Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • Just updated it. The pop up appears now right before the Play/How screen 👍

  • Google ads for iOS are screwed in Construct. Not only does the Google GDPR pop up not work in iOS the adverts themselves don’t show when the correct Ad IDs etc are entered into the Mobile Advert plugin and the app is built with Test Mode set to Off.

    Today I got an email from Google saying We Have Lift Off and said I was showing Google ads - this came after I tested the game with Test Mode off, so Google thinks (or perhaps actually is) it’s showing adverts on my game when in fact the adverts simply aren’t displaying.

    Somebody sort these issues out please - it’s beyond a joke now.

  • Thanks for the reply and setupdetails.

    So like sachos345 you're setting up the Mobile Advert properties for only Android, correct?

    Also, do you have "show ad free option" or "Show purchase option" enabled? I don't have a paid version of the game so I have it unchecked.

    I have Admob set up for both Android and iOS. I haven’t shown it above, but in my app I have the ‘Mobile Advert configure’ event branching for Android and iOS so I have both sets of App IDs in the event sheet. When I export I just change the App ID in the Mobile Advert property panel to match either Android or iOS then export for Android and change the App ID and export for iOS. Ideally there’d be two App ID text boxes so you could enter Android in one and iOS in the other.

    I don’t have a ‘show ad free’ option as I don’t have a paid version available.

  • To get mine to work I did the following:

    On the Mobile Advert plugin properties:

    • fill in Application ID
    • fill in Publisher ID
    • fill in Privacy Policy URL

    On the first page I want the ad to show:

    • System > On start of layout > Mobile Advert > Configure: app ID "APP ID HERE", pub ID "PUB ID HERE" privacy policy URL "PRIVACY POLICY URL HERE", show purchase option false
    • System > On start of layout > Mobile Advert > Create banner advert "BANNER ID HERE" size: Smart portrait show: true

    This makes the app automatically show the GDPR popup once the page loads. The user chooses to accept the cookies or not. If they want to change these settings I have a sprite to click on that opens up the GDPR settings popup again.

    • Touch > On touched SPRITENAME > MobileAdvert > Show user consent dialogue

    This all works fine on Android - obviously not on Apple because Scirra can't get it to work on iOS because because.

    Hope this helps :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • *bump*

  • I'm on r105 - had mobile ads working fine for the past couple of months with Test mode on when built in Xcode.

    Turned off test mode and built via Xcode again and the ads aren't appearing now.

  • When sending my users to rate my app I need the url of the app in the App Store and the Google Play Store, but I don't have the URLs until the game is live.

    Do I have to make the game live first then get the URLs and add them to the game and make an update, or is there a way to access these URLs before the game is sent for submission or is live?

    Thanks all :)

  • Great thanks :)

    To get the sprite I've pinned everything to move I'm guessing I need to use bullet behaviour - is that correct?

    So if my sprite starts off at position 0, 3840 and needs to stop at 0, 0 how would I achieve this?

  • I have a popup message asking my players to rate the game on a layer called RATE. The layer is made up of several elements (stars, buttons, text etc).

    Rather that having the panel simply appear as it currently does when the user presses the rate button, I want it to shoot up from the bottom of the screen, then shoot down below the screen when they press the close button.

    How would I go about this? And would I need to replicate the actions/events for each element, or is there a way to group all of the elements into a single named group and just apply the actions/events to that group?

    Thanks all :)

  • Getting the same error here. Is this being looked into? Removing Google Play plugin to get an app to build isn't an acceptable solution.

    And I am getting more a bit tired of these random issues popping up from release to release to release.

  • Going to submit my first app to the App Store this week - been reading I need to supply screenshots for each iOS screen size. Does anybody have a list of required iOS screen sizes?

    Thanks all :)

  • thanks for testing. I also get the same results on my very old Nexus 10. What Android device are you using?

    A Moto C+ Pulse Max - about 6 months old.

  • Is this supposed to automatically show the Consent dialog box if the player is in the EU?

    I have the updated advert plugin added and setup in my game Ball Walker for Android (iOS waiting approval). Would someone in the EU mind downloading it and let me know if you see the user consent dialog automatically?

    Just downloaded it on Android and I get the loading screen, the title screen with Play and How? Then the screen goes white and loads a banner add at the bottom then just hangs on a white screen.

  • So is this thing working for iOS yet, or is that a stupid question?

  • When using the social share plugin( is it possible to insert emojis in the body of the message?

    Thanks all :)