do the following:

    [Function | "savemygame"] : (save all the variables in webstorage)

    Then you can use that function as an action like this:

    [On tap on SaveButton] : (call "savemygame")

    The action (call "savemygame) will repeat all the actions defined in the [Function | "savemygame"]

  • It works perfectly, but pay attention to performance, because I saw that loading my game made everything slower and I had to revert to webstorage...

    ***UPDATE*** I've just read that some "save" bugs were fixed on R197.

    I reverted to webstorage when the last release was still R196, so I'll give a second chance to the save action , maybe those bugs were the performance killers.

  • You could create a "Loader layout" that will be the first layout of your project that will do the following:

    [On start of layout] Load game

    [On load failed] Go to 'TitleLayout' (if you play for the first time)

    Also, if you save in GameLayout loading the game will bring you to that layout, but I am sure you want to make it start from the Title screen so add this condition to every eventsheet:

    [On load complete] go to 'TitleLayout'

    In this way you can save anywhere at anytime, just remember not to set that condition to the TitleLayout event sheet

  • Ashley Thank you so much for your effort in producing such new releases!

    Construct2 is already powerful, and every release adds a pinch of awesomeness.

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  • How is that possible? Enemyname.count is a specific system expression that gives you the value of the actual number of "enemy" sprites on your layout... Can you submit a .capx?

  • Oh right. Excellent reply volkiller730

  • Post your feedbacks about the new 198 release.

    I found that my mobile game is way smoother even on crappy devices!

  • You could create an event that subtracts 1 from your variable every time an enemy gets destroyed.

    Something like this: [[Enemy] On Destroyed] : |Subtract 1 from Global variable|