> Well, as usual, iOS need special treatment because of... apples.
Well, yeah that’s the nature of Apple isn’t it? It’s a different OS to Android. But isn’t Construct is sold as a platform that allows you to develop for both Android and Apple with limited developing experience, because the internal devs are on top of technical advancements? Are we to believe that Game Salad, Game Maker and Buildbox etc are also facing the same problem because Apple is just being a bit ...Appley?
We know GDPR threw a spanner in the works 6 weeks ago but surely that’s enough time to have sorted this? Yes you’re squashing a lot of bugs - some of them I’ve posted myself and I’ve thanked the devs each time, but developing new features while current features are broken and are frustrating your paying customer base?
Yes, we can make apps for both iOS and Android using Construct, but if (like a large majority) of app devs we want to include basics such as mobile ads then currently we can only have Android that’s GDPR compliant.
We know Apple are difficult to develop for, that’s why we pay for products like Construct, because the devs for these products know how to develop for Apple.
And going forward, in regards to Apple being difficult, awkward or whatever, I don’t need to hear that, I only need to know when the issue will be fixed. You guys are the devs - they’re you’re issues to deal with. We’re the paying customers - our only issue is to pay the subscription fee each year.